Speculation Corner: Superbowl Commercials & Ads

Greetings all, its that time again where we look into the speculation crystal ball. This week we have some speculation that we wont have to wait forever for: Superbowl Ads!

We all know that the Superbowl is prime time for commercial ads. Having an ad in one of the exclusive slots is guaranteed to generate buzz for your product. So it’s no wonder that we are getting word that several Disney properties are gearing up to show trailers during one of the most watched sporting events of the year.

We know that Marvel is releasing another Black Widow trailer. In the movie we know Red Guardian will be in the film, as well as Taskmaster.

Then we have the live action Mulan and the Pixar animated Onward. neither of these are come as a surprise.

Now we are getting word that New Mutants, WandaVision and Minions 2 could possibly have a spot as well.

In earlier articles we covered the speculation potentials for WandaVision and that cast members could quiet possibly be leading up to a Young Avengers series.

What Superbowl ads are you looking forward to?

3 thoughts on “Speculation Corner: Superbowl Commercials & Ads”

  1. Looking forward to a black widow trailer that confirms Taskmaster will be female. Otherwise, anything Marvel/DC will make me happy, as long as something funny. Nothing beats the Bud light commercial from years ago with two friends being chased by a bear…

  2. rick and morty pringles baby ricka nd morty pringles is all I need love ya all blind adam out

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