Motley Fool's Investor guide to 2014 Comic book movies

I love when non-comic book sites take notice of comic books. Motley Fool, the investment site, ran an article in the final days of 2013 that I stumbled across and found interesting. It is on the subject of investing and comic movies, well, that is what we do hear, just in a different way than I think they were talking about. Take a look at the comic movies that made the list.

1. I, Frankenstein- Yeah I know, who knew this was a comic book movie, but it is. Here is proof.
i frank
Not that this went anywhere, but interesting it topped their list. They did end with this quote though “should not expect much at all from this film.”
2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier- Nice call, prices of the first appearance of the Winter Soldier in Captain America #6 (2005) have been going up.
3. The Amazing Spider-Man 2- Tough one to spec on since most the first appearances of the characters in the movie are already in pricey books. (spec changed from Speck as the spelling police stopped by, FYI iPad added Speck as I have a frequent contact by that name, thanks!)
4. X-Men: Days of Future Past- Copies of Uncanny X-Men 141 and 142 can be pricey but the alternate future comic can be found with low starting prices. Classic, and always a good investment like so many Uncanny X-Men books.
5. Guardians of the Galaxy- Another good choice, as everything Guardians has shot up in value. Rocket Raccoon is on fire.
6. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- Luke warm on this one. Early Turtles books are already pricey. Could see some heat for the IDW series, that already has some rare books like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5a
7. Big Hero 6- This book has seen heating and cooling in the secondary market from the time the announcement was made. Will be overshadowed by the bigger releases this year, but still a good speck. Check out the listings for Big Hero Six.
The full article can be found here.

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