One to Watch: Marvel knights Spider-Man #20


These things happen. They make a small change to a character and a dollar bin book blows up. So please add this book to your weekend back issue bin raids.
Continue reading “One to Watch: Marvel knights Spider-Man #20”

AKA Jessica Jones Trailer released

Netflix is wasting no time promoting their next Marvel series after the success of their Daredevil streamed tv show. CHeck it out below: Continue reading “AKA Jessica Jones Trailer released”

Joker may not be the “Big Bad in Suicide Squad

Based on the fact that one character is not seen in the trailer along with the other “Squaders”, Heroic Hollywood is suggesting that isn’t the big bad guy in the Suicide Squad movie Continue reading “Joker may not be the “Big Bad in Suicide Squad”

PATSY WALKER, A.K.A HELLCAT! #1 – This December the Cat is out of the Bag with Marvel’s Latest Female-led Series!


This December, Hellcat makes the leap from fan-favorite guest star to fan-favorite headliner in PATSY WALKER, A.K.A. HELLCAT!

Written by Kate Leth (Adventure Time) and with art by Brittney Williams (Lumberjanes), PATSY WALKER, A.K.A. HELLCAT! will spotlight this modern-day superhero who refuses to say NO to any adventure even if it does prove to be more than what she can handle. Continue reading “PATSY WALKER, A.K.A HELLCAT! #1 – This December the Cat is out of the Bag with Marvel’s Latest Female-led Series!”

Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for delivery 9/9/15

Each week Terry Hoknes of www, releases a video spotlighting the hot new comics of the week. Here is this weeks for delivery today, 9/9/15: Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for delivery 9/9/15”

What’s in the Box? September Comic Con Box Unboxing

I am loving subscription boxes. So it was no wonder I jumped at Comic Con Box this month since it had a Batman Adventures #12 variant. Lot’s more in the box so check it out. Continue reading “What’s in the Box? September Comic Con Box Unboxing”

Let the Games Begin – Your New Look at Marvel’s CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS #1!

The Secret Wars may be over, but the battle is just beginning! Today, Marvel is pleased to present your first look at CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS #1 – the brand-new in-continuity ongoing series inspired by the hit mobile game!

Continue reading “Let the Games Begin – Your New Look at Marvel’s CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS #1!”


The Marvel Universe’s American Southwest now has a superhero to call its very own – the mysterious new hero, RED WOLF! Recently seen within the pages of Secret Wars’ 1872, this new hero is suddenly thrust into the new Marvel Universe as its latest righteousness defender no matter what it takes! An outsider and an honest man, Red Wolf is going to need all his wits, and both his fists, to serve and protect this new world from the corrupt organizations that want to control this already stifling landscape of the gritty and harsh American Southwest.  Continue reading “RED WOLF #1 – MARVEL’S PREMIER NATIVE-AMERICAN HERORECEIVES NEW ONGOING SERIES”

Update: Amazing Spiderman Renew Your Vows #5

Well I finally got the images from friends in the UK and can say this issue is confusing as heck. Cannot see why the push for the variants. 

In fact it is a pretty standard Spidey Story but you throw in Annie, Spider-Man’s daughter. <!–more–>
So unless I am missing something big, the only real thing is Mary Jane wearing Regent’s armor for a brief period of time. 


Original Story follows:

So a while back Terry Hoknes of sent me an email asking me if I knew what was up with Amazing Spider-man Renew Your Vows #5. He mentioned that it was odd for Marvel to do 1:100, 1:150, and 1:250 variants for a fifth issue of a mini-series. My obvious reaction was “Marvel must have something big up their sleeves.” Possibly a new character. I asked around some shops I am friendly with and everyone had the same answer, “Marvel has been tight lipped on this one.” Continue reading “Update: Amazing Spiderman Renew Your Vows #5”

Wednesday Open Forum


Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all. Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week

What’s up CHU? Mel back for another week of variant picks. Remember, some variants go up, some variants go down, but as long as you are buying art you like you can never go wrong. There are some great books this week so let’s get to it. Continue reading “Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week”

DrunkWooky’s Comic Block Unboxing

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So many choices when it comes to subscription boxes. We have been fans of Lootcrate and 4 Color Grails. DrunkWooky unboxes this months Comic Block.

Sorry, I was a little late this month. You may have seen the contents of this month’s comic block elsewhere, but in case you haven’t, here you go!

So, Four Color Grails is now defunct. They had great variants, but also some problems with their business model. Basically, the shipping was crazy expensive, the box came really late in the middle of the next month, and I wasn’t getting great Ebay sales. As long as that was the situation, I wanted to go with something cheaper. Two months ago I switched to Comic Block. Continue reading “DrunkWooky’s Comic Block Unboxing”

Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/9/15

Force Friday has passed.. where all the nerds rushed out at midnight to gobble up all the good action figures to inflate the prices on eBay only to make us normal people who like to sleep have to just wait a few weeks until the prices come back down to real world prices. (Yeah, I’m a little bitter.. all I wanted was a Captain Phasma action figure.. ).

But behold, a Star Wars comic book is coming out this week, one that leads up to Force Awakens. So it’s still gonna be a great week (despite my 7 year old being sick all weekend) so let’s get on with the picks. Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/9/15”

Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/9/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 9/9/15: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/9/15”

Harley Quinn Suicide Squad Origin leaked

Here is something I have been meaning to get to for a couple of days. An Instagram account for Margot Robbie’s stunt double, Ingrid Kleinig, dropped some spec worth checking out. We all know that Harley Quinn would be in Suicide Squad, but which version would be closest to the movie version. Continue reading “Harley Quinn Suicide Squad Origin leaked”

One to Watch: Scooby Do Team-up #12

I know what you are thinking… Zoinks! Or more probably, what is he thinking by putting SCOOBY DOO TEAM UP #12 on as one to watch. But trust me, you will want to pick this one up. Especially of you are a DC or Batman fan. Continue reading “One to Watch: Scooby Do Team-up #12”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 9/6/15


The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 9/6/15: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 9/6/15”

Top Comics for Late August 2015

Terry Hoknes does a great job of compiling lists of the hottest selling comics for the month. Here is the top selling comics for Late August. Continue reading “Top Comics for Late August 2015”

Buy, Sell, Keep

Back with another weekend version of buy, sell, keep. It is a simple game, you tell us which of the three books presented would you buy a copy of, sell a copy of, or keep a copy of in your collection. It is just for fun, you don’t have to own copies to chime in. Continue reading “Buy, Sell, Keep”

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