My niece is 13 and a pretty cool girl. We already have a date set up for us to go see Guardians when it comes out in theaters. So, a trip up to the Philadelphia region was planned and my wife and I took her to her first comic convention. Continue reading “Wizard World: Philadelphia Comic Con”
Tag: comicsheatingup
Rat Queens #2 Second Print Possible grail issue
From what I am seeing on message boards, Rat Queens #2 second printing may be a grail issue of the series. Continue reading “Rat Queens #2 Second Print Possible grail issue”
Mercy Graves to appear in Batman VS. Superman: Dawn of Justice movie
Characters coming out of DC’s kids line of “Adventures” comics. First, it was Harley Quinn. Then there was Livewire coming out of Superman Adventures #5. Now it looks like it will be Lex Luthor’s assistant and chauffeur, Mercy Graves.
Continue reading “Mercy Graves to appear in Batman VS. Superman: Dawn of Justice movie”
Dynamite's Vampirella #1 sells out, and print run
Dynamite comics is proud to announce that the new Vampirella #1 comic has sold out. The book, which features the classic female vampire that was originally featured in Warren Magazines, was released on 6/4/14. Continue reading “Dynamite's Vampirella #1 sells out, and print run”
TFAW's Hot Comic List for 6/18/14
Each week TFAW puts out a hot list of books, these are the books that sell the most for the week. Here is this weeks list of what people are clamoring for: Continue reading “TFAW's Hot Comic List for 6/18/14”
Guardians of the Galaxy movie to introduce Nova
Umberto Gonzalez, the mega spoiler from Latino Review tweeted out the following about the possible after the credits scene for Guardians of the Galaxy. Continue reading “Guardians of the Galaxy movie to introduce Nova”
Chuck Dixon's Winter World to be adapted for live action TV
Winterworld #1 comes out from IDW tomorrow. It already has a media deal announced.
X-Box had announced back in April that they were developing the book for a live action event program. X-Box, as well as, Playstation have begun to develop original content for their networks similar in the way Netflix is developing Marvel Universe TV shows.
Chuck Dixon’s Winterworld #1 is a representation of an original mini-series that came out from Eclipse comics from 1984.
Besides the regular cover or Winterworld #1 , there is a Winterworld #1 Subscription Variant
Comics Picks of the week for delivery 6/18/14
These past couple of weeks have been full of surprises. There have been a lot of books popping write after Wednesday. This week could end up being no different.
Each week hundreds of books are released to the shelves of comic shops. Each one has potential, some live up to it. We go through the listings and give our picks for what we think will heat up. Here are this weeks picks of the week: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for delivery 6/18/14”
Fox picks up 'Malignant Man' from Boom! Studios
Deadline had the exclusive on this one. Fox Studios has picked up the rights for boom Studio’s Malignant Man. Continue reading “Fox picks up 'Malignant Man' from Boom! Studios”
Larry's Comics Pick of the Week for 6/18/14
Like EF Hutton, when Larry talks, people listen. Larry Doherty of has been at the speculator game for a while. He used to write the definitive weekly speculator newsletter, and started the twitter hash tag #comicmarket. Always thankful when he drops by to give his spec pick of the week. Continue reading “Larry's Comics Pick of the Week for 6/18/14”
Covering NYCC in October
Want to say thanks to everyone who visits the site, as always, you guys have made this website happen and have opened some real opportunities up for me. Because of this web-site and how well it does, close to 100,000 hits last month alone, I have been given the opportunity to cover the New York Comic Con for Bleeding Cool!
That is right, I will be producing articles for (and hopefully will have them published by) Bleeding Cool (and of course for
So thanks to everyone who visits and Cheers!
Image Comics What's Next preview online
I had mentioned yesterday that Image Comics What's Next is the first appearance of Rat Queens, especially interesting since the Tv announcement. Continue reading “Image Comics What's Next preview online”
SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for June 18 2014
Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
This column is here to help promote every new comic book series debuting this week.
Pictured are the 3 new series that are selling out the fastest at Diamond !
Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for June 18 2014”
Hoknes Comics hot new comics for release 6/18/14
Each week Terry Hoknes of releases a video spotlighting the hotnew comics of the week. Here is this weeks for delivery 6/18/14: Continue reading “Hoknes Comics hot new comics for release 6/18/14”
Rat Queens First appearance
With the news breaking this weekend that Rat Queens got optioned for an animated series, people went scrambling to get copies of the first issue. But their first appearance in print form should not be overlooked either. Continue reading “Rat Queens First appearance”
Rat Queens gets adapted in animated show
Rat Queens, the fantasy/comedy series from Kurtis J. Weibe and Roc Upchurch is being adapted as an animated TV series. Continue reading “Rat Queens gets adapted in animated show”
Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list for 6/13/14 (Friday the 13th edition)
The Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List is a great tool for speculation. It shows what books are hot before the books even hit the stores. These are the books that retailers are going back to get more of before the books are released. Here is this weeks:
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list for 6/13/14 (Friday the 13th edition)”
Tfaw's Hot list for 6/11/14
Each week TFAW puts out a hot list of books, these are the books that sell the most for the week. Here is this weeks list of what people are clamoring for:
Continue reading “Tfaw's Hot list for 6/11/14”
Phantom Variant Program: Hack Slash Son of Samhain from Image
I have been a big fan of the books coming out of the Phantom Variant program. Since it’s inception, Larry from has been releasing incredible covers for hot books. The latest is no exception, well except this is a hot cover for a fan favorite hot book. Continue reading “Phantom Variant Program: Hack Slash Son of Samhain from Image”
Larry's Comics Pick of the week for 6/11/14
Larry from always has an interesting view on speculating and makes some great picks each week. He has been at it for a long while and used to write the Larry’s Comics Market report, which was an awesome tool for speculators. Here is his pick for 6/11/14: Continue reading “Larry's Comics Pick of the week for 6/11/14”
A look ahead to this weeks releases 6/11/14
From Terry Hoknes at Hoknes Comics
A look a head at this weeks odd variants and sold out books.
Continue reading “A look ahead to this weeks releases 6/11/14”
Vincent D'Onofrio to play Wilson Fisk in Netflix Daredevil
Actor, Vincent D’Onofrio is set to play Wilson Fisk in the upcoming Netflix series. Marvel and Netflix were proud to the casting of the acclaimed actor. Continue reading “Vincent D'Onofrio to play Wilson Fisk in Netflix Daredevil”
Todd McFarlane announced mystery character optioned by Hollywood
Todd McFarlane announced last week that he sold the option for one of his characters to Hollywood. He posted on his Facebook account the sale of the option. He stated more news was to come. Continue reading “Todd McFarlane announced mystery character optioned by Hollywood”
New Constantine Trailer out, Looks fantastic
The new Constantine trailer has hit the web and really looks good. Much better than the movie version did. Continue reading “New Constantine Trailer out, Looks fantastic”
Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for Release 6/11/14
Each week Terry Hoknes of releases a video spotlighting the hot new comics of the week. Here is this weeks for delivery 6/11/14 Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for Release 6/11/14”