Straight from the DC Retailer mailer comes a Scott Snyder discussion covering the new Dark Nights book coming soon to a shop near you (and online shop too!).
Scott Snyder, writer of DC’s Dark Nights: Death Metal, joined the DC Nation Retailer Forum on Friday for a discussion of the upcoming event, walking retailers through the entirety of issue #1. Snyder even showed off his whiteboard that demonstrates how Death Metal, his latest epic collaboration with Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion, and FCO Plascencia, connects to the original Dark Nights: Metal event.
“It’s a story about a DC Universe that has changed almost overnight into this nightmarish – but very fun – version of itself,” Snyder said. “This almost insurmountably terrible version of itself, where Perpetua has given the Batman Who Laughs the Earth to rule over, while she destroys the multiverse.”
In the hour-long live broadcast exclusively for comics retailers, Snyder revealed how Dark Nights: Death Metal, while standing on its own, also connects years of DC history, including recent events like Year of the Villain: Hell Arisen and Doomsday Clock.
“You can read it without having read any of our stuff whatsoever,” Snyder said. “It’s got a really fun recap from Sgt. Rock on page 1. But if you have been reading for a while, the motto of the whole story is, ‘It all matters.’ From classics like Crisis on Infinite Earths through Doomsday Clock.”
Though the story has evolved over time, Dark Nights: Death Metal was originally planned along with the Dark Nights: Metal, Snyder shared.
“This was always the big crescendo of everything,” Snyder said. “It was meant to be a story about connectivity. It was about, from the very inception of it, the power of these heroes and these comic books, to connect us at times when we feel separated from each other.”
Dark Nights: Death Metal #1 is on sale June 16, with a Final Order Cutoff date of Monday, May 11.
I enjoyed Metal, Snyder does these crossover events well. Makes them fun with a lot of references to other books
Maybe we’ll get another surprise hit character out if this one too, like we did from the last one.
He mentioned there are more evil Batman to be revealed
Idk if I should say anything, coment police are hatin hard…
Comment if you have something constructive to contribute to the article or discussion…. If its not, keep it to yourself perhaps.
No Beau I pulled your last comment because it was personally rude and really no place for it. You want to join the conversation, fine, you want to contribute, fine. But meanwhile I am busting my ass 7 days a week helping my county during my day job at social services 10-12 hours a day. And doing the site on the side. So if you want to be constructive and be a part of the conversation, absolutely, but if you just want to make snide comments, don’t bother.
What did you say that got pulled??
Let’s not open up this discussion.. stick to the topic.