Just like we do with the TFAW Ratios on FOC, we have started posting the weekly new ratio Variant for Mycomicshop over on the forum. These new variants are often marked at below ratio, so there can be some good deals. Check out the list below: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants at Mycomicshop for 6/7/23”
Author: Anthony
Spoilers: Venom #20 – Eddie Brock Returns
Quick Spoilers: Deadpool Badder Blood #1 – ShatterStorm
Way back in 2018, Rob Liefeld previewed Shatterstorm on an Instagram post, now, 5 years later, Deadpool: Badder Blood #1 gives us a look at her. Check out the spoilers below:
Continue reading “Quick Spoilers: Deadpool Badder Blood #1 – ShatterStorm”
Quick Spoilers: Spider-Man #9 – Spider-Boy is Back
Spider-Boy is back in Spider-Man #9, he offers a small clue to his powers (before we get his full origin coming up in EOSV #3). Anyway, check out the quick spoilers below:
Continue reading “Quick Spoilers: Spider-Man #9 – Spider-Boy is Back”
Spoilers: Groot #2 – Yondar The Hunter and Agz First Appearances
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 6/7/23
Every week, tons of new books hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are the picks of the week for delivery this Wednesday Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 6/7/23”
New Ratio Variants on TFAW Marvel and INDY COMICS 6/6/23 FOC
We put up the new ratio variants on the Forum as they come up. We get to them here a little later, so if you like grabbing ratios, make sure to sign up for the forum. Anyway, here is this week’s list: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants on TFAW Marvel and INDY COMICS 6/6/23 FOC”
New Ratio Variants on TFAW DC COMICS 6/4/23 FOC
We put up the new ratio variants on the Forum as they come up. We get to them here a little later, so if you like grabbing ratios, make sure to sign up for the forum. Anyway, this is this week’s DC list: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants on TFAW DC COMICS 6/4/23 FOC”
Dirty D’s F.O.C. (6/3/23)
Greetings CHU Nation!!
Are you ready for the biggest FOC week ever?!!
Well, let me know when that comes along. For now we’ll have to make the best with this week’s offerings. Sorry if I got your hopes up there. It’ll be fine. There are some fun books out this week. And if you get bored, maybe there’s a half-way decent movie coming out this weekend or something.
Let’s begin now… Continue reading “Dirty D’s F.O.C. (6/3/23)”
CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for Week of 6/2/23
As promised, the Covrprice.com runners-up list. The second half of the Top 20. Continue reading “CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for Week of 6/2/23”
Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 6/2/23
Since Covrprice.com came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBay trends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics:
Hasbro Celebrates Transformers June 3rd with Free Fan Event “Transformers: Battle in Brooklyn”
Ahead of the highly-anticipated Transformers: Rise of the Beasts premiere, Hasbro, a global leader in play, has collaborated with Amazon for “Transformers: Battle in Brooklyn” June 3rd, in Brooklyn New York. Continue reading “Hasbro Celebrates Transformers June 3rd with Free Fan Event “Transformers: Battle in Brooklyn””
New Ratio Variants at Mycomicshop for 5/31/23
Just like we do with the TFAW Ratios on FOC, we have started posting the weekly new ratio Variant for Mycomicshop over on the forum. These new variants are often marked at below ratio, so there can be some good deals. Check out the list below: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants at Mycomicshop for 5/31/23”
Spoilers: Carnage #13 – A New Extrembiote, and Kasady’s Big Plan
Carnage #13 is in stores tomorrow.
Continue reading “Spoilers: Carnage #13 – A New Extrembiote, and Kasady’s Big Plan”
Spoilers: Edge of Spider-Verse #2 – Spinstress’ Venom and SkySpider
Edge Of Spider-Verse #2 is in stores tomorrow, We get a new Spider-Variant and new Venom Variant as well. Check out the spoilers below:
Continue reading “Spoilers: Edge of Spider-Verse #2 – Spinstress’ Venom and SkySpider”
Spoilers: Punisher – The End of the Punisher
Punisher #12 is the end of Jason Aaron’s run on the Punisher, where he has been the leader of hand as their High Slayer. Well, this issue promises “The end of the Punisher” so lets check it out.
Continue reading “Spoilers: Punisher – The End of the Punisher”
Spoilers: Spider-Man #26: A Marvelous Death
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 5/31/23
Every week, tons of new books hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are the picks of the week for delivery this Wednesday Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 5/31/23”
Dirty D’s F.O.C. (5/26/23)
I hope everyone is ready for a Memorial Day weekend. I have quite a list of items to take care of this weekend, none of them comic related (except for getting this article out). We’ll see how much I get done, though. Continue reading “Dirty D’s F.O.C. (5/26/23)”
CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for Week of 5/26/23
As promised, the Covrprice.com runners-up list. The second half of the Top 20. Continue reading “CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for Week of 5/26/23”
Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 5/26/23
Since Covrprice.com came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBay trends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics:
Continue reading “Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 5/26/23”
New Ratio Variants at Mycomicshop for 5/24/23
Just like we do with the TFAW Ratios on FOC, we have started posting the weekly new ratio Variant for Mycomicshop over on the forum. These new variants are often marked at below ratio, so there can be some good deals. Check out the list below: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants at Mycomicshop for 5/24/23”
Spoilers: Fury #1 – A New Scorpio
Spoilers: Storm #1 – Blowback
Spoilers: Extreme Venom-Verse #2 – Three New Versions of Venom
Extreme Venomverse #2 is in stores tomorrow. It features three new versions of Venom, only two will survive. Check out the spoilers below:
Continue reading “Spoilers: Extreme Venom-Verse #2 – Three New Versions of Venom”