Today was a good day for trailers (well yesterday at the point you are reading this) The Batman Superman trailer leaked online and now this. Star Wars The Force Awakens trailer 2 has been released. Check it out below: Continue reading “In case you missed it: Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer”
Category: Comic Books
Jared Leto, first look as Joker
from Comic Book Movie. Jared Leto dropped a photo of himself with green hair and lipstick, no white face paint though. This looks to be the first peek at what he will look like in the Suicide Squad movie. Continue reading “Jared Leto, first look as Joker”
In case you missed it: Batman Superman Dawn of Justice trailer leaks
Batman Vs. Superman Dawn of Justice Trailer leaks online.
Continue reading “In case you missed it: Batman Superman Dawn of Justice trailer leaks”
Deadpool behind the scene videos appear online
Filming for the Deadpool movie has started and behind the scene videos are popping up online. Check them out after the bump: Continue reading “Deadpool behind the scene videos appear online”
Character list for Star Wars Force Awakens reported the character list for Star Wars Force Awakens has been published. At this point it is unofficial and unsure it is complete. But, it is a good chance to reference with the comic books to see if there are any first appearances in comic book form.
Possible spoilers so proceed a your own risk:
Continue reading “Character list for Star Wars Force Awakens”
Be one of the first to see Batman Vs. Superman Trailer
Check the link after the bump to see if there is one in your area. Join Zach Snyder on 4/20/15 as he introduces the Batman Vs. Superman trailer in Imax.
Continue reading “Be one of the first to see Batman Vs. Superman Trailer”
Robert Kirkman signs first look deal with Universal
Just think about all the books Kirkman’s Skybound puts out and think potential movie deals on all of them, the reason, Universal has signed a two-year first-look film deal with Robert Kirkman’s Skybound Entertainment. Continue reading “Robert Kirkman signs first look deal with Universal”
Additional info on the Special Edition NYC GI Joe #214 Variant
The guys from Comic Xposure have sent over the details on the GI Joe #214 Special Edition NYC variant we spotlighted the other day, see below: Continue reading “Additional info on the Special Edition NYC GI Joe #214 Variant”
Marvel Unlimited is welcoming the Star Wars Legends universe of digital comic books into Marvel Unlimited and to celebrate this, for a limited time, Marvel Unlimited is offering new and returning subscribers their first month free. For the first month of a Marvel Unlimited monthly subscription, new and returning subscribers will be able to enjoy free access to over 500 Star Wars Legends digital comic books along with over 15,000 digital Marvel comics!*
Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 4/15/15
Each week Terry Hoknes of releases a video featuring the hot new comics of the week. Here is this weeks for delivery 4/15/15:
Variant Envy: GI Joe #214 Comicxposure Special Edition NYC Variant Updated
Note the previous seller sold out, we have relinked to copies being made available by Comicxposure (you know you will get them as they are the ones who commissioned the variant)
The cat is out of the bag that Snake Eyes is set to die in GI Joe #214. Would have loved to have had this as a surprise like TMNT #44. If you are in New York for Special Edition NYC you might want to pop by and pick up a copy of GI Joe #214 Special Edition NYC variant. It is done by Fabio Valle, artist on Paladin (we gave away signed copies of this and his art is beautiful, Google him):
Continue reading “Variant Envy: GI Joe #214 Comicxposure Special Edition NYC Variant Updated”
By the Numbers: March 2015 print run
Demand is one of the two big factors in determining heat, print run size is the other portion. Supply and demand. Here is a look at the print run sizes for the books we talked about during March 2015. Continue reading “By the Numbers: March 2015 print run”
Four Color Grail April week 3 reveal
Here we go with week three of the Four Color Grail April box: Continue reading “Four Color Grail April week 3 reveal”
Wednesday Open Forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week. New Comic Book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week. We open it up each week to hear what you are spec-ing on. Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”
Auction Watch: Super rare retailer Spread Cover Album hits eBay
I love Spread, going back to the NYCC promo that came out two years ago. (I have a CBCS Graded double signed Blue, and a double signed yellow ungraded.) I have gotten every cover that has come out, and I am not usually a completist. I know there are a few others on here that feel the same way. That is why I flipped when I saw Kyle Strahm (artist on Spread) had posted a super rare Cover Album on eBay. Continue reading “Auction Watch: Super rare retailer Spread Cover Album hits eBay”
Poyo's Picks on Tax Day 2015 (April 15, 2015)
It’s tax day.. err.. new comic book day, the best day of the week. For those that owe taxes, my sympathies go out to you as I know you’d rather spend that hard earned cash buying more comic books. For those that got returns, splurge a little and buy more than you usually buy this Wednesday.
Anyways, this weeks picks are slim.. nothing really stands out as a spec hit but you know how this game goes, anything could surprise us by the end of the day or week…
Here’s my own picks this week though, mostly what I think will be good reads or just must haves…
Continue reading “Poyo's Picks on Tax Day 2015 (April 15, 2015)”
Comics picks of the Week for Delivery 4/15/15
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each one with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up.
Here are our picks of the week for delivery Tax day, April 15, 2015: (If you have money left over)
Continue reading “Comics picks of the Week for Delivery 4/15/15”
Iron Man vs. Ulton video clip drops online
Tyson B. writes for
At this point, I think I may start a fan edit on Avengers Age of Ultron as a good amount of footage has appeared online. I may be able to edit together a pretty good copy. Marvel Studios dropped another fight video featuring Iron Man battling it out with his creation, Ultron. He even refers to him as son at one point. Check it out below: Continue reading “Iron Man vs. Ulton video clip drops online”
Trade Waiting: Spread
Here is another chance to read on of the favorite series on, Spread. Spread is the story of No and Hope in a post apocalyptic waste land where a “The Thing” like creature inhabits people, animals, the land, and what ever, and they are not even the most dangerous things out there. Continue reading “Trade Waiting: Spread”
Trade Waiting: Enormous
If you have had problems getting copies, or were just trade waiting, your chance to read this incredible series finally seems to have come to an end. Continue reading “Trade Waiting: Enormous”
Extended Avengers Age of Ultron Hulk Vs. Hulkbuster clip
Robert Downey Jr. premiered a 90 second clip of Hulk fighting Iron-Man in Hulkbuster armor after accepting an MTV award. Continue reading “Extended Avengers Age of Ultron Hulk Vs. Hulkbuster clip”
Olivia Munn cast as Psylocke in X-Men Apocalypse
In an awesome bit of casting, Olivia Munn has been cast as Betsy Braddock aka Psylocke in the upcoming X-Men Apocalypse movie. Continue reading “Olivia Munn cast as Psylocke in X-Men Apocalypse”
Ant-Man trailer debuts
and it looks pretty sweet. The toy train scene cracks me up. Check it out after the bump and you will see what I mean.
Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/13/15
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/13/15: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/13/15”
Amadeus Cho in Marvel Movie rumor surfaces again
We covered this here way back on January 6, 2015. Amadeus Cho could end up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now, Bleeding Cool has picked up on it, which could lead to even bigger movement in the price of the books. Continue reading “Amadeus Cho in Marvel Movie rumor surfaces again”