Next Spider-Man may not be Peter Parker

Catching up on RSS feeds, there never is enough time My inbox is full of stories I need to get to, this is one of them.
So, the next Spider-man might not be Peter Parker, or if he is Peter Parker, he may not be white.

Jeff Sneider from The Wrap just dropped a potential bomb regarding the next Spider-Man on the Meet the Movie Press podcast, which he co-hosts with Mark Reilly from Schmoes Know.
“This is not set in stone guys, but I’m telling you right now: Spider-Man is not going to be white,” Jeff Sneider revealed. When Reilly asked him if that was speculation, Jeff replied, “I am 95% sure.”

Now the key here is Miles Morales first appearance in Ultimate Fallout #4. Prices have already started going up. It is a good time to search the back issue bins and flip, or get and hold. This one is up in the air since it is not definite so I am pulling my copy to sell and digging for more.

X-Force #19 One to watch

Here is a “find it cheap in the back issues” and flip scenerio. Or you could hold it until the Deadpool movie. X-Force #19 has popped up in value recently due to the casting of Morena Baccarinas in the Deadpool Continue reading “X-Force #19 One to watch”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder list for 2/22/15

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance reorder List for 2/22/15.
comics_diamond_comic_distributors_inc Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder list for 2/22/15”


By comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
As a comic book historian I love keeping track of stats.
This calendar is a log of every comic that suddenly becomes hotter and jumps in value with an actual date.
This list should be continually updated and I hope others will add any comics that I may have missed.
Over a period of time we can look for trends and make interesting comparisons
Here is the Hot Comic Calendar 2015 Continue reading “THE HOT COMIC CALENDAR”

Silk #2 Phantom Variants live

Just got word that the Silk #2 Phantom Variants which are an homage to Amazing Spider-man #300 and #301 are live. The color copies look fantastic, as does the pencil covers we have already given a review of. These ship around March 18th.
$_12 (1)
Continue reading “Silk #2 Phantom Variants live”

The rarity of DC Combo Pack comics 2011-2015

In 2011 DC started marketing the Combo Pack which was a bagged edition of their most popular comics with the price $1.00 higher than the regular cover with the digital code included to download a copy of the comic.
DC released hundreds of comics in this format over the next 3 1/2 years but it appears to be coming to an end. Sales on these marked up combo packs is very low – these might be the future collectible comics as the print runs are potentially only 5% the print run of the regular cover.
These have never been seen as a collectible which gives them the great opportunity to actually become one once collectors realize how few of these are out there. Plus how many people actually bought these and then opened up the bag so bagged versions could even be scarcer. Continue reading “The rarity of DC Combo Pack comics 2011-2015”

Morena Baccarinas lead female and love interest in Deadpool movie

From We had previously mentioned that Morena Baccarinas was in the running for the female lead in Deadpool, well she got it.

IMG_0467 Continue reading “Morena Baccarinas lead female and love interest in Deadpool movie”

Black Science Movie?

Here is an interesting little tidbit. From an article/interview on where Rick Remebder was talking about all things Black science. He may have let on a little bit about the potential for a Black Science media option. Continue reading “Black Science Movie?”

Enormous #6 Comicxposure variant winner

Here we go again, another freebie going out the door. his one is for the Comicxposure Enormous #6 variant. Go past the jump to see the winner. IMG_0434 Continue reading “Enormous #6 Comicxposure variant winner”

Wytches #4 comicxposure variant winner

Sorry for the delay in doing the drawings. It has been a rough computer week with the trusty official laptop dying on me. But new one in place and I am back up and running. So see if you are the winner after the bump!
Continue reading “Wytches #4 comicxposure variant winner”

Agent Poyo's picks of the week for 2/18/15

This week is a given for the speculated comic. Next week will be even bigger but for now, let’s take it one week at a time.
Continue reading “Agent Poyo's picks of the week for 2/18/15”

Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 2/18/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, all with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best chance of heating up. Here are our picks of the week: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 2/18/15”

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