Poyo’s Spec and Drek for March 25th, 2020

Welcome to my own weekly spec which includes my weekly drek picks. I pick what I think will be winners, not only if you make money by flipping but winners as in either a great read or just awesome art.

Then there’s the pesky drek, the comic you should avoid altogether or not fall into the buying every variant trap.

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One Week Later Report for March 11th, 2020

Welcome once again to another installment of the One Week Later Report. Usually these are books that heated up or were good pick up for flipping, even going as far to report if books fell flat and you can now find at cheaper prices.

This week we’ll cover the books released on 03/04/2020.

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Poyo’s Spec and Drek for March 4th, 2020

Welcome to my own weekly spec which includes the weekly drek picks. I pick what I think will be winners, not only if you make money by flipping but winners as in either a great read or just awesome art.

Then there’s the pesky drek, the comic you should avoid altogether or not fall into the buying every variant trap.

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Spoilers: Batman #90 – Selina’s Past Ways Come Back To Haunt Her (and Bruce) + The Designer

Batman #90 hits shelves this week and we all know The Designer makes his first full appearance in this issue. But there’s more to this issue than that, Selina’s mischief past are here to haunt her and her current relationship with Bruce.

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