Announcing the winner for the InkInk Mercy #1 Frany Variant. It came all the way from Singapore.
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Tag: mercy #1
One Week Later Report for March 11th, 2020
Welcome once again to another installment of the One Week Later Report. Usually these are books that heated up or were good pick up for flipping, even going as far to report if books fell flat and you can now find at cheaper prices.
This week we’ll cover the books released on 03/04/2020.
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Image Releases Print Run Info With Latest Mercy #1 Press Release + Signing Locations for Mirka Andolfo
Image just sent out a press release this morning that details Mercy’s initial print run tally with information on signing locations for Mirka Andolfo.
Mercy #1 Goes Back For Second Printing
I know it’s all marketing terms they use but the press release has some questionable phrases and words used to describe this second printing. Almost laughable if you ask me. It’s a great read but I don’t think we need an “Emergency” second printing ordered.
You can still find these at TFAW, almost all covers but limited to 1 per customer and likely your local shops.
Continue reading the full press release..
Mirka Andolfo’s Mercy #1 – Sneak Peek Preview
You really give creators due credit when they not only write but draw and color their own stories. That’s exactly what Mirka Andolfo does and after getting an advanced review of this weeks new Mercy #1 hitting shelves, I’m hooked.
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