Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for 12/9/15

Another Week, Another Wednesday. I got the great pleasure in meeting Greg Pak (Totally Awesome Hulk) along with the lovely Marjorie Liu (Monstress) this past week at a local signing. Too very talented writers and comic book creators. So it wasn’t a bad week and weekend for me.

If your not reading Monstress, you should. Great story, top notch art work.
Also I’ll throw it out there if you have kids who love disgusting things, Pak has a kickstarter for an alphabet book of disgusting things. You can check it out at He’s also Kingsway West coming soon, I think it was slated for November but probably got pushed back. I think it’s planned to be under Dark Horse. Check it out at
Now, on with the picks…. Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for 12/9/15”

Comic Picks of the week for delivery 12/9/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 12/9/15:

Lots of new books this week. May seem like every book is on the list.  Continue reading “Comic Picks of the week for delivery 12/9/15”

All-New Original Movie Features Exclusive Cosmic Boy LEGO Minifigure


It will take all the efforts of the Justice League – and a few of their super pals – to keep Brainiac from adding Earth to his miniaturized collection of planets in the all-new animated feature, LEGO® DC Comics Super Heroes – Justice League: Cosmic Clash. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation, DC Entertainment and the LEGO Group, the film will be distributed by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment on March 1, 2016 on Blu-rayTM Combo Pack, DVD and Digital HD. The Blu-rayTM and DVD releases will include an exclusive Cosmic Boy LEGO® figurine, while supplies last.  Continue reading “All-New Original Movie Features Exclusive Cosmic Boy LEGO Minifigure”

Dark Horse Comics Announces the First Graphic Novel from Booker Award–Winning Novelist Margaret Atwood!


Dark Horse Comics announced today the publication of Angel Catbird, the first graphic novel by Margaret Atwood, the Booker Award–winning author of The Blind Assassin, The Handmaid’s Tale, and The Heart Goes Last. Angel Catbird is a unique and ambitious collaboration between Atwood and artist Johnnie Christmas (Sheltered) that tells the story of an unusual superhero over the course of three all-ages graphic novels, the first of which will be published by Dark Horse Comics in the fall of 2016. The project is being published in tandem with Keep Cats Safe and Save Bird Lives, an initiative led by Nature Canada, the oldest conservation charity in the country. Continue reading “Dark Horse Comics Announces the First Graphic Novel from Booker Award–Winning Novelist Margaret Atwood!”

Blind Adam’s Top 20 Hidden Gems

I talk on and off with a lot of comic speculators, I always keep my email open for people to ask questions or make suggestions. Adam is a comic dealer I know out of the New York / New Jersey area who I have been talking to for a while now. I asked him for his top 20 back issue specs and here is what he sent me: Continue reading “Blind Adam’s Top 20 Hidden Gems”

Iron Fist on Netflix Picks up a show runner

Looks like there will be a Iron Fist at Netflix after all. Makes sense since they have already introduced Luke Cage Powerman and are moving forward with Defenders. Both of which Iron Fist plays an important roll in.  Continue reading “Iron Fist on Netflix Picks up a show runner”

Big Gems from Small Press December Edition

What up CHU?? Mel V here with you latest edition of Big Gems from the Small Press. Sorry for the delay in getting this edition out, been doing a lot of running around so please forgive me, This edition is going to be very light. Not to many New Indy books coming out in February, but those are the months where you can find a Sneaky Gem out of nowhere, so without further ado let’s get right to it:

Continue reading “Big Gems from Small Press December Edition”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 12/6/15


The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 12/6/15: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 12/6/15”

Marvel Launches Haunted Mansion Comic in March 

Marvel is bringing one of my favorite Disney rides back to comic form this March. Combining that witho e of my favorite writers helming the project I am excited for this book. 
Continue reading “Marvel Launches Haunted Mansion Comic in March “

Local Comic Shop Day Variants at cover price. 

There has been a lot of talk at who has the cheapest prices on local comic shop day variants. There have been some good listings on eBay, and a couple of shops listing a few of the books at cover price. If you missed out on the books and want to grab some you want to check these out.  Continue reading “Local Comic Shop Day Variants at cover price. “

Harrow County Moves Into Development at SyFy

Back in July it was reported that Cullen Bunn’s Harrow County was optioned for a TV deal. It has now moved into the development phase. Great to see an option moved along. Continue reading “Harrow County Moves Into Development at SyFy”

One to Watch: Brooklyn Animal Control

This is a real weird one. Back in July it was announced that Brooklyn Animal Control from IDW was optioned for a TV show. People, of course went scrambling to find issues of the book. I know I went looking for them. However, none were to be found. The reason was there were none printed. Continue reading “One to Watch: Brooklyn Animal Control”

Did Funko or GameStop Rip-Off Funko Fans on Black Friday?

I had posted my Funko/GameStop Mystery Box unopening Video from Black Friday. One of my complaints was I bought 5 boxes to give to my son Joe and of that, four were Batgirls. Being the flipper by nature that I am, I sold two of them to pay for replacement Pops for the boxes (and kept one for myself). Needless to say I was not the only person who ran into this problem.  Continue reading “Did Funko or GameStop Rip-Off Funko Fans on Black Friday?”

Early Warning: Tephlon Funk

tfunk 0

I am not usually into manga or anime. It is just not my thing. I do know it is huge and there is a large fan base for it. Here is something to be on the look for an consider. The comic is called Tephlon Funk.


Continue reading “Early Warning: Tephlon Funk”

First look at Wonder Woman and Doomsday in Batman Vs. Superman Trailer

Holy cow. Now this looks interesting. The full trailer for Batman Vs. Superman Dawn of Justice dropped tonight and it looks good. In it we see the first full look at both Wonder Woman and Doomsday in action.  Continue reading “First look at Wonder Woman and Doomsday in Batman Vs. Superman Trailer”

Tom King Sheriff of Babylon/Vision/Robin Wars/Grayson signing

As I mentioned the other night former CIA operative and comic book writer Tom King was in town to sign his two new series that launched this week, Sheriff of Babylon for Vertigo and Robin Wars for DC.  Continue reading “Tom King Sheriff of Babylon/Vision/Robin Wars/Grayson signing”

Winner! Amazing Spiderman Renew Your Vows #3 Comicxposure Variant


The first of four giveaways of the ComicXposure Amazing Spider-man Renew Your Vows #3 covers. Thanks to ComicXposure for sponsoring the contest!

Here is the winner: Continue reading “Winner! Amazing Spiderman Renew Your Vows #3 Comicxposure Variant”

November LootCrate “Combat” Crate Unboxing

Joe and I finally received our Lootcrate this month. The crates usually come in on the 18th of the month. Ours came December 1st, and only after a call being placed to Loot Crate about the box being lost in West Virginia for many days. Loot Crate shipped out a replacement box. Still hopes we could receive the first one, but doubt it. Continue reading “November LootCrate “Combat” Crate Unboxing”

Free Comic Wednesday Amazing Spiderman Renew Your Vows #3 ComicXposure Black and White variant

Last week we started the drawing for the four great ComicXposure variants. Last week was the Color variant. We will pull the winner tonight. This week we are giving away the black and white variant.  Thanks to our friends at ComicXposure for the books.

Continue reading “Free Comic Wednesday Amazing Spiderman Renew Your Vows #3 ComicXposure Black and White variant”

Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week for 12/2/15

What’s up CHU, Mel V back with another great week of comics and variants. Variants do carry risk, some go up, some go down, but as long as you are buying art that you like, you can’t go wrong. Continue reading “Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week for 12/2/15”

Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 12/2/15

Each week, Terry Hoknes of and releases a video spotlighting the hot new videos of the week. Here is this weeks for delivery 12/2/15. Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 12/2/15”

Wednesday Open Forum



Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 60th edition of the open forum!

Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/2/15

With LCSD passed and gone (hope everyone got what they wanted.. I know I picked up way more than I should have) it’s now the best day of the week again, Wednesday, new comic book day. Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/2/15”

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