Viz Media Announces New York Comic Con Retail Exclusives

Attention Anime and Manga Fans:

VIZ Media has previewed a comprehensive and exciting collection of show exclusives, advance manga and anime releases and other special items available for purchase at the VIZ Media booth during New York Comic Con 2015.
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Big Things Come in Low Prints: August 2015

Hey, CHU, it’s DrunkWooky. Burning the midnight oil to see what Secret Wars titles are trying hard to stay secret.

If you’re a CHU reader, you probably have heard some contributors talk about low print runs. We care because, obviously, if something heats up and has a print run in the low thousands, that can mean huge value increases. Most of the time this is an advanced prediction. Notwithstanding retailer exclusives where tiny print runs are part of the advertised allure of collectability, we usually don’t know actual numbers until after the fact.

Well, hot from Comichron, here are August’s sales totals for all North American comic shops. Because most publishers print close to direct market orders, Diamond’s sales figures act as a good proxy and barometer for print run figures. Let’s see where your recent purchases stack in the scheme of all of last month’s releases.

Continue reading “Big Things Come in Low Prints: August 2015”

Mel V.’s Baltimore Comic Con Wrap up

What up CHU Mel V. fresh from Anthony’s hometown Baltimore, Maryland, with you Baltimore Comic Con review. There is going to be some nice info in here. So grab ya favorite beverage and enjoy the article

This is the 1st time I have left the city of NY to attend any Con and let me tell you it won’t be the last time. Baltimore Con was an experience that any comic book fan should experience, I don’t know where to start.
Continue reading “Mel V.’s Baltimore Comic Con Wrap up”

Enormous NYCC Variants

Tim Daniel put out the news on the New York Comic Con Enormous Variants. You know we will be there trying to snag copies. In addition to Tim’s Variants, Michael Moreci has some too. Looking forward to meeting him in person (both of them actually.) Here is what is on tap.
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Big Gems from the Small Press

What Up CHu? Mel V. here with you latest edition of Big Gems from the Small Press. Still riding high from my trip to Baltimore Comic Con, if you ever have a chance I highly suggest going to Baltimore Comic Con, you will definitely enjoy yourself. I’m switching things up a bit going forward, I will be adding the diamond order numbers to each of the selected books so it will make things a bit easier for you guys when you order stuff from your local LCS. Ok, here are some of the books to be on the lookout for in the month of December, the cutoff date to order via Diamond is 10/20, so be sure to order from your LCS so you won’t be left out in the dark when these books get released. So let’s get started: Continue reading “Big Gems from the Small Press”

Baltimore Comic Con Wrap Up

Wow! What a weekend. We went to closing on a refi on our house on Friday, so that took me out of the con for Friday, and Sunday I took Joe to the Raven’s game (ugh). I did make it to the show on Saturday. I fit a full weekend in in one day. Here is the wrap up. Continue reading “Baltimore Comic Con Wrap Up”

CHU Baltimore Comic Con Where’s Anthony Contest

I will be out on the floor of Baltimore Comic Con tomorrow. When ever I go to cons I carry goodies. If you are at Baltimore Comic Con tomorrow, look for me and you can win a free Enormous #6 Blank Sketch Variant. Continue reading “CHU Baltimore Comic Con Where’s Anthony Contest”

DrunkWooky’s Salt Lake Comic Con Day One Wrap Up

Hey, CHU! It’s DrunkWooky giving a short rundown of Salt Lake Comic Con 2015 Day One, Thursday, September 24, 2015! While Anthony is getting ready for Baltimore Comic Con, I am already on the floor of Salt Lake.

First and foremost, happy birthday to Bob Layton, who is spending it with us at Salt Lake Comic Con and plans to visit his favorite restaurant, Valter’s Osteria today to celebrate. Bob entertained me with great stories of a restaurant run by a lively white-haired old Italian man and taking Edward James Olmos and 16 others to Valter’s on his last visit to Salt Lake. Happy Birthday, Bob! To us fans, no matter your age, you’ll be timeless!

Ok, on to the con floor! Continue reading “DrunkWooky’s Salt Lake Comic Con Day One Wrap Up”

Other Reasons to Visit Justin Jordan at NYCC

We just mentioned and showed the art for the Spread NYCC variant (as well as the Luthor Strode variant we were first to post) but here are a few more reasons to visit Justin Jordan at NYCC. Continue reading “Other Reasons to Visit Justin Jordan at NYCC”

Variant Envy: Spread #9 NYCC Variant 

Each year my friends Kyle Strahm and Justin Jordan release a special NYCC variant. Two years ago it was the Spread Convention Teaser. Last year, Spread #1 NYCC. Here is this years variant for The Spread: Continue reading “Variant Envy: Spread #9 NYCC Variant “

Paper Girls #1 Redux

We mentioned Paper Girls #1 the other night as one to watch. They are selling out on-line as soon as they are posted up. Found these for less than cover price.
Continue reading “Paper Girls #1 Redux”

Wednesday Open Forum



Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 50th edition of the open forum!

Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Free Comic Wednesday: Enormous Vol. 2 #1 Comicxposure Reverse Variant

We are bringing back Free Comic Wednesday’s back in a big way, Enormous if you will. We already posted up the Famous Monsters of Filmland Shirt, but here is something a little more “comic” for Free Comic Wednesday.


Up for grabs, Enormous Vol. 2 #1 Comicxposure Reverse Variant limited to 500 copies. (keep an eye out because we will be giving away the regular variant next week.) Continue reading “Free Comic Wednesday: Enormous Vol. 2 #1 Comicxposure Reverse Variant”

New Apocalypse Image Leaked, Should Calm Fears

The original Apocalypse Image (shown below) really bothered people. Mostly because other than the blue skin, he just didn’t look like Apocalypse. But a new image leaked, or was leaked, showing Apocalypse in a much more familiar light.


Continue reading “New Apocalypse Image Leaked, Should Calm Fears”

Batman Adventures #12 Comic Con Box Third Variant?


We had mentioned the Comic Con Box Flip idea a while back. The idea was to buy the box and flip the Batman Adventures #12 Comic Con Box Variant that came in it, keep the rest of the stuff (or sell it) and profit. With the color closing for as high as $60 and black and white for $100, it wasn’t a bad idea. Now I am getting word that there may be a third, secret version of it. Check it out: Continue reading “Batman Adventures #12 Comic Con Box Third Variant?”

Free Comic Wednesday: Famous Monsters T-Shirt 

It is the return of Free Comic Wednesday!

I got a really cool package in the mail this week from American Gothic Press. These are the same guys who not only put out Famous Monsters of Filmland Magazine, but also the great new line of comics such as Broken Moon, Gunsuits, Bornhome, and the upcoming book Project Nemesis (a Kaiju book featuring art by Matt Frank, the guy who has been doing those great Godzilla in Hell variants). They also started a line of T-shirts. They sent me over the “Famosos Monstruos” T-shirt I was sporting in the Loot Crate unboxing video the other night.
Continue reading “Free Comic Wednesday: Famous Monsters T-Shirt “

Hoknes Comics Enormous Vol.2 #2 Variant Plus more

Terry Hoknes has been a long time supporter of the site, since day 1 in fact. He is also one of the most knowledgeable guys in comics, and as stated a long time friend of the site. That is why I am always glad to support his variant covers. He has three new ones this week. Check them out.
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Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for release 9/23/15

Each week Terry Hoknes of releases a video spotlighting the hot new comics of the week. Here is this weeks, for release 9/23/15:
Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for release 9/23/15”

Court of Owls to appear on Gotham

Here is something sure to help the already hot Batman series from Scott Snyder remain hot. The COurt of Owls is set to appear on the Gotham TV show. Confirmed. Continue reading “Court of Owls to appear on Gotham”

Mel’s Variant Picks of the week

What’s up CHU? Mel V. here with another batch of new variants. I appreciate all the responses each week so make sure to chime in on the comment section below. Remember, some variants go up, some go down, but as long as you are buying art you like you can’t go wrong. Here is what I am feeling this week: Continue reading “Mel’s Variant Picks of the week”


Wednesday, the best day every week. Even if it ends up being a smaller week, just the thought of running to the comic book store for new books make the day great.
This week is small for me, I think I only have 10 books I’m going to be picking up as there aren’t really many variants either that I’m eye balling.
Regardless of what I’m picking up, here’s my picks for the week: Continue reading “AGENT POYO’S PICKS OF THE WEEK FOR DELIVERY 9/23/15”


Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 9/23/15:
Continue reading “COMICS PICKS OF THE WEEK FOR DELIVERY 9/23/15”

One to Watch: Paper Girls #1 by Brian k. Vaughn

Here is one for you. Paper Girls #1 is selling out in pre-orders everywhere. Partially because of Brian k. Vaughn being attached (ok, mostly).
Signs are pointing to this being a big selling, possibly hard to find book.

aug150476 Continue reading “One to Watch: Paper Girls #1 by Brian k. Vaughn”

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