Our friends at Comic Xposure are doing a Cyber-Monday deal that is pretty sweet, especially if you are interested in their variants. Continue reading “Comic Xposure Cyber-Monday deal”
Tag: comic book speculation
Walking Dead Season 5 Midseason finally spec
Man, brutal ending to the midseason of the Walking Dead Season 5. I am keeping this spoiler free so, it is ok to read if you haven’t watched the show yet. Continue reading “Walking Dead Season 5 Midseason finally spec”
Comicsheatingup.net reader Cyber-Monday Deals
A bunch of new and refreshed Cyber-Monday reader deals. Check them out. Continue reading “Comicsheatingup.net reader Cyber-Monday Deals”
Cyber Monday: Walking Dead Mystery Boxes still available and with free shipping
The Black Friday Walkind Dead Mystery Boxes are still available if you were on the fence about ordering them. If you jumped in early like me, you missed out on free shipping. See past the bump for details:
Continue reading “Cyber Monday: Walking Dead Mystery Boxes still available and with free shipping”
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 11/30/14
The Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list is a great speculator tool. It gives a snap shot of what comics shops are going back and getting more copies of before the books are released. These books could be new series, second issues of new series, reprints of recent hot books, or a hot story line. What ever the reason, these are the books retailers want. Here is the Diamond Comics Advanced reorder List for 11/30/14 Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 11/30/14”
Tfaw Hot 20 comics for 11/30/14
What makes these the hottest comics? Besides being best sellers, these are also typically the ones our customers are talking about. Check them out to see what all the buzz is about!
I usually run the list once a week just to show what is selling well on-line. Granted, this is just one retailer, but you can bet that other stores are experiencing the same thing. Continue reading “Tfaw Hot 20 comics for 11/30/14”
Comic Book Black Friday
There are a ton of websites doing Black Friday deals. These are good chances to pick up cool stuff cheap. Here are some of our favorites:
Continue reading “Comic Book Black Friday”
Terra Kaiju Kickstarter
I love Kickstarters. Many great comics come out of the crowd source funding site. I have come across one that really interests me and wanted to give it more attention. Terra Kaiju by Joe Badon is looking for funding. The nice thing about this one is the low entry point for the physical copy. For just $7 You get a copy of the book, with your name in the thank you section in the back. Not a bad deal. This one is a big draw for me as I am a huge Godzilla fan. (Will have to show the giant Godzilla attacking Baltimore painting hanging proudly in my family room) Continue reading “Terra Kaiju Kickstarter”
CHU Black Friday Reader Offerings
So here it is, the list of actions and Buy-it-Nows from readers. Anyone can submit up to five auctions for this. Take a look at what your fellow readers are offering up.
Continue reading “CHU Black Friday Reader Offerings”
Zenescope's The Fly optioned by Fox for TV
The creator owned series by Raven Gregory, Fly, has been optioned for TV by Fox Television. Continue reading “Zenescope's The Fly optioned by Fox for TV”
Amazing Spider-man #418 Spec from Bleeding Cool
Bleeding Cool ran an interesting spec story the other day. It focuses on Amazing Spider-Man #418. Continue reading “Amazing Spider-man #418 Spec from Bleeding Cool”
Third Eye Spotlight for 11/26/14
Each week Steve from Third Eye Comics releases a video spotlighting some of the cool new comics for the week. Here is this weeks for deliver 11/26/14: Continue reading “Third Eye Spotlight for 11/26/14”
Drafted picked up for movie deal
Devil’s Due Productions comic ‘Drafted’ has been picked up by Benderspink Productions (who are also working on the Five Ghosts series for Syfy.) Continue reading “Drafted picked up for movie deal”
Wednesday Open Forum
One of my favorite things is the interaction on the site. Besides the contests, the open forum always has great conversations. Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”
Edge of Spider-verse #2 Third Print, must pick up
I already put out our picks of the week for 11/26/14. But there was one I left off on purpose to give it special attention. The book worth the extra look is Edge of Spider-Verse #2 Third Print. Spider-Gwen is hot. Continue reading “Edge of Spider-verse #2 Third Print, must pick up”
SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for November 26 2014
Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of www.HoknesComics.com – hoknes@hotmail.com
This article is immensely useful in determining what retailers have under ordered and what is going to sell out fast.
This column is here to help promote every new comic book series debuting this week.
Pictured are the 3 new series that are selling out the fastest at Diamond ! Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for November 26 2014”
Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 11/26/14
Each week Terry Hoknes of www.hoknescomics.com releases a video spotlighting the hot new comics of the week. Here is this week’s, for delivery 11/26/14: Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 11/26/14”
Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/26/14
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each one with potential. Some of them live up to that potential. Each week we pick the ones we think have the best shot of heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 11/26/14. Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/26/14”
CHU Black Friday
Last year, I started a Black Friday deal where I spotlighted readers auctions on the side bar (people still use the CHU Black Friday tag, just look on the side). This year, figured I would try something different. Continue reading “CHU Black Friday”
More Nebula in Guardians 2?
It makes sense, Nebula was in Guardians of the Galaxy. Nebula is Thanos’ daughter. Thanos will be a big part of the upcoming Marvel movies. So is there more Nebula story to tell. Continue reading “More Nebula in Guardians 2?”
Apocalypse Cast for X-Men Apocalypse
Twentieth Century Fox has had a busy day. With all the TV deals they signed, they also signed an important part of the upcoming X-Men Apocalypse movie. Continue reading “Apocalypse Cast for X-Men Apocalypse”
Comic Xposure Spider-man #9 Contest winner
Hey everyone, Thanks for your patience. This was supposed to go off this morning, but have been home with a sick child and have just made it to my computer. So let’s get to giving away some comics.
Continue reading “Comic Xposure Spider-man #9 Contest winner”
Boom Studio Sells The Rinse To Twentieth Century Fox Tv
The second part of today’s Boom Studio first look deal with Twentieth Century Fox Tv is the 2011 Series The Rinse according to Deadline. Continue reading “Boom Studio Sells The Rinse To Twentieth Century Fox Tv”
Justin Jordan's Deep State sold for TV
Justin Jordan’s new series, Deep State <has been sold to Twentieth Century Fox TV according to Deadline
Continue reading “Justin Jordan's Deep State sold for TV”
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 11/23/14
The Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list is a great speculator tool. It gives a snap shot of what comics shops are going back and getting more copies of before the books are released. These books could be new series, second issues of new series, reprints of recent hot books, or a hot story line. What ever the reason, these are the books retailers want. Here is the Diamond Comics Advanced reorder List for 11/23/14 Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 11/23/14”