Covrprice Top 10 List for 3/29/20

Since  came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
Continue reading “Covrprice Top 10 List for 3/29/20”

Comicsheatingup’s Locked Down Video Podcast

Anthony and Blind Adam got together for a video podcast to talk about the current state of comics, some cool books, some not so cool books, and other current comic book events. If you have already burned through Tiger King on Netflix, check it out below: Continue reading “Comicsheatingup’s Locked Down Video Podcast”

Things to do During the Comic Shut Down: Reorganize Your Collection / Plus Key Issues

Anthony from Comics Heating Up has been busy during the lockdown, reorganizing his collection. Here is what he has been up to, plus shares some cool, key, and rare books. Continue reading “Things to do During the Comic Shut Down: Reorganize Your Collection / Plus Key Issues”

AWA Studios Giving Away Resistance #1 For Free Digitally

One of the hardest things to do in comics is to launch a new line of books. AWA (Artist Writers & Artisans) Studios launched their new line of comics just this past week. Them everything shut down. Diamond Comic Distributors, a ton of stores, and even some comic publishers. That is rough. So here is what AWA is doing to attract fans, they are giving away a digital version of their flagship title, The Resistance #1 Continue reading “AWA Studios Giving Away Resistance #1 For Free Digitally”

Things To Do During The Comic Shut Down: Back A Kickstarter (Stake Peach Momoko Variant)

Want to continue to support the Comic Community while still getting some killer comics? Diamond Distributors and many local shops are shut down but you still want new comics, back a Kickstarter. We already told you about the Kickstarter Campaing for Stake #1, well, theh added a Peach Momoko Variant to the mix. Continue reading “Things To Do During The Comic Shut Down: Back A Kickstarter (Stake Peach Momoko Variant)”

Spoilers: X-Men #9 A New King

X-Men #9 is in stores tomorrow, or today, or yesterday depending on when your store got them… Anyway, the king egg was introduced last issue. The king egg attracts the brood. The brood are on their way. There can be many queen brood, but only one king, and the X-Men have the egg. We get a new King Brood this issue.

Continue reading “Spoilers: X-Men #9 A New King”

Spoilers: Immortal Hulk #33 – Over the Top Oversized Issue

Immortal Hulk #33 is in stores tomorrow, supposed to be, or today, or maybe even yesterday depending on when your shop got them. Anyway, this is a mega sized 750th issue special so this is kind of a heavy spoiler. Check it out below:

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Wednesday Open Forum Quarantine Edition


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 280th edition of the open forum!

Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum Quarantine Edition”

Diamond Gives go Ahead to Sell This Week’s Comics in Advance

Diamond has given the ok for comic shops to go ahead and sell their Wednesday releases today! In order to avoid loss of profits, and to capitalize on sales for the week, Diamond states retailers can sell their new books now. Continue reading “Diamond Gives go Ahead to Sell This Week’s Comics in Advance”

Happy Monday Giveaway! Hive Comics/The Nerd Store Peach Momoko Sleeping Beauties #1 Variant

Happy Monday everyone. Hoping to start the week off right for everyone and bring some Stephen King comic cheer to you. We are going to start a giveaway for a new comic today, Sleeping Beauties #1 with an exclusive cover by Peach Momoko. Continue reading “Happy Monday Giveaway! Hive Comics/The Nerd Store Peach Momoko Sleeping Beauties #1 Variant”

Third Eye Comics Launch Battle Bonds Program

Third Eye Comics is one of the coolest shops on the East Coast. Their massive retail space in Annapolis Maryland (a comic shop and a game shop two doors down) is a pop culture destination. As you can imagine, the current pandemic has impacted their business, just as it has for many other stores. They have come up with a cool way to help the business that is a very cool solution to keep the shop going during the current climate Continue reading “Third Eye Comics Launch Battle Bonds Program”

Covrprice Top 10 List for 3/20/20

Since  came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
Continue reading “Covrprice Top 10 List for 3/20/20”

Spoilers: Captain Marvel #16 – An Inglorious Ending

Captain Marvel #16 is in stores tomorrow. It is the conclusion to the Dark Captain Marvel storyline. Captain Marvel goes through some changes this issue and gets to wield some big weapons. Check out the spoilers below:
Continue reading “Spoilers: Captain Marvel #16 – An Inglorious Ending”

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