Phantom Variant Program: Hack Slash Son of Samhain from Image

I have been a big fan of the books coming out of the Phantom Variant program. Since it’s inception, Larry from has been releasing incredible covers for hot books. The latest is no exception, well except this is a hot cover for a fan favorite hot book.
Hack Slash Son of Samhain looks to drop July 2nd. Previous books in the series, especially the early DDP books have done well with readers and performed on the secondary market. This cover could be a driving factor for the book.
Phantom Variants can be ordered directly at

10 thoughts on “Phantom Variant Program: Hack Slash Son of Samhain from Image”

  1. It’s just a brand name.
    Like Heinze Ketchup or Nike shoe.
    Heinze variant
    Nike variant
    Phantom variant.
    Get it?

  2. Was looking to buy this, but can’t find it anywhere on his site. Any advice?

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