One way to guage how hot a comic is/will be is by the Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list. This gives retailers a chance to up their orders for books that may have caught some heat before the release and before the final order cut offs. So without further ado, this weeks advanced reorder list (Dominated by DC Comics and Superman Unchained #1)
1. Superman Unchained #1 – Retailers are reordering this DC $4.99 book drawn by Jim Lee. It appears several times on the list like:
2. Superman Unchained #1 – 75th anniversary “Reborn” Variant
3. Green lantern #21 – Promo Rings are back causing an uptick in Green Lantern book orders.
4. Batman Superman #1 – Relaunch of the out-of-continuity series featuring DC’s heavy hitters
5. Walking Dead TPB Vol 18 – Sales Juggernaut for comic shops (and book stores alike, but that is not represented here)
6. East of West #1 4th Printing – Even with heavy orders on this Hickman book, people are still clamoring for it.
7. Superior Spider-man #11 – Following on the Peter is gone story we will see How Spider-ock handles life without responsibility with all that power
8. Thanos Rising #3 The story of Thanos’ disfunctional childhood continues, great story so far.
9. Earth 2 #13
10. Jupiters Legacy #1 2nd print – Even with a considerable overprint and huge print run, this hot book has gone back to a second print. We have been moving the Phantom Variants pretty easily.
11. All New X-men #14
12. Age of Ultron #9 – Orders are ramping up for the introduction of Neil Gaimen’s Angela to the Marvel U. in #10
13. Amazing Spiderman Omnibus
14. Ten Grand #2 – 1st issue sold well retailers saw better than expected sales (I would imagine due to speculation of Image books.) but it was a good first issue.
15. Ten Grand #1 2nd Print – see above.
16. Herobear and the Kid Special #1- The fantastic all ages book is back and now from Boom. The early issues of the self published series used to command good money, hopefully we will see the prices rise on them again.
17. Daredevil Dark Nights
18. Superman Unchained #1 75th anniversary Modern Age Variant – see 1 and 2.
19. Superman Unchained #1 75th anniversary Lex Luthor Variant – See 1 and 2.
20. Iron Man #11 – I have heard rumors on this run….. The Secret Origin story line started out nicely with a ton of variants on #9. Number #10 featured “Starks 7” an Oceans 11 riff. When will we find out that Tony Stark is part alien, I would imagine very soon (if the rumors are true)
21. Cable and X-Force #9
22. Dardevil End of Days HC
23. Adventure Time TPB Vol. 3
24. Kick Ass 3 #2 – Millar’s Teen “real life” super hero saga comes to an end with this series.
25. Venom Enemy Within TPB