I am one person and try to keep the news coming, but sometimes there are things that take me away from the computer, no matter how much I love working on the site. Here is some of the weekend news worth checking out:
Continue reading “In case you missed it: Weekend Quick Hits”
Tag: Comics
Is Secret Warriors going to be an Agent of Shield spinoff?
CBR is reporting the possibility of a Secret Warriors TV Spinoff: Continue reading “Is Secret Warriors going to be an Agent of Shield spinoff?”
Stephen King's Dark Tower book and comic to be adapted in movie and TV
Deadline reports that Sony and Media Rights Capital will team for an adaptation of Stephen King’s book series “The Dark Tower,” in what’s viewed as the first in a potential series of films, along with a “complementary” TV series also in development. Continue reading “Stephen King's Dark Tower book and comic to be adapted in movie and TV”
Marvel releases first three Spider Gwen Secret Wars covers
From CBR.com:
“Spider-Gwen” has been one of Marvel’s breakout successes in recent months, and the publisher looks to capitalize on the character’s popularity (and make some Gwen-based puns) in June with the previously announced “Gwen Variants” — a series of variant covers featuring Gwen Stacy taking on the identities of other Marvel superheroes.
Continue reading “Marvel releases first three Spider Gwen Secret Wars covers”
Wednesday Winner: Ravenous #1
Here is an odd one for a Wednesday Winner. Ravenous #1, very small press book, is doing well on ebay. It is selling for as much as $20. You might say this book came out last week. You would be partially right, as it was released in certain stores only. Continue reading “Wednesday Winner: Ravenous #1”
Weekend Open Forum
The week is over finally, two days off work to cram in as many things as possible before the dreaded start of the work week all over. So let’s hear some good news. Continue reading “Weekend Open Forum”
Going, Going, Gone: Game of Thrones figures discontinued
Tyson B. is a toy dealer and writes about action figures for comicsheatingup.net
Just got this notice from my distributor:
DISCOUNTINUED: Funko’s Game of Thrones Legacy Collection Continue reading “Going, Going, Gone: Game of Thrones figures discontinued”
Eye Candy… Err Variant Envy: Swords of Sorrow #1 Comicxposure variant
Gail Simone has a new Dynamite series coming out called Swords of Sorrow which hits stores 5/6/15. It features Vampirella, Dejah Thoris, Red Sonja, Kato, Jungle Girl, and many, many more! Villains and heroes from a dozen worlds… Since this is many of Dynamite’s sexy heroines you can expect some cheesecake covers. (I like cheesecake.) Comicxposure has a fantastic cover for the book featuring the art of Nei Ruffino Continue reading “Eye Candy… Err Variant Envy: Swords of Sorrow #1 Comicxposure variant”
Vertigo Comic being developed for TV before release
That’s right, comic properties are being optioned now months before release. It helps in this case that the book will be created and written by TV creator Eric Kripke (Supernatural). Continue reading “Vertigo Comic being developed for TV before release”
First appearance on Alpha in Walking Dead #132
Our own forum hack, Agent Poyo, showed up in this month’s Letter Hacks in the back of Walking Dead #140 and clarified the argument on what Alpha’s first appearance was. Continue reading “First appearance on Alpha in Walking Dead #132”
Jason Todd rumored to appear in Suicide Squad
Not a new rumor, but updated and expanded. The rumor previously was Jason Todd would be an important plot element. Harley and Joker are supposed to be on a split as there will be a reference to killing Jason Todd in the movie. He may not appear in the movie, but the inclusion of his death is a major plot point. Continue reading “Jason Todd rumored to appear in Suicide Squad”
Variant envy: Star Wars #4 Boba Fett variant
Holy cow. Limited to 5,000 copies. Star Wars #4 Boba Fett action figure variant. Continue reading “Variant envy: Star Wars #4 Boba Fett variant”
Mark Millar's Jupiter's Legacy to be adapted as a movie
Thanks to Ray N. and Kelly H. for the heads up.
Looks like there is another Millarworld book with a movie on the horizon. The Hollywood Reported announced that Mark Millar and Lorenzo di Bonaventurea have partnered to bring Jupiter's Legacy to the big screen.
Continue reading “Mark Millar's Jupiter's Legacy to be adapted as a movie”
Comixology's recent Marvel sale had 7 out of 10 female led titles in top 10
Last month comiXology had one of the largest sales of all time with the Marvel BOGO Sale. We offered everyone the chance to buy ANYTHING you wanted from Marvel and get the next Marvel item for free.
The results are in and here are the top 10 Marvel issues purchased:
Continue reading “Comixology's recent Marvel sale had 7 out of 10 female led titles in top 10”
Ajax Cast in Deadpool movie
The villain Ajax has been cast in the upcoming Deadpool movie. Actor Ed Skrein (Game of Thrones) posted the following tweet:
Continue reading “Ajax Cast in Deadpool movie”
Marvel Collector Corp Teaser Video
Ok, I might be sold on this. Especially after seeing the pop. Marvel Collector Corp has released this teaser trailers: Continue reading “Marvel Collector Corp Teaser Video”
Variant Envy: Spider-Gwen 4 & 5 ComicXposure Variants
Just got these images today. ComicXposure has put out new images of their Spider Gwen variants for issues 4 & 5. Issue 4 deals with the death of Peter Parker (not the 616 version) and what happend afterwards that lead Gwen to become Spider-Gwen. Continue reading “Variant Envy: Spider-Gwen 4 & 5 ComicXposure Variants”
Agent Poyo's picks of the week for delivery 4/8/15
Wednesdays, the best day of the week because it’s the day I get to make it to work a little later because my LCS are my first stops of the day.
Continue reading “Agent Poyo's picks of the week for delivery 4/8/15”
4 Color Grails April Box second announcement
So here it is. The second of the four Four Color Grails variants for April:
Continue reading “4 Color Grails April Box second announcement”
Comics Picks of the week for Delivery 3/8/15
Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the comics we think have the best shot of heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 4/7/15: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for Delivery 3/8/15”
Wednesday Open Forum
Wednesday, new comic day, the best day of the week. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week.
As always, we ask you to post your pick ups, your books dropped. Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”
‘DMC Devil May Cry The Chronicle of Vergil’ Sold out at distributor level
Looks like the video game tie-in ‘ DMC Devil May Cry The Chronicles of Vergil’ is sold out through Diamond and cannot be reordered. This is not something that appeared on the Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list and could have a small print run as it is coming from a small Press company Titan Comics.
Video Game Tie-ins have done well in the past, ‘Injustice Gods Among Us’ comes to mind, but others have not done so well.
Remember, when something sells out at the distributor level, it does not mean you cannot get it in the store, it means your store cannot reorder and once they sell out its over (or on to reprints.)
Top Cow’s ‘The Test’ moves past $27
As we said the other day, what a difference a few days can make in selling a comic book. Top Cow Pilot Season 2011 now has a confirmed break out star in Matt Hawkins, ‘The Test.’
The one book that had been up on eBay has moved nicely in the sub-$30 range and is creeping up. With 16 bids the book is currently at $27.
Other copies are now available starting at .99 cents but there has been no bidding activity to date. There also have been no buy-it-nows or completed auctions for the book with sales. This is the test for “The Test.”
See our original post here. http://comicsheatingup.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/the-test-top-cow-pilot-season-coming-to-scyfy/
“The Test” Top Cow Pilot Season coming to Syfy
What a difference a few days can make. This seller currently has the only copy of The Test by Matt Hawkins and Joshua Hale up on eBay and it’s going for $10.50 at this time with 16 bids.
Just a few days ago, the seller couldn’t even get .50 cents for it.
Whats changed?
Syfy Channel is developing the Top Cow Pilot Season 2011 comic “The Test” into a tv show. Spearheaded by Robert Zemeckis. http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/176113-syfy-developing-comic-the-test-for-television
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder 4/11/13
One way to gauge how hot a comic is/will be is by the Advanced Reorder list from Diamond Comics. This is a list of books being most reordered by retailers before the publication date of the comic.
This week is a weird one as speculation wise there is not too much. Uber dominates the chart this week for single issues.
1. Doctor Strange The Oath TPB
2. Uber #0 Enhanced Edition – This is the second printing of the hot sold out book. Avatar books are greatly under ordered and this one sold out due to the demand and the fact Kieron Gillen is writing it. The Enhanced Edition costs $1 more at $4.99 but features 60 pages.
3. Thanos Rising #2 – Thanos is popular with his appearance in The Avengers movie and all things Guardians of the Galaxy being hot due to the upcoming GoG Movie.
4. Superior Spider-man #9
5. Age of Ultron #2 2nd printing
6. Iron Man #9
7. Amazing Spider-man #700 4th printing
8. Polarity #2 Boom Studios- 1st Issue flew under the radar and sold well now retailers are trying to stock enough of the second issue. Orders usually drop from the 1st to 2nd issue of a book as many people try the first issue and may not continue to pick it up.
9. Wake #1 DC
10. Avatar the Last Air Bender TPB Vol. 5
11. Ten Grand #1 Image- This is the big speculator book of the list. JMS returns to monthly (single issue) comics with the launch of this book. Art by fan favorite Ben Templesmith.
14. Image Firsts Peter Panzerfaust #1 – Try buying a first print of PP for under $300 any more is almost impossible. There was a second print which also commands big bucks.
15. Regular Show Phantom Variant #1 Boom Studios- This is a must buy in any cover. Just look how well Adventure Time did.
25. Ten Grand #1 Bill Sienkiewicz Variant Image- See #11