‘Voice in the Dark’ interview with creator Larime Taylor

KCover voice in the dark

So the talk in the comment section has focused a lot on Kickstarter projects being the breeding ground for hot new comics. I ran a piece on one that was picked up by Top Cow / Minotaur (Publisher of ‘Think Tank’) that will be released this November called ‘Voice in the Dark.’ I got a chance to interview the amazing creator tonight and find out a lot more about this book. (Also big thanks to those who ordered his Kickstarter addition in the past 24 hours, you guys are the greatest!) Continue reading “‘Voice in the Dark’ interview with creator Larime Taylor”

Voice in the Dark Kickstarter edition

There has been a bunch of talk in our comment section about Kickstarter books. Especially after the success of Wild Blue Yonder, Watson and Holmes, and now Outliers. Here is one that is being released Top Cow in November. Continue reading “Voice in the Dark Kickstarter edition”

Comic books picks of the week for delivery 8/28/13

Each week hundreds of new books come out, and each week we sort through them to tell you what we like, what we think may have some heat behind it, or what already has some heat behind it. Continue reading “Comic books picks of the week for delivery 8/28/13”

Pretty Deadly preview ran in 8/21/13 Image comic

One of the new Image comics that is getting a lot of buzz Pre-release is ‘Pretty Deadly’ #1 by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios. If this hits as big as the buzz suggests, and if past performance is any indication, people will be looking for the “first appearance.”

Continue reading “Pretty Deadly preview ran in 8/21/13 Image comic”

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 8/22/13


Normally, The Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list is a good indicator on what to buy based on what is being reordered by retailers before the books ship out. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 8/22/13”

SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for August 28 2013 Release Week

by Terry Hoknes from www.hoknescomics.com and investcomics.com

SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for August 28 2013 Release Week

Support new comics !

This column is here to help promote brand new comic book series beginning with a #1 issue.

Pictured are this weeks new comic series selling out the fastest !


This weekly article will also take a close look at how popular the titles are and how close they are to selling out at Diamond.

This will give retailers and collectors a heads up with a reminder of books you want to make sure you get immediately!!

Sometimes books don’t sell out immediately so its worth taking a look back at series that came out in the past few months !

Comics can sell out very quickly so some titles on this list will be more valuable instantly the day of release !

Keep in mind that with 1500 comic stores – if even 20% of stores re-ordered just 1 copy each that would be 300 more copies sold !

So any comics on the list that still have copies left I guarantee are going to eventually all sell out.

Diamond data of copies still available listed below compiled on August 22 2013 (6 days BEFORE release date)! Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for August 28 2013 Release Week”

Outliers #1 selling for $24-$49 or get it signed for $20

Our pick of the week blew up big this week. It is currently selling for $24-$49 on ebay. You can order it directly from the artist for $20 signed and with a sketch. With shipping it is $25. Continue reading “Outliers #1 selling for $24-$49 or get it signed for $20”

Day Men Officially optioned for a movie by Universal

We had mentioned previously that Day Men from Boom Studios had been optioned for a movie here. Prices shot up fairly quick and became a $20 book almost over night. Now the announcement has been officially made.

Continue reading “Day Men Officially optioned for a movie by Universal”

Hoknes Comics Hot Comics of the week 8/14/13


Terry Hoknes of Hoknes Comics weekly hot comics list. Terry has been ahead of the curve with independent books especially ‘Skyward’ #1 a few weeks ago. This weeks video features ‘Outliers’, which looks good and could heat up, as well as. ‘It Came’ from Titan comics

Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list for 8/16/13


Normally, the Diamond Comics advanced reorder list gives speculators a good idea on what is heating up based on what retailers are scrambling to reorder before final order cut off. This week it tells us only one thing, GET THE 3-D DC covers for yourself and for flipping if you can. All the books have been allocated to stores. You may not get the covers. These books have already started selling for multiple times cover price before they have been released. They are sold out. Standard covers are being sent to fill the demand, but not sure anyone will care about the standard covers.
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list for 8/16/13”

Zenescope’s Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Oz Sells out print run


Grimm Fairy Tales is one of the best selling independent series ever. They have launched a ton of spin offs, some did well, some not so much. Their most recent release, GFT Presents Oz has sold out at the distributor level and will be getting a reprint. Continue reading “Zenescope’s Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Oz Sells out print run”

Marvel’s Infinity #1 sells out at distributor level

Marvel was very proud to announce that Infinity #1 sold out at the distributor level. Selling out through Diamond Comics does not mean you will not be able to get this book in your local comic shop, but when there stock is gone, it’s gone.

Continue reading “Marvel’s Infinity #1 sells out at distributor level”

Sheltered #1 Print run

One of the recent books I have been very intrigued by has been Shelter #1. Labeled as a Pre-apocalypse story, it follows survivalists preparing for the worst, and getting something completely unexpected. Continue reading “Sheltered #1 Print run”

Print run of Ghosted #1

With the second issue of the ongoing series Ghosted out today, and the second printing of number one, I figured it might be nice to know the print run. For a Skybound book it was less than I imagined especially since a preview ran in The Walking Dead. Continue reading “Print run of Ghosted #1”

IDW’s Wild Blue Yonder, the movie?

I had a conversation with a large regional retailer that is in with the creative team behind Wild Blue Yonder, the hit and sold out creator owned book from IDW. We often trade speculation info back and forth and I know this retailer to be a stand up guy who is in the know. I am not going to name the retailer or the shop, it’s not Larry, because I appreciated the info. Continue reading “IDW’s Wild Blue Yonder, the movie?”

Market Watch-1 year after: Independent #1’s

Originally posted at http://comicbookspeculation.blogspot.ca/ from Dakoit, reprinted with permission. I really appreciated reading over this and have sold quite a few of these books myself over the past year. I though it was a great review of what has been hot (and what was not.)

Market Watch-1 year after: Independent #1’s!
Hi everyone, my apologies for the last several weeks. Been very busy with a huge move and family festivities. Today I wanted to share some of the #1 comics from independent publishers (yes, Image Comics counts as one…still.) I bought within the last 2 years (excluding 2013). There are some caveats to consider with these current values/prices found on Ebay:
1) Some represent averages from a price range found on Ebay
2) Some are published earlier than 2 years ago, but bought within the last 2 years (ie. Morning Glories)
3) I have listed only those comics that I actually own. Continue reading “Market Watch-1 year after: Independent #1’s”

Comics Picks of the Week for delivery 8/14/13

Each week we go over what is being released on Wednesday and give our how’s and why’s on what we think will heat up. This week is not a huge week for new series, but we do have the return of some old favorites. Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for delivery 8/14/13”

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