G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero Spirit #1 Preview

Skybound and Image Comics, in collaboration with leading games, IP and toy company Hasbro, revealed a first look at interior pages from G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero – Spirit #1, the all-new one-shot debuting for Skybound’s Silent Missions month. Written and drawn by Leonardo Romero (Birds of Prey), with colors by Cris Peter (Casanova), this issue hits comic book shops on April 16. Continue reading “G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero Spirit #1 Preview”

Titan Comics Reaches Deal With Lunar Distribution

Titan Comics announces a non-exclusive agreement with Lunar Distribution to distribute its publications and merchandise to the comic book Direct Market. The new partnership is in addition to Titan’s existing relationship with Diamond Comic Distributors. Titan’s products will go live with Lunar on March 21, for product shipping in June 2025. Continue reading “Titan Comics Reaches Deal With Lunar Distribution”

Activate Your Alt Mode with Energon Universe Sound Chip Editions

TRANSFORMERS #1 and Void Rivals #1 Return with Exclusive New Audio Effects.

Today Skybound and Image Comics, in collaboration with leading games, IP and toy company Hasbro, announced the release of TRANSFORMERS #1 Sound Chip Edition and Void Rivals #1 Sound Chip Edition. Both will be available fall 2025, just in time for the second-ever TRANSFORMERS Day on September 17. Continue reading “Activate Your Alt Mode with Energon Universe Sound Chip Editions”

Spoilers: Absolute Flash #1 – Things Go Downhill, Quickly

Absolute Flash #1 is in stores tomorrow. It features the first appearance and a bit of the origin on the Absolute Universe’s Scarlet Speedster. Check out the spoilers below:

Continue reading “Spoilers: Absolute Flash #1 – Things Go Downhill, Quickly”

Spoilers: Absolute Batman #6 – Disclosure and the Joker

Absolute Batman #6 is in stores tomorrow. Bruce Wayne grew up with a very close knit group of friends. And up until now he has kept a very big part of his life secret from them. That all changes this issue. Plus, we get a better look at the Absolute Joker. Check out the Spoilers below:

Continue reading “Spoilers: Absolute Batman #6 – Disclosure and the Joker”

Comic Picks of the Week For Delivery 3/19/25

Every week, tons of new books hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are the picks of the week for delivery this Wednesday Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week For Delivery 3/19/25”

Dirty D’s F.O.C. (3/16/25)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day (eve), everyone! I empathize for those who still have young kids and try to trap Leprechaun’s…and wake up to a messy house. Cleaning up the house is not something I look forward too after the little buggers run rampant (whether it be leprechauns or children) …especially with it landing on a Monday this year. Going to be a rough morning. But, what we can look forward to are the comics on FOC this Sunday, coming out in the next month or so! Continue reading “Dirty D’s F.O.C. (3/16/25)”


The hit post-apocalyptic series launch—AssortedCrisis Events—by fan-favorite writer Deniz Camp (20th Century Men, The Ultimates, Absolute Martian Manhunter) and rising star artist Eric Zawadzki (Heart Attack, House of El), multiple-Eisner Award winning colorist Jordie Bellaire (They’re Not Like Us, Birds of Prey), and letterer extraordinaire Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Time Before Time, Poison Ivy) has hit big and sold out completely at the distributor level. Image Comics will rush the debut issue of the series back to print this week in order to keep up with escalating customer demand. Continue reading “ASSORTED CRISIS EVENTS DEBUT RUSHED BACK TO PRINT THIS WEEK”


Titan Comics and Legendary Comics are excited to announce that the Monsterverse expansion continues with RETURN TO SKULL ISLAND, a brand-new comic book series set in Legendary’s Skull Island: The Animated Series universe (currently streaming on Netflix).

Spoilers: All New Venom #4 – A Symbiote Revealed

All New Venom #4 is in stores tomorrow. We get to cross out another candidate off the list, but do get one of them revealing a secret, they have a symbitote. Check out the spoilers below:

Continue reading “Spoilers: All New Venom #4 – A Symbiote Revealed”

Spoilers: Amazing Spider-Man #69 – Unstoppable Spider-Man

Amazing Spider-Man #69 is in stores tomorrow. It is the end of the 8 Deaths of Spider-Man storyline. Spider-Man has used up all his extra lives, game over man. How will he gt out of this, and what “big transformation” will save him? Check out the spoilers below:

Continue reading “Spoilers: Amazing Spider-Man #69 – Unstoppable Spider-Man”


Hot new series The Seasons from The New York Times bestselling writer Rick Remender (The Sacrificers, Grommets, Deadly Class) and artist Paul Azaceta (Outcast by Kirkman and Azaceta) is flying off the shelves with issue #1 and #2 sold out completely at the distributor level. Both issues of this popular new series are being rushed back to print by Image in order to keep up with escalating demand. Continue reading “DOUBLE SELL-OUT OF THE SEASONS SETS OFF RUSH REPRINT”

Comic Picks of the Week For Delivery 3/12/25

Every week, tons of new books hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are the picks of the week for delivery this Wednesday Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week For Delivery 3/12/25”

Dirty D’s F.O.C. (3/9/25)

Hello everyone. Happy Daylight Savings Day to those of you who live in States and Provinces that observe it! I’m not a fan, personally. But I digress…

After quite a full list last week, this week is a lot more quiet for FOC picks. Almost considered opting out of writing something, but then after going back through figured there’s enough scraps to make a small meal here. Let’s see what’s worth snacking on this week. Continue reading “Dirty D’s F.O.C. (3/9/25)”

Covrprice.com Top Ten Runners-Up for Week Ending 3/7/25

The Covrprice.com Top 10 Runners-up list. The second half of the Top 20. Continue reading “Covrprice.com Top Ten Runners-Up for Week Ending 3/7/25”

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