And Finally, the X-Men Apocalypse Trailer from Super Bowl 50.
Let us know which your favorite was. Continue reading “X-Men Apocalypse Super Bowl Trailer”
Category: Comic Books
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Trailer Airs, Features Krang
Giving us our first look at the live action Krang is the Super Bowl 50 TMNT 2 trailer. Rocksteady and Bebop look rad as well. Check it out after the jump: Continue reading “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Trailer Airs, Features Krang”
Deadpool trailer airs Super Bowl 50 Ad
Still seriously pumped for this one, not even a huge Deadpool comic fan. Here is the latest offering for the movie: Continue reading “Deadpool trailer airs Super Bowl 50 Ad”
Captain America Civil War Trailer airs on Super Bowl
I am enjoying the commercials, especially the guy eating Doritos while his wife gets an ultra sound and the Hulk Antman Coke one. But the movie trailers are the ones to watch, here is the Captain America Civil War trailer that aired during the Super Bowl. (Oddly enough I called Civil War a few years back during the Super Bowl, when they aired the Captain America Winter Soldier commercial. Continue reading “Captain America Civil War Trailer airs on Super Bowl”
Superman Trailer Airs Before Superbowl
The second of two Turkish Air commercials featuring Gotham and Metropolis before the Super Bowl aired, here is the Superman side: Continue reading “Superman Trailer Airs Before Superbowl”
Batman Trailer aired before Superbowl starts
Not sure if you are actually allowed to say Superbowl or not, or just the “Big Game.” But anyway, the trailers game out hard before the game.: Continue reading “Batman Trailer aired before Superbowl starts”
The Spread Cover Gallery
I have mentioned The Spread and how much I love this book. I mentioned my collection numerous times and people have asked to see it so I have decided to run a cover gallery of the entire series up until this point. All books minus one is from my collection. I will update with print runs. Continue reading “The Spread Cover Gallery”
Blind Adam's Hidden Gems
Blind Adam us a comic book dealer in New York and New Jersey, and yes, he is blind. He has been contributing a fun list of hidden gems each week.
What’s up CHU, it’s your boy Blind Adam back again. I want to say thank you all for reading. Thank you all for the feedback. Now let’s look at some books.
Continue reading “Blind Adam's Hidden Gems”
Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 2/7/16
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 2/7/16:
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 2/7/16”
Very Rare Spread Convention Set going for crazy low price
I keep an eye out on Spread books. I have every one but the Black and White Convention Art book. I have over extended myself and the set has priced itself out of my remaining ebay funds, but it is still a crazy low price. Continue reading “Very Rare Spread Convention Set going for crazy low price”
Power Rangers 0 2nd Print sold out and going back for a 3rd
This is one you will need to get the running shoes on for friends. Power Rangers 0 2nd print is sold out already. It does not come out until 2/17/16. Trust me on this, the second print cover is going to be very desirable. Continue reading “Power Rangers 0 2nd Print sold out and going back for a 3rd”
Wednesday Winner: Detective Comics #49 Neal Adams Variant
It is nice to walk into the comic shop each Wednesday and pick up your books. It is even nicer when the books you pick up on Wednesday are worth multiple times cover price a few days later. Detective Comics #49 Neal Adams Variant is one of those books. Continue reading “Wednesday Winner: Detective Comics #49 Neal Adams Variant”
Variant Envy: Escape From Monster Island #1 Cosplay Variant
I know there is a big market for them, but I usually stay away from Zenescope books. Just not interested. I was surprised this week when I picked up Escape from Monster Island #1 and flipped through it. It looked good enough and was horror related so I picked up a copy. I was surprised that the story was good, as was the art, but was really surprised that it was a Zenescope book. Knowing that they usually have low print run numbers I looked at what other covers were out there and came across the Cosplay Variant. Check it out: Continue reading “Variant Envy: Escape From Monster Island #1 Cosplay Variant”
Sneak Peek at Heroes: Godsend #1
Titans released a sneak peek preview of Heroes Godsend #1. Based of the Heroes TV show.
Continue reading “Sneak Peek at Heroes: Godsend #1 “
Don't forget, Larime and Sylv Taylor fundraising auction still going on
Hey friends, still plenty of time to bid on the awesome auctions we have going on to help Larime Taylor pay for his wife Sylv’s chemotherapy. Also still time to donate to Larime’s GOFUNDME fundraiser. See the firts round of items we have up: Continue reading “Don't forget, Larime and Sylv Taylor fundraising auction still going on”
Three New Deadpool Trailers Show New Footage
Just days away from the start of Deadpool and with it we are getting new trailers. The ones we have been seeing lately have been recuts of previous footage. The three new ones just released show some additional footage: Continue reading “Three New Deadpool Trailers Show New Footage”
Variant Envy: Enormous #11 Hoknes Variants
I have been really big fan of Enormous. It is one of the books that I think is so good that I have become a completest on it. Yup, I grab every cover and every variant (this is hard because of the NYCC variant from 2014 being so rare and expensive, but I have that too.) Anyway, HoknesUSA has two fantastic covers that are must pick ups for Enormous Fans. Continue reading “Variant Envy: Enormous #11 Hoknes Variants”
New Deadpool Clip Shows Deadpool Snuggling with Wolverine Action Figure
I know I posted the question, and there are rumors Hugh Jackman could appear in Deadpool as Wolverine, well, in this newest clip of Deadpool napping and dreaming we kind of do. Continue reading “New Deadpool Clip Shows Deadpool Snuggling with Wolverine Action Figure”
Batman vs Superman 2-Pack POP!: Toys R Us Exclusive
Tyson B. from with the Toys R Us exclusive Batman Superman Pop two pack.
Deadpool POP! Round Up
Tyson B. with an update on new Deadpool Pops
One to Watch: Descender #1
Here we go again. Seems some things work in cycles.
With the news coming out last night that Descender has gotten a screen writer, copies of the book Descender #1 have been moving well again, according to recently completed sales. Continue reading “One to Watch: Descender #1”
Mel V's Doom and Gloom Report for New York State
If you live in New York don’t be in such a rush to get out to get your comics this morning. Continue reading “Mel V's Doom and Gloom Report for New York State”
Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 2/3/16
Terry Hoknes at and releases a video each week spotlighting the hot new comics of the week. Here is this weeks for delivery 2/3/16 Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 2/3/16”
Mel V's Variant Picks Of The Week For 2/3/16
First off, I want to give a shout out to Jessica and the fine staff at Montasy Comics in Queens NY, thanks for reading. Ok Now on to the Variants.
What’s up CHU, Mel V back with another great week of comics and variants. Variants do carry risk, some go up, some go down, but as long as you are buying art that you like, you can’t go wrong. Continue reading “Mel V's Variant Picks Of The Week For 2/3/16”
Wednesday Open Forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 69th edition of the open forum!
Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”