Winner! Famous Monsters of Filmland Candy Skull T Shirt

Third and final drawing of the night. Will be putting up another drawing today or tomorrow, so keep an eye out. This one is for the Famous Monsters of Filmland t-shirt.
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Winner! Comicxposure Enormous Vol. 2 #1 Reverse Variant


Second Drawing of the night. Same rules as before you have 48 hours to contact me to claim. Continue reading “Winner! Comicxposure Enormous Vol. 2 #1 Reverse Variant”


If you have been a fan of Godzilla in Hell, and especially the subscription covers by Matt Frank, you will want to check out the new American Gothic Press series “Project Nemesis”. AGP will be bringing an exclusive cover out for Local Comic Shop Day.

American Gothic Press will be partnering with ComicsPRO for the first annual Local Comic Shop Day. The event, scheduled for November 28, 2015 at particpiating stores, has been publicized by ComicsPRO as a way to celebrate and appreciate independent comic shops for their donations to pop culture. Many publishers, including Marvel, BOOM!, Image, Oni, Black Mask, IDW, and Archie will be providing exclusive items for shops participating in the event. Continue reading “AMERICAN GOTHIC PRESS BRINGS PROJECT NEMESIS TO LOCAL COMIC SHOP DAY”

Free Comic Wednesday: Book of Death #1 Nerd Store Exclusive Variant

This one is completely different so please read the full rules.

DrunkWooky is giving away (via CHU) two copies of Valiant’s Book of Death #1 Nerd Store Variant
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Blindbox is new comic focused Subscription service

With the death of Four Color Grails, we have been wondering who will step in to offer up some comic subscription box goodness. Our friend Court Gebeau of is just the man to do it. He is launching Blindbox Comics. Continue reading “Blindbox is new comic focused Subscription service”

Dark Horse Announces NYCC Exclusives

Seriously, NYCC is bigger than SDCC. Attendance last year was higher at New York than San Diego. Crazy huh? No wonder comic publishers want to get there books out in front of comic fans there.

Dark Horse announces the full line up of 2015 NYCC exclusives, available in the Dark Horse Comics booth #1636!

Dark Horse has produced incredible items for this year’s show, as well as secured a few other extremely limited edition items from our partners!

The list can be found below, available only at the Dark Horse Booth at New York Comic Con 2015!
dhlogo Continue reading “Dark Horse Announces NYCC Exclusives”

Wednesday Open Forum



Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 51st edition of the open forum!

Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/30/14

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 9/30/15: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/30/14”

Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week

What’s Up CHU, Mel V. back at it again after a little rest from my Baltimore trip, fresh with a few new variants for the week.
Remember, some variants go up, some go down, but as long as you are buying art you like you cannot go wrong. Continue reading “Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week”

Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/30/15

Another small week for myself and last week I managed to only go $10 over my budget. I know what your thinking, why is Poyo on a budget? Well, I’ve just been buying too much that I intend to sell but then never sell cause I end up liking the comics too much. So I’m trying to cut back some, the piles of comics are getting hard to manage and quite frankly, my policy of reading everything I buy is getting even harder to manage.

Regardless of my own buying habits, I’ll still spread the love of what I think is a hit, a spec or maybe just a good read. So let’s get on with the picks shall we. Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for Delivery 9/30/15”

DrunkWooky’s Salt Lake Comic Con Wrap Up: Day Three

Hey, CHU! Sorry for the delay, but I’m back from Salt Lake Comic Con and ready to give the final run down.

Saturday was mostly about back issue hunting. We’ll get to that in a second, though. First, I want to let everybody know that the Nerd Store in Salt Lake City, Utah, were kind enough to sponsor a Free Comic Wednesday for CHU from the SLCC floor!

Keep an eye out in the next couple weeks for a Free Comic Wednesday featuring the Nerd Store’s exclusive Book of Death #1 variant! We’ll have two winners for this giveaway, so thanks to the Nerd Store for their generosity!

Ok, on to the show floor!
Continue reading “DrunkWooky’s Salt Lake Comic Con Wrap Up: Day Three”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 9/25/15

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 9/21/15: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 9/25/15”

Viz Media Announces New York Comic Con Retail Exclusives

Attention Anime and Manga Fans:

VIZ Media has previewed a comprehensive and exciting collection of show exclusives, advance manga and anime releases and other special items available for purchase at the VIZ Media booth during New York Comic Con 2015.
Continue reading “Viz Media Announces New York Comic Con Retail Exclusives”

Big Things Come in Low Prints: August 2015

Hey, CHU, it’s DrunkWooky. Burning the midnight oil to see what Secret Wars titles are trying hard to stay secret.

If you’re a CHU reader, you probably have heard some contributors talk about low print runs. We care because, obviously, if something heats up and has a print run in the low thousands, that can mean huge value increases. Most of the time this is an advanced prediction. Notwithstanding retailer exclusives where tiny print runs are part of the advertised allure of collectability, we usually don’t know actual numbers until after the fact.

Well, hot from Comichron, here are August’s sales totals for all North American comic shops. Because most publishers print close to direct market orders, Diamond’s sales figures act as a good proxy and barometer for print run figures. Let’s see where your recent purchases stack in the scheme of all of last month’s releases.

Continue reading “Big Things Come in Low Prints: August 2015”

Mel V.’s Baltimore Comic Con Wrap up

What up CHU Mel V. fresh from Anthony’s hometown Baltimore, Maryland, with you Baltimore Comic Con review. There is going to be some nice info in here. So grab ya favorite beverage and enjoy the article

This is the 1st time I have left the city of NY to attend any Con and let me tell you it won’t be the last time. Baltimore Con was an experience that any comic book fan should experience, I don’t know where to start.
Continue reading “Mel V.’s Baltimore Comic Con Wrap up”

Enormous NYCC Variants

Tim Daniel put out the news on the New York Comic Con Enormous Variants. You know we will be there trying to snag copies. In addition to Tim’s Variants, Michael Moreci has some too. Looking forward to meeting him in person (both of them actually.) Here is what is on tap.
Continue reading “Enormous NYCC Variants”

Big Gems from the Small Press

What Up CHu? Mel V. here with you latest edition of Big Gems from the Small Press. Still riding high from my trip to Baltimore Comic Con, if you ever have a chance I highly suggest going to Baltimore Comic Con, you will definitely enjoy yourself. I’m switching things up a bit going forward, I will be adding the diamond order numbers to each of the selected books so it will make things a bit easier for you guys when you order stuff from your local LCS. Ok, here are some of the books to be on the lookout for in the month of December, the cutoff date to order via Diamond is 10/20, so be sure to order from your LCS so you won’t be left out in the dark when these books get released. So let’s get started: Continue reading “Big Gems from the Small Press”

Baltimore Comic Con Wrap Up

Wow! What a weekend. We went to closing on a refi on our house on Friday, so that took me out of the con for Friday, and Sunday I took Joe to the Raven’s game (ugh). I did make it to the show on Saturday. I fit a full weekend in in one day. Here is the wrap up. Continue reading “Baltimore Comic Con Wrap Up”

Free Comic Book Wednesday: (on a Saturday) Scooby Doo Team Up #12


Scooby Doo Team Up #12 was one of the hottest books of the week. People grabbed up every copy they could find. The books are selling for $15-20 on eBay. Partially due to the appearance of the classic animated version of Harley Quinn but also coupled with the small print run. I have seen posts all over message boards and face book where people said they couldn’t grab a copy for their kids.  Continue reading “Free Comic Book Wednesday: (on a Saturday) Scooby Doo Team Up #12”

CHU Baltimore Comic Con Where’s Anthony Contest

I will be out on the floor of Baltimore Comic Con tomorrow. When ever I go to cons I carry goodies. If you are at Baltimore Comic Con tomorrow, look for me and you can win a free Enormous #6 Blank Sketch Variant. Continue reading “CHU Baltimore Comic Con Where’s Anthony Contest”

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