It’s another small week for variants but I think there’s a few winners out there. Not much for spec though except that Momoko variant for Blackwood Mourning After #3 which I’ll yet, mention once again for the 3rd time in 4 days.
So here you go, the one seeing love before it’s released.
Next up is the Kyle Strahm variant for Rogue Planet #1. Been a fan since Spread (when are we going to get a Spread television show or movie, this crap is long overdue).
Alright so this next pick isn’t an actual variant cover but I love the wraparound cover for it. It’s Farmhand #15.
I love a good Francavilla variant, particularly when it’s a ratio variant that makes it a little tougher to get. His cover for Dead Day #1 is right up his alley since he does great pulp style horror covers. Don’t overspend for this one and try to find for cheap (currently there’s just a few starting around the $30 price point on eBay). Unless the series takes off, if you miss out, wait as I think the prices will come down cheaper than what most retailers will list this one at.
The last pick goes to Cully Hamner’s Disaster Inc. #1 from Aftershock Comics. I just really love the style of this one. But it’s not one to overspend on though. I think it’ll sell around the $20-$25 range but fall in value unless of course the series has some organic demand due to a good story and perhaps low print run.
That’s all I got this week for variants. Small week but still some pretty cool covers. I skipped the Venom covers since I mentioned the Rapoza in my picks of the week.
Oni Press still has copies of their exclusive cover for Rogue Planet #1 if anyone is interested.
Very nice.