Mike DeCarlo's Wife In Coma After Being Hit By Car, Raising Funds to Get Her Home

Comic artist Mike DeCarlo has started a GoFundMe Campaign to raise money to get his wife back to Indiana after she was struck by a car and is in a coma.
From Mike De Carlo’s GoFundMe.

On Saturday night, March 24th, 2018, at approximately 10pm, my wife Tracy DeCarlo left our hotel room to get 5 or 10 minutes of fresh air with a brief walk around the area. After 2 or 3 minutes, I felt awkward about letting her go alone, so I quickly dressed to go out and join her.
To my horror, a crowd was already gathering around a fallen body in the ajoinning hotel street and somehow
I knew in my heart it was Tracy.
It was.
She had been struck by a car as a pedestrian.
The driver, an 18 year old female, did NOT flee the scene and apparently was not impaired.
However, she had NO valid license AND no insurance.
Tracy, at the moment I am writing this is still Comatose.
She had considerable Brain Trauma ( but not a hopeless degree of it ) and a fractured Pelvis, broken knee and ligament tears.
She is in Emanuel Hospital ( Legacy Medical Center ) in their ICU and the costs to keep her alive will be at least 1 Million dollars or more. This is located in Portland Oregon.
I do have Medical coverage, but I can’t imagine what the amounts of money I will need over the next 6 or 8 months will accrue to.
I certainly don’t have the many thousands of dollars this will eventually cost me.
I am hopeful that enough people care to help me out in this most dire of time in my/our life. It will cost between $10,000 to $20,000 alone just to bring her back to a proper hospital in Indiana from Oregon in addition to any costs incurred that insurance does not cover once she gets here.
This is going to be a long and VERY expensive fight. The sooner I can get the funds together, the sooner I can bring Tracy back to Indiana where her family can be with her while she hopefully recovers and comes back to us.

After a little over 24 hours, the GoFundMe has raised over $11,000 to help.

Alana’s Ageless Toys: Let go my Mego

Aloha CHUniverse and welcome back to Ageless Toys! This week we talk Mego, one of the most valuable and long collected set of toys out there. We will keep it comic related this time around as there are a ton of Mego toys for all different things like Planet of the Apes, Happy Days, KISS, Wiz of OZ, etc….. Mego collecting does not just include the standard 8” figures there are vehicles, pocket heroes, coin banks, bendables, super softies, play sets, die cast, magnetics, and stretch elastic figures as well. I personally don’t own any of the Megos, I would love too but you need a mountain of cash to start collecting. Regardless this is good garage sale flea market knowledge to have wether you collect or just like making money. So let’s talk toys! Continue reading “Alana’s Ageless Toys: Let go my Mego”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/16/18

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 4/16/18. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/16/18”

One Year Later: Spec Review for 4/12/17

What up CHUaholics!! Shawn B., the One Year Later Investigator,  back again, spec it, collect it, let’s begin! Man, I am getting bad with my jokes the older I get. So, I wanted to take a moment to mention that last week marks the one-year anniversary for these one year later reviews. Thanks to everyone who reads this post. It really is a lot of fun for me. And a big thanks to Anthony, Poyo and Mel for allowing me to call out their specs whether they are good or bad. Lastly, a big shout out and thank you to Anthony for creating CHU and keeping it going strong. Forget the specs and flipping and all that, what I love about this site is the excitement that it gives me each week. Whether it’s the new releases, Anthony’s spoilers, Alana’s Weekend Specs, Blind Adam’s Hidden Gems, it all keeps me excited about past, current and future comics. So, a big thanks to everyone who contributes to this site. You all help to keep my drive for collecting strong and on point. Jeez you’d think I’m accepting a Nobel over here with all my thank yous. Like I think I cured something. Continue reading “One Year Later: Spec Review for 4/12/17”

Alana’s Weekend Specs: The Hammer maker and Eternals

Aloha CHUniverse and welcome back to Weekend Specs! Quick write up this week with news The Eternals may be the next Marvel film franchise being announced soon, we will discuss Eternal keys. Most will gravitate towards Eternals #1 but the majority of the team members appear in other early issues as well that are great hidden low priced undiscovered gems. Also rumor of who Peter Dinklage plays in Infinity War. Let’s jump in!
Continue reading “Alana’s Weekend Specs: The Hammer maker and Eternals”

Shattered Comics Hulk 181 Homage Available at Little Giant Comics 2018 Old School Comic Show

If you want to get your hands on a copy of the Hunt For Wolverine #1 Shattered Comics Mosaic Homage by Matt DiMasi, they will be available at the Little Giant Comics 2018 Old School Comic Show in Concord, NH on April 28th 2018. The show is taking place at the Everett Arena from 10 AM to 5 PM. There is another way to grab a copy if you are not in the area though. Continue reading “Shattered Comics Hulk 181 Homage Available at Little Giant Comics 2018 Old School Comic Show”

Calgary Expo Exclusive Reveal: J Scott Campbell Hunt for Wolverine #1

Calgary Expo is coming up April 26 – 29, 2018. Like most of the Fan Expo Cons, they have a list of great comic creators and celebs, you can check out the full list at the Calgary Expo website. We have a first look at the Calgary Expo Exclusives that will be available at the show. Continue reading “Calgary Expo Exclusive Reveal: J Scott Campbell Hunt for Wolverine #1”

Quick Spoilers: Exiles #1

Exiles #1 is out in stores today. The book features Blink with alternate universe versions of Marvel characters time hopping (think Quantum Leap if you are old enough to remember it) fixing problems. This issue sets up the team. The regular cover gives away who is going to be in the book, so it is no surprise who is in it. But the end has a hook that I liked a lot. Continue reading “Quick Spoilers: Exiles #1”

Wednesday Open Forum

Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)
We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.
The 181st edition of the open forum! Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Poyo’s Spec and Drek for April 11th, 2018

New comic book day is upon us once again. The day we comic collecting nerds and comic flippers look forward to each and every week. Even slow weeks, we still find ourselves heading out to the local shops in hopes of landing some great books.
Continue reading “Poyo’s Spec and Drek for April 11th, 2018”

One Year Later: Spec Review for 4/5/17

What up CHUllectors!?! Shawn B., the One Year Later Investigator, back with another One Year Later round up, where we take a look at some of the comics that Anthony, Mel, and Poyo specced on one year ago. Their specs turn out to be quick flips, slow burns, straight up misses, straight up winners and on and on. Sometimes they spec with their hearts out of their passion for comics. Sometimes they spec based on data. And sometimes they spec based off the word on the street. Either way, all their specs appeal to a few or many collectors whether it is due to them having similar taste in writing or art, or just an opportunity for a collector to flip a book and make money to “support their habit”. So, this is our weekly chance to look back at how some of our buys from a year ago are doing today. Continue reading “One Year Later: Spec Review for 4/5/17”

5 Awesome Retro Superhero Games

For true comic superhero fans, there’s almost an inherent appreciation of all things vintage. That’s not to say new things aren’t exciting as well (let’s just say Avengers: Infinity War looks incredibly cool). But the old stuff is always great, whether because it’s amusing, high quality, or simply pure – or all three! And just as we sometimes look back at ageless toys from comic history, we’re at a point in which certain comic-related video games feel like canonical history also.
So with no further ado, I wanted to take a look back at five awesome retro superhero games, appearing below in no particular order. Continue reading “5 Awesome Retro Superhero Games”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/9/18

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 4/9/18. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/9/18”

Alana’s Ageless Toys: DC Super Powers

Aloha CHUniverse and welcome everyone to the first edition of my new weekly toy write up. Lately I’ve been moving from comic collecting to toy collecting, with good reason. The vintage toy market which has been down in the dumps, starting about 7 years ago, but is coming back stronger then ever, much like comics have done in the same time frame. Toys have first appearances like comics but you will find, finding unopened 1st appearance toys is a lot harder and in most cases rarer than their comic counterparts. Each week I’ll go over a different toy set from the past or have a universal theme for the toys we talk about like “Batman” toys. I’ll try and keep as comic related as possible but some weeks we may not. By no means am I professional toy collector, so I may get things wrong from time to time. Vintage toy information is not as easy to come by as comic info. So if I make a mistake I look forward to being corrected and please do so. Now let’s talk toys! Continue reading “Alana’s Ageless Toys: DC Super Powers”

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