We put up the new ratio variants on the Forum as they come up. We get to them here a little later, so if you like grabbing ratios, make sure to sign up for the forum. Anyway, here is this week’s list: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants on TFAW Marvel and Indy COMICS 12/19/22 FOC”
Author: Anthony
New Ratio Variants on TFAW DC COMICS 12/18/22 FOC
We put up the new ratio variants on the Forum as they come up. We get to them here a little later, so if you like grabbing ratios, make sure to sign up for the forum. Anyway, this is this week’s DC list: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants on TFAW DC COMICS 12/18/22 FOC”
CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for Week of 12/16/22
As promised, the Covrprice.com runners-up list. The second half of the Top 20. Continue reading “CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for Week of 12/16/22”
Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 12/16/22
Since Covrprice.com came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBay trends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics:
Continue reading “Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 12/16/22”
TFAW $2 Sale
TFAW opened up a new $2 back issue sale yesterday. Like a fool, I have gone through every comic on sale to pick out some winners. So if you are looking for some reads over the holiday, or a fan of a particular cover artist, chances are, there is something on sale for you. Continue reading “TFAW $2 Sale”
Spoilers: Batman Inc #3 – Phantom-One Begins
We get the backstory and full first appearance of Phantom-One in Batman Inc #3 Check out the spoilers below:
Continue reading “Spoilers: Batman Inc #3 – Phantom-One Begins”
Spoilers: Savage Avengers #8 – Everyone Dies
The solicitations for new issues can often tip the hand that something interesting or important could happen that issue. Savage Avengers #8, in stores tomorrow, had me interested. It stated, “Don’t miss the shocking twist that will leave Marvel fans on the edge of their seats!” Lets check out the shocking twist in store for the Savage Avengers, who are currently fighting Ultron and his robot army in the 2099 Universe.
Continue reading “Spoilers: Savage Avengers #8 – Everyone Dies”
Spoilers: Monica Rambeau Photon #1 – Hinge
Saw some people talking about a new character named Hinge in Monica Rambeau Photon #1, in stores tomorrow. Like many Marvel and DC books as of late, they seem to be throwing out a lot of new characters. Is this one worth the hype? Read on and see.
Continue reading “Spoilers: Monica Rambeau Photon #1 – Hinge”
Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse Official Trailer Drops
Time to start counting all the different Spider-men you see as the official trailer for Spider-Man Across the Spider-verse has dropped and is full of Spider-Man Variants. Check out the spoiler below:
Continue reading “Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse Official Trailer Drops”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/14/22
Every week, tons of new books hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are the picks of the week for delivery this Wednesday Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/14/22”
New Ratio Variants on TFAW Marvel and Indy COMICS 12/12/22 FOC
We put up the new ratio variants on the Forum as they come up. We get to them here a little later, so if you like grabbing ratios, make sure to sign up for the forum. Anyway, here is this week’s list: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants on TFAW Marvel and Indy COMICS 12/12/22 FOC”
New Ratio Variants on TFAW DC COMICS 12/11/22 FOC
We put up the new ratio variants on the Forum as they come up. We get to them here a little later, so if you like grabbing ratios, make sure to sign up for the forum. Anyway, this is this week’s DC list: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants on TFAW DC COMICS 12/11/22 FOC”
Batman Spawn #1 Six Page Preview (First Six Pages)
Batman Spawn #1 will be in stores next week, but Todd Mcfarlane has provided an exclusive look at the first six pages. Check them out below:
Continue reading “Batman Spawn #1 Six Page Preview (First Six Pages)”
CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for Week of 12/9/22
As promised, the Covrprice.com runners-up list. The second half of the Top 20. Continue reading “CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for Week of 12/9/22”
Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 12/9/22
Since Covrprice.com came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBay trends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics:
Continue reading “Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 12/9/22”
Spoilers: Miles Morales #1 – Rabble Rouser
Miles Morales has a new villain named Rabble coming up next issue. In Miles Morales Spider-Man #1 we meet a new character that will become the villain Rabble. Check out the spoilers below:
Continue reading “Spoilers: Miles Morales #1 – Rabble Rouser”
Spoilers: Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1 is in stores tomorrow. Moon Girl puts together a super-hero team of her own, and a roller derby team at the same time. This team of Inhumans has a snake in their midst though, who is setting up to be a villain for her. Check out the spoilers below:
Continue reading “Spoilers: Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur #1”
Spoilers: Batman #130 – Failsafe Triumphant
Batman #130 is in stores tomorrow. Batman and Failsafe square off and a victor emerges, and not the one you may think. Check out the spoilers below:
Continue reading “Spoilers: Batman #130 – Failsafe Triumphant”
Quick Spoilers: Spider-Man #3 – Another Hero Falls
Spider-Man #3 is in stores tomorrow. The “The End of the Spider-Verse” story line is in full swing and this issue has Peter Parker and many others in full battle. We saw Spider-Woman stabbed by the Accursed Blade and wiped out of the Web of Life. Well, someone else gets it this week. Check out who is wiped off the web below:
Continue reading “Quick Spoilers: Spider-Man #3 – Another Hero Falls”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/7/22
Every week, tons of new books hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are the picks of the week for delivery this Wednesday Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/7/22”
New Ratio Variants on TFAW Marvel and Indy COMICS 12/5/22 FOC
We put up the new ratio variants on the Forum as they come up. We get to them here a little later, so if you like grabbing ratios, make sure to sign up for the forum. Anyway, here is this week’s list: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants on TFAW Marvel and Indy COMICS 12/5/22 FOC”
New Ratio Variants on TFAW DC COMICS 11/27/22 FOC
We put up the new ratio variants on the Forum as they come up. We get to them here a little later, so if you like grabbing ratios, make sure to sign up for the forum. Anyway, this is this week’s DC list: Continue reading “New Ratio Variants on TFAW DC COMICS 11/27/22 FOC”
CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for Week of 12/2/22
As promised, the Covrprice.com runners-up list. The second half of the Top 20. Continue reading “CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for Week of 12/2/22”
Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 12/2/22
Since Covrprice.com came on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBay trends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics:
Continue reading “Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 12/2/22”
Six IDW Titles In Development for TV
IDW announced six new comic and graphic novels in Active Development according to Games Radar. Continue reading “Six IDW Titles In Development for TV”