UPDATE: Flash Giveaway – Spider-Man Unlimited #1

So on Wednesday, after the Shriek news broke, I kicked off a giveaway for a copy of Spider-Man Unlimited #1.

I was going to announce the winner at noon but hey, let’s sweeten the deal a bit. I’ll leave this contest open for another 8 hours and if we get at least 20 more people to comment to win, I’ll throw in another copy, so there will be two winners.

Continue reading “UPDATE: Flash Giveaway – Spider-Man Unlimited #1”

Shriek Is Added to Villain Roster for ‘Venom 2’ Sequel

Get those first appearance books ready! Yeah I know, there was like a billion of them likely printed in the early 90s from the Maximum Carnage story line and it’s a villain but could see an uptick in sales and value potentially.

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Things I Like and Don’t Like for the Week of August 21st, 2019

It’s that time again, where I tell you what’s really grinding my gears for the week of August 21st, 2019.

Some weeks it’s mostly likes, other weeks it’s dislikes.


So what’s grinding my gears this week?


Continue reading “Things I Like and Don’t Like for the Week of August 21st, 2019”