Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for delivery 4/22/15

Sadly the Poyo family experienced a loss in the family this week. This weeks picks are dedicated to my 6 year old daughters beloved Dwarf Hamster named Charmie (short for Charmander of Pokemon fame) who decided to return to the stars this week.. may he rest in peace.
On with the picks.. Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for delivery 4/22/15”

Bloodshot movie confirmed as part of five picture deal. 

Seem like it was just yesterday that we mentioned that news of a Bloodshot movie would be forthcoming, in fact it was. Anyway, Valiant signed with Sony to bring their catalog of comics to the big screen. Bloodshot and Harbinger each will have two movies each. Continue reading “Bloodshot movie confirmed as part of five picture deal. “

Comics Picks of the week for delivery 4/22/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shop at heating up. Here are our picks for delivery this Wednesday 4/22/15. Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for delivery 4/22/15”

Will Dick Grayson be in Batman Vs. Superman Dawn of Justice

Bleeding Cool ran a post yesterday that showed a few pictures of the set of Batman vs. Superman Dawn of Justice. One picture in particular showed a tomb stone of interest. Continue reading “Will Dick Grayson be in Batman Vs. Superman Dawn of Justice”

Ms. Marvel Tv Mini-series to come?

There is a lot of talk from a lot of places that a Ms. Marvel TV mini-series is in the works at ABC. Kamala Khan could make it to the screen before Carol Danvers potentially.
Continue reading “Ms. Marvel Tv Mini-series to come?”

Spread #6 C2E2 variant


if you are going to be at C2E2 this weekend make sure to this weekend make sure to stop by and see Kyle Strahm at table G14. He is going to be selling copies of the exclusive Spread #6 C2E2 variant. 

Continue reading “Spread #6 C2E2 variant”

Four Color Grails fourth April Variant revealed

The Fourth April 4 Color Grails variant was revealed the other day. I am a little behind on mentioning it. Continue reading “Four Color Grails fourth April Variant revealed”

That Manara pose: Swords of Sorrow #1

campbellMilo Manara got heat for his Spider-Woman variant. Frank Cho got heat for his one of sketch cover poking fun at it. Wonder if it will do the same for J. Scott Campbell’s Swords of Sorrow #1? Continue reading “That Manara pose: Swords of Sorrow #1”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/19/15

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/19/15: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/19/15”

Think Outside the Toy Box: Walking Dead TV Series 7

Tyson B. writes about toys and action figures for
McFarlane toys introduce Walking Dead Series 7 action figures.
Continue reading “Think Outside the Toy Box: Walking Dead TV Series 7”

A look ahead to small press books

Mel writes for
What’s Up CHU? Mel the Movie guy here. I’m looking at some upcoming books and thought I’d share what I think would be some good books to pick up in the summer months, whether it be for good reads or just for spec. Continue reading “A look ahead to small press books”

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 movie has working title "Guardians 3000"

Currently Guardians 3000 is the working title for the 2017 Guardians of the Galaxy sequel. Odd working title to give a movie when you are publishing a book by the same name. Continue reading “Guardians of the Galaxy 2 movie has working title "Guardians 3000"”

Suicide Squad casting: Jim Parrack as Jonny Frost, Maybe

This one is not quite clear. Looks like Jim Parrack is playing someone in the Suicide Squad film. He has been tweeting out pictures of Deathstroke the Terminator, which he has been rumored to play. However, according to that may not be the case. Continue reading “Suicide Squad casting: Jim Parrack as Jonny Frost, Maybe”

John Stewart to be lead character in Green Lantern movie

Looks that way. Trying to salvage Green Lantern after the Ryan Reynolds movie, Warner Brothers is casting John Stewart for Green Lantern:
Continue reading “John Stewart to be lead character in Green Lantern movie”

Think Outside the Toy Box: Rebels Invade the Black Series

black series
The popular Disney TV Series, Star Wars Rebels are invading the Star Wars Black Series Figures, and mybe more (more on that to come.) Continue reading “Think Outside the Toy Box: Rebels Invade the Black Series”

The Batman vs Superman Trailer, not bootlegged and in HD

Zach Snyder dropped this today. Much better quality. Here is the HD, non-bootlegged, non-Spanish subtitled
Trailer: Continue reading “The Batman vs Superman Trailer, not bootlegged and in HD”

In case you missed it: Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer

Today was a good day for trailers (well yesterday at the point you are reading this) The Batman Superman trailer leaked online and now this. Star Wars The Force Awakens trailer 2 has been released. Check it out below: Continue reading “In case you missed it: Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer”

Jared Leto, first look as Joker

from Comic Book Movie. Jared Leto dropped a photo of himself with green hair and lipstick, no white face paint though. This looks to be the first peek at what he will look like in the Suicide Squad movie. Continue reading “Jared Leto, first look as Joker”

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