Speculation Corner: She-Hulk Casting News

Casting has began and is underway on the Disney+ She-Hulk project.

Casting is confirmed that Marvel is open to any ethnicity for the role, 25-34 y.o., with  comedy experience a plus. Sources have also confirmed that Bruce Banner/Hulk will be in the show. There were mentions that She-Hulk will also become part of the Avengers in the future but at which point remains to be seen.

With the show in such early development, its hard to speculate on which villains could be included in the show. Its possible that the writers follow the original story and make the first season revolve around the Mobsters. But another possibility could be her long standing rivalry with Titania. Either way it will be interesting to see how it comes together.

Notable Firsts:

She-Hulk joined the Avengers in Issue #221

She-Hulk joined the Fantastic Four in Issue #265


8 thoughts on “Speculation Corner: She-Hulk Casting News”

  1. Titania is a good guess to appear on the show at some point…Her first appearance in Secret Wars #3 (1984) has a second print, Canadian variant and a Hasbro promo/variant.

    1. That’s why I have been stocking up on all A-Force #1’s and variants! It is bound to happen…especially after that all-female team up at the end of Endgame.

      1. I agree. Most of the A-force keys were so freaking cheap for the longest time. I was getting A-force #1 when they were below cover and a small stack of the Molina variant when it was under $5.Have a few of the Hans 1:25 variant but that was a $15 to $20 book even when all the other were super cheap. The Hans variant could turn out to be the big winner if they ever introduce Singularity to the MCU or D+. I’m still thinking about the Hughes 1:50. Might still get one if I find a good price. I would think there are still deals to be had in the wild with all a-force books..

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