Wytches #4 ComicXposure variant

I am loving Wytches. Did the signing with Scott Snyder yesterday and told him all about it. It is not only the horror that is great, it is the realism of characters. Scott Snyder told me that there is going to be some interesting developments between Sailor and her dad. He also mentioned that Severed helped him figure out that he could tell dark stories, and that fans react well to his darkness (read Severed it is good.)
We have been spotlighting variant covers for the series, so here is one that is creepy good. Continue reading “Wytches #4 ComicXposure variant”

Star Wars #1 sells out, going back to reprint, and agin

star Wars #1 is a juggernaut. The first issue sold over 1 million copies with over 100 different covers. It is going back for a second print. Continue reading “Star Wars #1 sells out, going back to reprint, and agin”

Feathers #1 sold out and not going back for a second print

While many books sell out and go to a second print. It is rare that a sold out book would not. Feathers #1 is one of the rare books that isn’t going back for a second printing. Continue reading “Feathers #1 sold out and not going back for a second print”

One to watch: Amazing Spider-man #30 (Vol.2)

Thanks to Agent Poyo for this one:
Amazing Spider-man back issues continue to heat up. The Spider-verse series has breathed new life into back issues. Throw in covers by super star J. Scott Campbell and you have winners. This one has more to it than just the cover though. Continue reading “One to watch: Amazing Spider-man #30 (Vol.2)”

More Walking Dead Spec

There is a reason I pick Walking Dead books each week they come out for the picks of the week. One show out, one on the way, plenty of material for harvesting show ideas. As we have previously stated, Alexandria is on its way, or the survivors are on their way to Alexandria. Casting news is leaking out. Continue reading “More Walking Dead Spec”

One to watch: Betty and Veronica #275

Adam Hughes fans are very loyal and pick up his covers. There is good reason to, as no one does female characters like him (Cho and Dodson excluded). Themarysue.com had a cover gallery for Betty and Veronica #275 which includes the Hughes cover. Continue reading “One to watch: Betty and Veronica #275”

Django/Zorro movie in works at Sony?

Thanks to Mel the Movie Guy for this overlooked tip.
Many stories have come out of the Sony Pictures email hack. One that is of interest is the possibility for a Django Unchained / Zorro cross-over by Quentin Tarantino. Continue reading “Django/Zorro movie in works at Sony?”

Loot Crate exclusive Star Wars Cover for issue #1

This month’s Loot Crate theme is rewind. Looks like they could be sending out items from previous crates. There was an awesome retro video looking like an old video recording that kind of spotlighted this.

It said items may vary and shows the Slimer Ghostbusters door hanger from last month. There is also going to be a Star Wars #1 comic featuring a Gabrielle Dell’Otto cover. Star Wars.com had the official announcement.

You can click here to go to Loot Crate’s Web site and use the code “save3” to save $3 on a loot crate.

Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/14/15

Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we believe have the best chance of heating up.
Here are our picks of the week for delivery 1/14/15: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/14/15”

Top 10 Single Issue comics and Graphic Novels for 2014

Thanks to Kelly H. for this one.
Diamond Comics Distributors has put out their numbers for the top 10 selling single issue comics and top 10 graphic novels for 2014. It is an interesting list. Continue reading “Top 10 Single Issue comics and Graphic Novels for 2014”

Marvel Announces "The Announcement to end all announcements"

Watch the SECRET WARS LIVE KICKOFF Next Tuesday 1/20!
Learn Exciting Details About Secret Wars in a Unique Live Event!
Continue reading “Marvel Announces "The Announcement to end all announcements"”

DC Comics Vixen to get Animated Series on CW Seed

The CW is all over DC properties. From Green Arrow in Arrow to Flash in (well) Flash, not to mention iZombie, the CW has cornered the market in DC comics tv shows. Here is another one they announced. Continue reading “DC Comics Vixen to get Animated Series on CW Seed”

New Avengers Age of Ultron Trailer

We noted last night that a new Avengers Age of Ultron Trailer would be aired tonight during the college football game. In case you missed it here it is: Continue reading “New Avengers Age of Ultron Trailer”

Hoknes comics offering 10 issue Spec lots

Our friend Terry Hoknes of www.hoknescomics.com, and frequent contributor to the site, is offering a great deal. He is offering up a ton of 10 copy spec lots on upcoming books at $1.99 an issue. Continue reading “Hoknes comics offering 10 issue Spec lots”

Comiconart.com Artist Spotlight Interview: Zach Howard

Welcome to the latest edition of our Artist Spotlight, where you’ll have a chance to get to know our talented artists a little bit more in depth. Our artist spotlight is shining this month on…Zach Howard! Continue reading “Comiconart.com Artist Spotlight Interview: Zach Howard”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 1/12/15

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance reorder List for 1/12/15. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 1/12/15”

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