Speculation Corner: Ms Marvel Disney+

Welcome back for another run of Speculation Corner. In this article, we dive into the rumors and information released so far for the upcoming Ms Marvel on Disney+.

The latest buzz with Ms Marvel is filming starts in April, while casting for her family and the unnamed villain has started. Interestingly enough, they are also casting two of her classmates.

With the limited amount of villains for Ms Marvel, it’s safe to speculate that there will be a few choices in Ms Marvel’s history.

The first spec choice is Kaboom. Another Inhuman that got changed by the terrigen mist at the same time as Kamala.


She has only appeared a few times in the comics and has no origin story or even a back story, making her a perfect candidate for the writers of the show.  Kaboom’s abilities are controlling electricity, which seems like an easy thing to pull off on TV.  Look for her first appearance in Ms Marvel Vol 3 # 13.

LineageHaving Kaboom in the mix sets up another villain named Lineage. He is a mob boss of one of the lower orders that went through Terrigenisis. His powers are linked to his Inhuman ancestry.

In addition to super strength, the visages of dead Inhuman relatives appear on his skin as their consciousnesses become a part of him. He can then communicate with them and get advice on what to do.

You can look for his first appearance as Lineage in the 2014 comic Inhuman #2

At the moment these are cheap speculation books which could be easy gambles. As always, use your own judgement when buying and selling.

Tell us what you think and who you you think might end up in the Disney+ series.

4 thoughts on “Speculation Corner: Ms Marvel Disney+”

  1. Kamala Khan has been around for about 6 years. To show how screwed up Marvel comics is in this last decade (maybe more) she is already up to Volume 3 of a series in 6 years??? Oy Vey!. I clicked on the link to purchase just one copy for kicks and giggles; realized there’s 3 volumes; variants all over the place. Ultimately I gave up. I really don’t like what modern books have become which is why I can’t wait to ditch them immediately when I have something that someone else wants.

    1. Now now.. to be fair, yes she’s in her 3rd volume title in 6 years but her latest Magnificent Ms Marvel is actually considered a first Volume of that Title Name.. hehe.. 😉

    2. Why do you buy modern books, Bill, if you don’t like them and can’t wait to ditch them. That sounds like a very, very counterproductive, counterintuitive hobby, in all regards.

      1. $$$. I sell people what they want for exhorbitant silly prices. I purchase and retain what I want (Silver and Bronze)

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