Welcome to this weeks spec and drek. This week looks a little more promising than the depressing last week for new comics.
DC Picks
Dark Nights Death Metal #2 is the first pick. Ah yes, we get Robin King (some might not agree that this is an actual first) in this issue but will the market be swayed or go another direction? Sold at at a lot of retailers, Midtown still has them in stock. TFAW still has the 1:25 in stock (ignore the cover, seems they got it mixed up with the Capullo BW cover in their listing).
The honorable mention goes to Nightwing #72, where Punchline makes her way onto the pages and story, leading up to Joker War. We should have spoilers for this one as well since there’s a little more going on in this issue that might cause some to pick it up.
Venom #26. It’s the first full appearance of Virus and they’re on the cover. Sure Venom #25 2nd Printing hits stands as well but which came first? Plus as Venom #25 2nd print has Virus on the cover, he’s on the back since it’s a wraparound cover. Booooo!!!!
Go with Venom #26, it’s gonna be the winner winner, chicken dinner! Might take time though, this print run is gonna be huge as everyone was anticipating him and the other character (that’s not in this issue but yet some groups are still in denial from our original spoilers).
Indie and Small Publisher Picks
It Eats What Feeds It #1 is my first pick. Out from Scout Comics, this was a great series (yes, I was blessed with the entire series for review in advance which I spoke of weeks ago).
There’s a pretty cool limited Templesmith variant as well, which I believe is limited to like 600 or so copies for the trade and under 400 for the virgin. Remember when Templesmith variants were all the rave?
Murder Hobo #1 is another Scout Book I did a sneak peek preview a couple weeks back. Hilarious new book for mature audiences. The art reminds me of the hit kids show Gravity Falls (which my 12 year old has started all over in binge watching once again on Disney+).
Antarctic Press really hasn’t had a lot of books catch my attention lately but this one grabbed it, due to it’s sci-fi nature. This one goes to Offworld Sci-fi #1 which I think #2 hits stands as well, at least Midtown has them listed but sold out. The most recent sold #1 went for around $15 with not a whole lot of others listsed, just the old 1993 Magazine with the same title.
Now on with the dreaded “drek” pick, every writer and artists worst nightmare when it comes to selling their hard work. The book to avoid or not fall victim to in buying at ratio inflated prices.
2020 iWolverine #1. Whoever thought this was a good idea at Marvel should be fired..
Hey hey! My drek became Poyo’s drek! Drek brothers! I maintain that the lower case “i” is two decades late for a topical reference to Apple. Plus, there’s a “Hector” Wolverine? Who the hell is that?
Heh.. Marvel made it easy this week for sure!
Just watch, the biggest first appearance of all time comes out of iWolverine 2020 for some reason…
Haha… I always said I was awaiting the day my drek pick ends up being the best pick..
Templesmith variants are sick. To bad they are not out there like they used to. His art style is just WOW!!!
I really dug his style back in the day.. over time though they became less and less impressive for some reason.. but yeah, I still like his style.
But that’s with every artist. At first it’s like wow. Then later on the works start to be more rushed and less appealing.
Yeah, sadly we’re seeing now the same thing with Momoko. She’s $$ so retailers are capitalizing but it’s gonna backfire. I’m only buying if I want for the PC.. I’m not betting anything she puts out now will be great flip unless it’s HTF or Get as a ratio’d variant.
Wait….you’re not picking any Wednesday variants? I hear their covers are the ones to get this week… ?
Hehe, they almost made the drek pick but nothing could top 2020 iWolverine… I’d buy every Wednesday variant before I bought iWolverine..
FYI Offworld is back in stock at midtown.
Issue #2? Cause #1 was in stock when I wrote this yesterday..
So what about that “on sale Wednesday” venom cover you told us would be all new art, not the pastel and words?
I ordered 7.
Theres a sketch in wednesday variant possibly…
Yeah but what are the odds.
Swing a miss on this one by me.
Hopefully completists will want some of these.
If you look at comic books heating up spoilers the Robin king doesn’t even show up in death metal# 2
That was Anthony (yeah, I’m blaming you Anthony) and I already updated folks on the forums.. with the bad news!
It’s a $20 book. List it for $15 and walk away quickly with $105. No hurt there
It was bad intel from a retailer. But never seen people complain about selling them. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=venom+26+wednesday&_sacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1
Announcing early that there is possibly a sketch in a comic just means only retailers will get them. All issues will be searched before they even make it to the shelf.
Agree…never understood why they would let that info out in advance. Leaves little to no chance for the customers to get them…unless your LCS is oblivious or looking out for ya.
I think this whole sketch thing is a hoax or prank.. I heard someone on Facebook posted a pic, then took it down… but Key Collector updated their app and site with the info.. probably before verifying with Marvel. Sigh!
Plus if they were going to do a sketch, every sketch in the past inside books was always polybagged.. I seriously doubt Marvel would slip in sketches not attached to the book that could easily fall out, etc….
It’s called speculation for a reason. If it was called money in the bank then I would understand why u would be upset. I saw a thread on cbsi Facebook where a guy claims he has a sealed box Of 240 cover A of 120 boxes. Puts the print run around 28,000 on just cover A. Imagine what Wednesday cover numbers are
Yup, even Ryan Steghman said he didn’t know about any sketch, according to other sites