Welcome to my advance reviews where we review some of the comics from FOC on January 13th, 2020. Yes these were FOC on Monday, so your shops can no longer pre-order but these are reviews based on advanced readings of the issues.
Star Wars Darth Vader #1
What can I say about this comic except wow! From start to finish I was completely enthralled with both the art and the story. Greg Pak did an amazing job writing this issue. I don’t want to give away the story, but from a speculation standpoint this one is interesting. The last page of the preview was blacked out! Marvel doesn’t want spoil the issue entirely even to retailers.
The panels leading up to this go something like “Power Luke. If you only knew … … only power can save … ” the scene cuts to Vader and the droid. Vader says “What …” and the droid goes “By the maker…” – Something in this place stuns them both. Guess we have to wait to find out.
Magnificent Ms Marvel #12
Ms Marvel finishes the fight with Stormranger. Spoiler alert: Stormranger flees. Whats interesting is that Dr Strange is working on her father who is sick. He uses blood cells from Kamala and gives it to him. Could this be leading up to him experiencing super powers? Far fetched as it sounds and just speculating, this could be a possibility in the future.
Man Who Effed Up Time #1
This was an amazing story by John Layman. I have high hope for the series. This one was mentioned a few days back by AgentPoyo in his Likes and Dislikes article.
Ant-Man #1
This is a mini series written by Zeb Wells. It brings back Scott Lang as Ant-Man and his daughter as Stinger. The long story short is a final panel introduction to three new Villains. Let the debate if these end up as cameo or first appearance (that’s if they even stay beyond this series)!
That’s all we have for this week. Stay tuned for our next installment and “May the Force be with you!”
Dont forget about the Strange Academy #1 preview at the end of Ant-Man #1
I feel like Marvel is going to add that to several comics, not just antman. If they dont then this might be their first app. eill there be market demand or will it slip under the radar completely?
Preview pages are always a niche market. The real 1st, if sought after, would be their 1st in a full book, not in a preview. Imo.
While these comics are in no way performing the way they did upon release, there are many examples of Previews with ” first app.” and holding their values or even being a “Hot” Flip. Several that come to mind are : Summer of Spiderman – 1st App Capt Marvel. Morning Glories #14 – 1st Peter Panzerfaust, Point One – 1st Sam as Nova … and so on and so forth. Niche market or not, if it sells then you should be selling it
There are special collectors who seek out previews as firsts.. I myself, don’t give two cents for them. I don’t count previews as firsts and I never pay a premium for them (to those who do, all the power to you). If I did, I’d just collect the big monthly Diamond Previews since it’s a bible of firsts each and every month.