Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 11/25/15

From Terry Hoknes at www.hoknescomics.com and www.hoknescomicsusa.com

Each week I showcase all the new comic book series debuting plus any potential key issues for speculators in the Hoknes Video:
New comic book series debuting on NOV 25 2015 week
Please watch the VIDEO and leave your comments – thanks Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 11/25/15”

Wednesday Open Forum



Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 59th edition of the open forum!

Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Agent Poyo’s Picks of the week for delivery 11/24/15

This week, Poyo can relax since everyone wants to eat turkey instead of chickens. All those poor turkey’s.. this weeks picks are in honor of their sacrifice of filling our bellies.

Also, Poyo would like to remind everyone that Thanksgiving isn’t about those damn Pilgrims coming to America, learning how to grow food and get along with the natives, it’s about having the damn day off, which everyone should enjoy. So if you can, do not give into the hype of having to go shop at Wally World on Thanksgiving evening, let those greedy corporations know that their employees should have the day off just as much as anyone else. So be kind and instead wake up at 3am on Friday morning to go stand out in front of a store to save a few bucks you crazy crazy people.. I’ll be sleeping in on Friday since I already got most of my shopping done weeks ago.
Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the week for delivery 11/24/15”

Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/25/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we feel have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for deliver 11/25/15:
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/25/15”

Drunk Wooky’s Local Comic Shop Day Spec Highlights

The first ever Local Comic Shop Day is next Saturday, November 28th, 2015! Now, what is LCSD? Brian Hibbs, writing more passionately than I could about the subject has described it as the Record Store Day model transplanted into the comic retailer world. Essentially, it’s an exclusive ComicsPRO event where only ComicsPRO member stores can participate. If your local comic shop is not a member of ComicsPRO, there’s a $50.00 shakedown for them to participate. There are a lot more points that non- ComicsPRO retailers have the ability to, rightfully object to, but that’s not the point of this post.

LCSD is all about exclusivity. Exclusive retailer participation and exclusive variants in limited runs. I spoke with Greg at Black Cat Comics this week and the story is that, unless your local comic shop is breaking their contract, retailers aren’t allowed to hold, presell, or in any way give regular customers an advantage to obtain LCSD exclusive prints. So, get there, stand in the cold after Thanksgiving like a dweeb and pick up these specs. Continue reading “Drunk Wooky’s Local Comic Shop Day Spec Highlights”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 11/22/15


The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 11/21/15: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 11/22/15”

Wayward getting media attention 

Sure, there are a lot of books getting media attention now. When the announcements come out the books can move up quickly in price, so it is good to be ahead of the curve and not behind it. Here is some early news on one with potential.  Continue reading “Wayward getting media attention “

Star Wars Trailer #5 released focuses on Finn

Star Wars is just around the corner, more and more trailers will be hitting the air. Each one has been showing new footage. Here is the latest video: Continue reading “Star Wars Trailer #5 released focuses on Finn”

Hoknes USA upcoming variants

Hoknes USA has been officially launched to great reception and we are doing our best to stock in quantity all the hardest to find books.

Niobe #1 Hoknes Exclusive was a huge success and quick sell out with prices on ebay hitting up to $100.00 immediately
Continue reading “Hoknes USA upcoming variants”

Vertigo’s Unfollow picked up for TV show on ABC

Well, that was quick. The new vertigo book, Unfollow #1, has already been optioned for an ABC TV show.
Continue reading “Vertigo’s Unfollow picked up for TV show on ABC”

Free Comic Wednesday: Carnage #1 Phantom Variant Set

Thanks to Larry at Larry’s Comics for these.

We have a big one for this week. Not one, not two, but three great variants. Not only that, but we are giving two sets away. That is right two winners this week. Carnage #1 Phantom Variant Sets. It includes the Color Limited, the Gold Limited, and the Black and White Sketch Limited Phantom Variants.

Color Limited to 3,000
Gold Limited to 1,500
Sketch Limited to 1,500 Continue reading “Free Comic Wednesday: Carnage #1 Phantom Variant Set”

Wednesday Open Forum



Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 58th edition of the open forum!

Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Mel V’s Variant picks of the week for delivery 11/18/15

What’s up CHU? Mel V back with hopefully not another wallet breaking week of variant covers. I have some good ones for you this week so let’s jump right into it. Remember, some variants go up, some go down, but as long as you are buying the art you like you can’t go wrong. So here is what I am feeling this week. Continue reading “Mel V’s Variant picks of the week for delivery 11/18/15”

Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for delivery 11/18/15

Let’s start off with a shout out to all the real heroes in Paris and Beirut, the police and emergency responders for taking care of the wounded and hopefully preventing more chaos in the recent senseless attacks.

Now on with to our imaginary heroes, our comic book heroes who have taken part of our lives even though they do not exist in real life but keep us entertained. Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for delivery 11/18/15”

Comics Picks of the week for delivery 11/18/15

Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential, some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best show at heating up, here are our picks of the week for delivery 11/18/15: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for delivery 11/18/15”

By the Numbers: October Print Run

It is always interesting to look at the print run numbers for comics when speculating, as supply plus demand equals potential increase in value. Here is a snap shot of October’s print run numbers. Continue reading “By the Numbers: October Print Run”

Mark Millar’s Huck optioned for movie

Thanks to Mel V. for the reminder.

Huck, from Mark Millar, out tomorrow, has been already picked up for a movie. Not a huge surprise as most titles Millar puts out end up being optioned. Millar’s first issues always bring in a good amount of people, but adding the movie option to the mix may bring the numbers up higher.
Continue reading “Mark Millar’s Huck optioned for movie”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 11/15/15


The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 11/15/15: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 11/15/15”

Monstress #1 from Image sells out and goes to second print

This is rare in the new climate of Image doing massive overprinting to avoid selling out and going to second prints, but, Monstress #1 has sold out and is going to a second printing. Continue reading “Monstress #1 from Image sells out and goes to second print”

Straightjacket #2 Update

I am telling you now, if you are a fan of the series, you will want to get your order in early for a couple reasons. First, I have read the issue already, preview pdf copies rock, and it cranks up the crazy that started in the first issue and takes it to a new level. Also, there is a crazy low print run on the book already. Sadly, most comic shops order low on new indie books and some do not even bother to go to the back of the previews catalog. But there is another reason you will want to secure your copy. Continue reading “Straightjacket #2 Update”

One to Watch: What If Vol. 2 #4

I have been busy and haven’t had time to get all the stories up. Mel and Blind Adam have both been emailing me for a week about getting this story up. Sadly, life gets in the way. SO the story is now not something new, but you can still get in on this one cheap.

Contest of Champions #3 and 4 will have a Venom Hulk Mash up. His first appearance is heating up. Continue reading “One to Watch: What If Vol. 2 #4”

Amandla Stenberg on MSNBC talking about Niobe, and social activism.

Niobe and co-creator Amandla Stenberg continues to get the word out on her new comic “Niobe, She is Life.” Media does seem to love her and she has been interviewed quite frequently on the book. Here is the latest interview from two days ago. Continue reading “Amandla Stenberg on MSNBC talking about Niobe, and social activism.”

Variant Envy: Back to the Future Rhode Island Comic Con Variant

As a kid of the 80’s, it is no surprise that I am a Back to the Future fan. The movies just drew me in. I was very excited to see that the original creator was writing a new series. There were some cool variants that came out for the book, and one is the Ale Garza drawn Rhode Island Comic Con Variant. Continue reading “Variant Envy: Back to the Future Rhode Island Comic Con Variant”

Free Comic Wednesday Iron Man #1 Phantom Variant Set

Larry’s Comics sponsored this great pair.

Up for grabs is a regular and black and white Phantom Variant Set courtesy of Larry’s Comics.  The set features art by the incredible Siya Oum.

The rules are simple.

1. Enter your name below

2. One entry per person (we have ways of knowing)

3. Winner drawn at random US winners get free shipping, international agree to chip in.
Also check out the Phantom Variants for Carnage #1 featuring the Amazing Spider-man #300 homage. These were coming out fast and furious for a while but they have slowed down for just a few select books now.

These can be picked up here

Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for release 11/11/15

Each week, Terry Hoknes of www.hoknescomics.com and now www.hoknesusa.com releases a video showcasing the weeks hot new releases. Here is this weeks video, for comics being delivered 11/11/15: Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for release 11/11/15”

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