First issues of Alias by Brian Bendis keep popping up for under $7. They are going for as much as $25 on eBay. Always worth the try but you have to keep your eye out and strike fast. Continue reading “Alias #1 for under $7, flip potential”
Tag: comic book speculation
Drumhellar #1 from Image Sold out
In less than a week from the release date, Drumhellar #1 from Image comics sold out. Continue reading “Drumhellar #1 from Image Sold out”
Jessica Jones series Alias and Pulse heating up
Looks like iZombie is not the only book that is getting some love when it comes to the secondary market after the recent slew of Marvel and DC TV series announcements. Alias and Pulse have both been picking up sales. Continue reading “Jessica Jones series Alias and Pulse heating up”
Comics Picks of the Week for 11/13/13
Hey everyone, gearing up for another big Wednesday. Each week hundreds of new comics come out and we pick the ones we think might end up doing well on the secondary market. Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for 11/13/13”
iZombie #1 heating up
Last week we ran a post that iZombie from Vertigo comics was being picked up for a WB TV show. We gave you links where you could get issues for $3. Well, it is selling for a lot more now. Continue reading “iZombie #1 heating up”
Undervalued: The Batman Adventures #1!
From Dakoit at his review of back issues worth speculation. Continue reading “Undervalued: The Batman Adventures #1!”
Sold out comics for Delivery 11/13/13
Books sell out each week, after they are released. It is a good sign for a books potential flip value when they sell out before the release. Here is this weeks list of sold out comics thanks to Terry Hoknes at Continue reading “Sold out comics for Delivery 11/13/13”
Robert Kirkman’s new book Outcast picked up for Cinemax
Robert Kirkman's new book Outcast picked up for Cinemax.
Well it was bound to happen, but I was guessing it would happen after the book came out. Robert Kirkman’s ‘Outcast’ or at least that is the working title with the Valiant lawsuit and all, has been picked up for a Tv show on Cinemax. This will put great demand on the book before it is even released.
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List November 8th
The Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list gives a peek into what is being reordered in advance of the books being shipped. It is a great speculation tool to see what is going to be hot in the coming weeks. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List November 8th”
Wolverine #11 sold out before release
Wolverine #11, which is Part 4 of the 6 part Wolverine story line, ‘Killable’, has sold out at Diamond and will be heading back for a second print. Continue reading “Wolverine #11 sold out before release”
iZombie from Vertigo going to CW
In DC comics continuing deal with the CW another book is possibly coming to the network as a TV show. Continue reading “iZombie from Vertigo going to CW”
The Fox #1 from Red Circle (Archie Comics) sold out.
The Fox #1, the new comic from Archie comics storied super-hero line, Red Circle, has sold out at the distributor level.
Continue reading “The Fox #1 from Red Circle (Archie Comics) sold out.”
Captain Marvel #17 Cameo New Ms. Marvel
While Carol Danvers has been sporting the moniker Captain Marvel, it has left her previous name Ms. Marvel in the cold. Marvel recently released info that a new Ms. Marvel series would be coming. The character filling the name has caused a bit of a stir. Continue reading “Captain Marvel #17 Cameo New Ms. Marvel”
The Fox #1 Red Circle Comics: Comic Heating Up
A new book that you may have passed up on the shelves last week is starting to get hot. Continue reading “The Fox #1 Red Circle Comics: Comic Heating Up” Hot new comics video
Picks of the Week continued… 11/6/13
Picks of the Week continued… 11/6/13
Left one off the list in my tiredness of getting the post out last night. All Crime #2 comes out tomorrow. The first issue had a tiny print run and sold out quickly. It was going for more than cover on eBay. Since this is the 2nd issue, expect it to be harder to find. In addition to all that, the first issue was a good Pulpy read.
Top 150 Hottest Comic Titles and recent Back Issues during LATE OCTOBER 2013
Bi-weekly column and list compiled by comics historian Terry Hoknes of –
This list is updated every 2 weeks. This list is compiled from my non-stop research of the current market. I believe these were the most demand and growing in value books this month. This list focuses on all regular edition covers. (Variants are not listed otherwise they would likely dominate the entire list due to instant high prices and calculated small print runs). If you think I have missed any hot titles/issues of the last 5 years please let me know. Here are my picks of what I believe are the hottest comics at this very moment from all sold releases of the last few years online based on back issue sales ABOVE cover price.
Continue reading “Top 150 Hottest Comic Titles and recent Back Issues during LATE OCTOBER 2013”
Extinction Parade being shopped for TV show
Extinction Parade by Max Brooks is being shopped as a TV show according to Bleeding Cool. Continue reading “Extinction Parade being shopped for TV show”
Comics Picks of the Week 11/6/13
Well, another Wednesday is just a day away at this point, and a lot of good books on the slate. Thanks again to Larry from Larry’s Comics for stopping by to give us his pick of the week. Here is ours. Each week hundreds of new comics drop and we pick the ones we are looking at to potentially rise in value.
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week 11/6/13”
Larry’s Comics Pick of the Week 11/6/13
Always glad when Larry from stops by to give us his pick of the week. Larry has been speculating on comics for a long time and used to write the speculating bible Larry’s Comics Market Report. You can still check him out on twitter at #comicmarket and @larryscomics. Continue reading “Larry’s Comics Pick of the Week 11/6/13”
A Look Ahead to Wednesday 11/6/13
I know I keep repeating this, but I love Wednesdays. This Wednesday is a huge one with a lot of my favorite reads coming out, and some new ones to speculate on. Here is a preview of things to come for 11/6/13. Continue reading “A Look Ahead to Wednesday 11/6/13”
Daymen #1 SDCC Variant flip idea
I had previously ran a post on The Walking Dead #115 NYCC Variant from TFAW as a flip idea. They were selling them for $2.99 and they were going on eBay for $20 plus at the time. Well here is another one (or just one to hold on to until the movie comes out.)
Continue reading “Daymen #1 SDCC Variant flip idea”
Top Modern Comics to Watch
Lyria Comic Exchange is an awesome, and dynamic (constantly changing) website that features what comics are hot, and is a good site to track what from your collection might be worth selling. Here is the current list of comics to watch. Continue reading “Top Modern Comics to Watch”
Diamond Comics Advanced reorder List 10/31/13
1. HARLEY QUINN #0 – Dc’s next huge book. Has controversy before release, beloved character. Harley is a huge fan favorite book and her back issues go for big bucks.
4. VELVET #2– coming off sold out first issue from Steve Epting and Ed Brubaker.
7. SEX CRIMINALS #3 – 1 and 2 sold out. Matt Fraction continues the adults only series. Great story, quirky and fun.
8. UNCANNY X-MEN #14 -Magneto goes off on personal mission that sets him at odds with much of the X-Men and Marvel Universe.
10. PRETTY DEADLY #1 2ND PTG – #1 sold out in huge print run. Awesome book, controversy has happened bringing attention to book.
12. X-MEN #7
16. A VOICE IN THE DARK #1 – Buy this book. We interviewed Larime Taylor and this book is going to be huge.
18. SAMURAI JACK #2 Jack is back!!
19. PRETTY DEADLY #2 – See #10
22. BATWOMAN #25
23. CATACLYSM ULTIMATES #1 – The end of the Ultimate Universe
24. STAR WARS #1 (OF 8) LUCAS DRAFT 2nd print- Issue 1 finally sold out. Great alternate look at Star Wars. Brings in the crossover buyers.
Letter 44 from Charles Soule and ONI Press TV Show
Hope you picked up a couple of Letter 44 #1’s for a buck when they were released. Looks like a major American TV network is trying to grab the rights to the new book for a tv show. Continue reading “Letter 44 from Charles Soule and ONI Press TV Show”