‘The Strain’ #1 on the rise. Tv deal set

Sorry, I was away this weekend camping (and hitting a bunch of shops) and I didn’t get the reception from my phone or iPad to get this out.

Bleeding Cool has noted that the Guellermo Del Torro horror comic is heading to FX. Looks like a pilot has been ordered. In turn, prices on #1 have started to shoot up. The first issue was released for $1 and is now going for $13 with the 1 in 5 variant going for $15. A quick scan of eBay shows people are asking for, on average $24.95 for a buy it now.


Issue #1


We will see how this book does.

Diamond Comics Advanced reorder and reorder list 4/26/13

One way to gauge how hot a comic will be is by looking at the Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list. This is where retailers can up their orders on books before the final order cut-off. This list tends to be where retailers, who were playing conservative on certain books, go all in after buzz picks up. This week’s highlights are dominated by (Injustice Gods Among Us, and Spider-Man) reprints:

1. Amazing Spider-Man #700 4th Printing Variant – People just cannot get enough of the death of Peter Parker (for now) and the great homage covers Marvel is doing on each of the subsequent reprints are sending completists scrambling for them.

2. Injustice Gods Among Us #2 3rd print – This under ordered book has been hot on the secondary market in 1st print form, and now people are trying to read what all the buzz is about.

3. Injustice Gods Among Us #3 3rd print – See Above

5. East of West #1 3rd print – Even With a 54,000 copy print run, the book sold out. With the book being so good, and positive word of mouth, this Jonathan Hickman book keeps growing. 1st prints sell for around $10 for now. I am sitting on a little stash of these. (should have done the same for ‘Saga’)

6. Superior Spider-Man #1 3rd print – see Amazing #700 above.

7. Superior Spider-Man #3 3rd print

13. Five Ghosts Haunting of Fabian Gray #2 2nd print – Awesome book, great word off mouth, selling out within a week of printing, now retailers are going back for more. Can’t wait for the prices on these to jump.

15. Regular Show #1 – See what happened with Adventure Time? Well this book got pushed back to May delivery giving retailers a chance to order more. May be hot.

18. Dream Merchant #1 – A New Image #1, on everyone’s radar for potential heat.

Over on the regular reorder chart (books Diamond still has in stock) ‘Batman and Red Robin’ #19 still leads the pack. First appearance of Carrie Kelley has been hot. Has not translated into big dollars yet, but once the stock at Diamond dries up it may.

‘Rachel Rising’ #1 CGC 9.8 $1000

We talked about Rachel Rising #1 hitting $200 last Friday. http://comicsheatingup.wordpress.com/2013/04/19/rachel-rising-optioned-for-tv/

But a copy closed out a few days ago (April 21) for just shy of $1000.
A CGC 9.8 copy closed out at $949.99 on eBay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/RACHEL-RISING-1-CGC-9-8-TERRY-MOORE-FIRST-PRINTING-/111057397710?pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item19db8967ce

Looks like this price increase could be the real deal. People are already talking ‘Walking Dead’ prices here. I would suggest scouring stores not to secure copies while/if you can.

Larry’s Comics Market Report

Larry’s Comics Market Report
Every Tuesday Larry Doherty from Larryscomics.net in Lowell, MA puts out a market report of books that are selling well in his shop and books that are heating up the secondary market. He also speculates on new books. (We tend to think most of the same books are worth picking up.) We will be running his mini-blog post each week. Here is this weeks:

Top ten
Regular issue new comics by sales:

These are the top ten new comics sold by volume in my shop this week. My shop. A medium volume, single storefront destination location in Lowell, MA. I’m certain Phat Collectables list is different, as is Coast City Comics. These are my actual sales.

#1 – Age of Ultron #6. ”Alpha Dog”. Marvel Universe altering time travel story sold like mad!
#2 – Superior Spider-Man #8. Twists, turns, fun in the Octo-Pete saga.
#3 – Justice League #19. Proof that DC fans want Icons. ( not Vibe )
#4 – Nova #3. Fans digging this new take on an old character.
#5 – Savage Wolverine. It boggles the mind how EVERY cover looks the same.
#6 -Nightwing #19 . Let’s call it Batman runoff, shall we?.
#7 -Wolverine & the X-Men #27 AU. Great Marvel crossover!
#8 – Green Lantern New Guardians #19. DC on life support.
#9 – Cable & X-force #7. Great cover! Cyclops has NEVER been more popular.
#10 -Five Ghosts #2. Indy rock star of the day. Under-ordered. Positive buzz.

Top “ten-ish.”Regular issue new ( last year ) comics by aftermarket:

Modern comics that are seeing aftermarket activity. Ebay, Amazon, CGC boards, Bleeding Cool, conventions & my Phantom retailer network of 25+ shops are the primary source of this information. Not the top selling books in comic stores, rather the currently published, modern books that are selling above cover price for a variety of reasons. Prices are so volatile, in some cases they are out of date upon publication. This is just a guide, you figure them out. It’s simple, search E-Bay under completed auctions:

Rachel Rising #1. Yeah, rising in price due to TV rumors. Up to $200
Pilot Season Declassified #1 & The Test #1. TV development is stirring interest.
Uber #0. Nazi shock violence for the sale of shock violence
Polarity #1. This band tie in dual collectable.
East of West #1 is a rock solid $10 it’s week of release.
Nowhere Men Fabulous word of mouth. Under-ordered. #1-$30, #2-$20, #3-$10
Peter Panzerfaust. Rumored stop motion animated show for BBC Low Print run.
Black Beetle Pulp-esque hit by Francesco Francavilla & Dark Horse #0,#1-$7
Helheim #1 regular #1. Obscure indy publisher. Low print run. Killer material. $6
Injustice #1. This video game tie in hasn’t even begun. Great word of mouth. $25
Hawkeye. Recent trade release should quiet down this back issue juggernaut.
The Sixth Gun. NBC TV show has put the spotlight on this indy gem.
Mind MGMT. The recent movie development news has fans scrambling. #1-$50
Saga. This is the title defines the recent Image revival. #1-$75
Amazing Spider-Man #700. Top volume wall book sold this week. $10. Everybody wants the last issue.
Five Ghosts #1. Positive word of mouth.
The Activity #1. Movie rumors have this once stagnant book at $20

Top ten “ish” up & coming modern Key issues.

Modern comics that are just starting to see aftermarket movement. Books that were recently not in demand, and are finally experiencing aftermarket activity for a variety of reasons.
Dark Knight Returns #2. First full in costume Carrie Kelly.

Annihilation Conquest #6, First Movie Guardians team.
Wolverine #166. 1st appearance Dog
Uncanny X-Men #282. First Bishop.
Guardians of the Galaxy 24 & 25 (vol 2), return of Thanos.
X-Factor #5 & 6. First Apocalypse. Rumored villain in upcoming X-movie
Batman #7. First full appearance Harper Row. Rumored new Robin.
Captain America vol 5 #6. First full appearance of the Winter Soldier

Top ten modern Key issues at my shop.

Modern comics that sell off my wall constantly. My shop sales are primarily new material, & my back issue sales tend to be related. I have a waiting list for most of these books.

Kimota! All Miracleman issues have been flying amidst Marvel rumors.
Walking Dead #1. The undisputed king of the modern era. Actually ANY WD pre 100.
Marvel Super Hero Presents #18. Guardians are really heating up. $50+
New Mutants #98. 1st Deadpool. $100 king of the modern X keys.
Uncanny X-Men #266. 1st Gambit is always a $40 instant sale.
Uncanny X-Men #141 &142. Days of future past movie source
Captain Marvel #33 – Origin of Thanos $50
Incredible Hulk #271. 1st comic book App Rocket Raccoon. $50
Nova #1. The new marvel series has fans scrambling for this relatively inexpensive bronze age key. $25
Batman Harley Quinn. Iconic Alex Ross cover $50
Infinity Gauntlet, War, Crusade, Abyss. Thanos, Thanos Thanos.
The Killing Joke. It’s simply the best Joker wall book in the 25 year history of my shop. $25
Batman Animated #12. Every Bat fan wants the first appearance of Harley Quinn. $85

My Top ten “ish” under-valued modern comics.

These are books I’m speculating will soon see aftermarket activity, & are currently under-valued in my humble opinion, some may even be found in the bargain bins. I want to buy these books on the cheap. They’re long-shots.

Eric O’ Grady key’s: Irredeemable Ant Man #1-12, Secret Avengers #23 & #32
Marvel Red Sonja #1. Gail Simone is taking over Dynamite series.
Rom #1. IDW just untangled the rights. If Nova & Ms Marvel can get hot, why the hell not Rom?
Starlord #1 the special edition 1982. first comic appearance of Star Lords father J’son of Spartax
Uncanny X-Men #172-3.Movie source material with Mariko Yashida
New X-Men #134. First Quentin Quire.
Spawn #9 & Angela #1-3. Marvel will be publishing material with Angela.
Star Brand #1. First New Universe & brand/tattoo: The Star Brand.
Thor #344. First appearance Malekith ( In upcoming Thor-2 movie )
Invaders vol 2 #1. First Dr. Nemesis
Uncanny X-men #317. First Blink. In upcoming X movie.
Marvel Point One. First Sam Alexander Nova
Battle Scars #1 & #6. First full Phil Coulson & Marcus Johnston.
Iron Man #10. First Pepper Potts as Rescue.
Young Avengers #1. First Kate Bishop. My favorite Marvel female.
Ms Marvel #1. She’s rumored to be in Avengers 2 movie.
Ultimate Team Up #5. First African American Nick Fury in comics.
Captain America #157. first appearance of Viper
Batman Beyond Unlimited #3. First Luke Fox in comics. New Batwing. (The armor appears to be a Beyond armor prototype.) The first new 52 version of Luke Fox is Batwing #19
Deathshead appearances. Absolute quarter box fodder. I’m currently researching which to buy.

Top ten modern variant comics by aftermarket:

Variants are versions of the regular issue comic. They are NOT regular issue comics.
They are distributed / created for a variety of reasons.
Order incentive / retailer incentive, produced exclusively for shops/shows,events.

Adventure Time Marvel parodies. Delightful. $35+
Star Wars #1 Alex Ross sketch. Promo, limit one per Diamond account. $100+
Polarity #1. Strong debut. 1:10 $10, 1:25 $15
East of West #1 Forbidden Planet $30, ComicsPro/Ghost $15
Batman #1. Dc’s flagship title. $50
Nowhere Men #1 Thought Bubble, ComicsPro, CBLDF.
Skottie Young marvel Babys. fans simply adore these.
Hellheim #1 NYCC $50, ECCC $100
Blank sketch covers. There seems to be an insatiable need for these by auto / sketch seekers.
Five Ghosts #1 ECCC. $50+
Spawn homage covers.
Phantom variants. You know you love them. Generally sold $3.99 in shop sell for $10 online.

My pick of the week. The comic shipping this week that will be worth your valuable speculator consideration, and why.


(W) Tom Waltz, Kevin Eastman (A/CA) Kevin Eastman
In this special issue drawn by TMNT co-creator Kevin Eastman, the Turtles have struggled to survive against unstoppable enemies and impossible odds. The time has come for the next stage of their training to begin. The lesson turns deadly, though, when a mysterious new opponent arrives and teaches the Turtles they have MUCH left to learn!
Kevin Eastman returning to the Turtles?!
Ok, I’m in.

Twenty+ year old property collected by Twenty somethings that now have jobs & disposable income.

Word on the street is that Eastman is hungry to make the Turtles better than ever. Big story lines coming that will attract a lot of attention. It starts here.
It was overlooked by retailers & is already out of stock at the distributor level.

A lot of people ask me why I like to speculate on modern comic books. Original Art, Gold, Silver & Bronze age comics are a much better investment. I’m a comic book fan, a voracious reader of new material. I love how new books set the pace for back issues. It is fast paced & never stagnant due to the constant release of new material. Right now modern comics are the petri dish of pop culture, comic shops the breeding ground.

I have been collecting comics since the 1970′s & been in the business of selling them since the 1980′s. I love a quality story & a great buy, equally.

I speculate on new comics every week. I always have & I always will. Purchasing modern comic books with the intent of making a profit is my hobby of choice. It’s impossible that every new comic week will generate a book of “Walking Dead class” potential, but it’s still fun to try to make savvy buys. You can sit back & wait for aces, or you can play the hand your dealt to the best of your ability.

Sometimes, I’m right. Sometimes I’m wrong, but I play every week.

If you enjoy this new micro-blog format of my weekly market report.
Please re-tweet it. Post it online.

Thanks to Jim Parente at Finar comics for his help with this weeks report.
If you notice a trend developing email me: larryscomicsinc@aol.com

Larry Doherty can be reached at:

Rachel Rising print runs


With the heat being on Rachel Rising back issues, I though it would be nice to see how many copies of each book have been put out. So here is the estimated print run:

1.  10,989

2. 8,189

3. 8,872

4. 9,068

5. 8,592

6. 8,399

7. 8,210

8. 8,103

9. 8,194

10. 8,330

11. 7,915

12. 7,987

13. 7,782

14. 7,747

15. 7,612


Thanks to Rpenny88 at comic book realm for the info.


Picks of the week April 24th

There are a good crop of books coming out this week and I always put out my picks of the week the day before the books come out. So here are my speculator picks of the week for Wednesday April 24th 2013.

1. Jupiter’s Legacy #1- I know I ranted about how the regular cover will be so over printed that there is very little chance for the book to shoot up in value. But I still see the potential for a good story, great art, and variant covers that can be flipped in the first week if you get them cheap enough.

2. Helheim #2 – First issue of this Cullen Bunn book did well on the secondary market. Second books usually are printed less than the first so there is a good chance this one could do as well.

3. East of West #2- Again, first issue sales, did well on the secondary market. Book has heat.

‘Rachel Rising’ optioned for Tv

MTV and several other news sites are reporting the Indy Gem ‘Rachel Rising’ by Terry Moore has been optioned for a tv series.

Terry Moore, best known for his 1990’s book ‘Strangers in Paradise’ and for more recently ‘Echo,’ has another hit in his hand with the “thinking man’s” horror book ‘Rachel Rising.’ With it being optioned for a tv show, could prices be on the rise like with ‘Sixth Gun.’


Yeah they have started to shoot up. One copy sold for $200 while other copies have b.i.n for $75-$99. We have to see how auctions end for a true price but this one is out of the stable.

Issues 1-6 going for $75 currently with 60 views and 17 watchers.

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 4/18/13

One way to gauge how hot a comic is/will be is by the Diamond Comics advanced reorder list. His is a list of the top 25 most reordered comics before the release of the books. We post and analyze the list each week bringing you the highlights.

1. INJUSTICE GODS AMONG US #1 3RD PTG: first printing for the sold out video game tie is is a solid $20 book.

2. BATMAN AND RED HOOD #20: Aftermath of the death of Robin continues.

3. WALKING DEAD #110 (MR): this is the big one on the list folks. Walking Dead is always a good bet to pick up at least two copies of. This one features a showdown between Michonne and King Ezekiel

4. ÜBER #0 ENHANCED ED: Another good one to pick up. This is the second and final printing of the already hot Über #0. This version has more pages with bonuses and is limited to 7500 copies?

7. SEX #2 2ND PTG: Hot series and in demand. Will see back issue prices shoot up as series continues.

8. POLARITY #1 2ND PTG: great first issue moves to second print. Already some movement on the secondary market.

10. MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC #2 3RD PTG: the hipsters love ponies

20. GRIMM #1: TV show tie in could bring the shows fans and fans of Fables

21. BLACK BEETLE #4: End of the first already hot mini-series

EAST OF WEST #3 : Some retailers are still trying to scramble to get enough copies of the third book in this hot series to cover the demand.

‘Jupiters Legacy’: Kills any speculation chance


‘Jupiters Legacy’ is the new Mark Millar and Frank Quitely superhero comic book coming out from Image Comics soon. There was much hype on this book and it was even featured highly on the Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 4/7/13.


The combination pre-release buzz and advanced reorders usually lead to speculation gold (or at least silver or bronze), but Image has killed any chances of this getting big on the secondary market. Sure, the publishers, artists and writers, do not care about books becoming big money makers on the secondary market, but the heat it can generate can lead to more people picking up future issues. Books like ‘The Walking Dead’, ‘Chew’, ‘Saga’ and ‘Peter Panzerfaust’ all benefited from new readers picking up the books on the secondary market.

‘Jupiters Legacy’ probably will not reap the same rewards because of the distribution plan that they are using. The plan is this, retailers can order as many copies of the book as they like and return ones that do not sell as long as their order is above their ‘The Walking Dead’ 106 order. In other words, a retailer can order hundreds of copies, get all the variants, sell them at the inflated variant price, and return all the regular copies that do not sell. The total print run for ‘The Walking Dead’ 107 was in the 75,000 unit range. The total orders for ‘Jupiters Legacy’ is in the 150,00 range. This effectively kills the secondary market value on the regular covers, in fact this helps kill the variant market as stores who normally wouldn’t order so high on a new book have done so to get the variants, after all, they can return the unsold ones.

Pick of the week 4/17/13

Sorry for getting this out late, hope you haven’t been to the shop yet if you are a regular reader, but here is my picks of the week.

Picks, because there are two.


1. Five Ghosts, Haunting of Fabian Gray #2: This was the fifth most reordered book on the 3/27/13 Diamond Advanced reorder list. Retailers had strong sales on the first issue of this mini-series. The 2nd issue was ordered at mini-series levels, and there is rumor that this is being picked up as an ongoing series. Plus, did you see the Phantom Variant for this issue?



2. Miniature Jesus #1: Again, this was on the 3/27/13 Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list as retailers were scrambling to order extra copies as a buzz picked up on the book. It was the 10th most reordered book of the week.


Top Cow’s ‘The Test’ moves past $27

As we said the other day, what a difference a few days can make in selling a comic book. Top Cow Pilot Season 2011 now has a confirmed break out star in Matt Hawkins, ‘The Test.’


The one book that had been up on eBay has moved nicely in the sub-$30 range and is creeping up. With 16 bids the book is currently at $27.



Other copies are now available starting at .99 cents but there has been no bidding activity to date. There also have been no buy-it-nows or completed auctions for the book with sales. This is the test for “The Test.”

See our original post here. http://comicsheatingup.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/the-test-top-cow-pilot-season-coming-to-scyfy/

“The Test” Top Cow Pilot Season coming to Syfy

the test

What a difference a few days can make. This seller currently has the only copy of The Test by Matt Hawkins and Joshua Hale up on eBay and it’s going for $10.50 at this time with 16 bids.


Just a few days ago, the seller couldn’t even get .50 cents for it.


Whats changed?

Syfy Channel is developing the Top Cow Pilot Season 2011 comic “The Test” into a tv show. Spearheaded by Robert Zemeckis. http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/176113-syfy-developing-comic-the-test-for-television

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder 4/11/13

One way to gauge how hot a comic is/will be is by the Advanced Reorder list from Diamond Comics. This is a list of books being most reordered by retailers before the publication date of the comic.

This week is a weird one as speculation wise there is not too much. Uber dominates the chart this week for single issues.

1. Doctor Strange The Oath TPB

2. Uber #0 Enhanced Edition – This is the second printing of the hot sold out book.  Avatar  books are greatly under ordered and this one sold out due to the demand and the fact Kieron Gillen is writing it. The Enhanced Edition costs $1 more at $4.99 but features 60 pages.

3. Thanos Rising #2 – Thanos is popular with his appearance in The Avengers movie and all things Guardians of the Galaxy being hot due to the upcoming GoG Movie.

4. Superior Spider-man #9

5. Age of Ultron #2 2nd printing

6. Iron Man #9

7. Amazing Spider-man #700 4th printing

8. Polarity #2 Boom Studios- 1st Issue flew under the radar and sold well now retailers are trying to stock enough of the second issue. Orders usually drop from the 1st to 2nd issue of a book as many people try the first issue and may not continue to pick it up.

9. Wake #1 DC

10. Avatar the Last Air Bender TPB Vol. 5

11. Ten Grand #1 Image- This is the big speculator book of the list. JMS returns to monthly (single issue) comics with the launch of this book. Art by fan favorite Ben Templesmith.

14. Image Firsts Peter Panzerfaust #1 – Try buying a first print of PP for under $300 any more is almost impossible. There was a second print which also commands big bucks.

15. Regular Show Phantom Variant #1 Boom Studios- This is a must buy in any cover. Just look how well Adventure Time did.

25. Ten Grand #1 Bill Sienkiewicz Variant Image- See #11

Batgirl 19: Mainstream comics first transgender character


Oh boy here is one that went under the radar and was just announced today. Batgirl #19, which shipped today, has a big reveal. Barbara Gordon’s friend, Alysia Yeoh, tells Bab’s that she is transgender. The reveal happens while Barbara is opening up about her paralysis, the Joker (The Killing Joke), and about the wheel chair ramp in her van. Alysia lets loose that she is transgender.


So, big reveal that was not covered in the news, yet. Might be worth picking up. The story just came out about 30 minutes ago.

Saga 12 banned on Apple App store


Saga #12 drops tomorrow and there is already some controversy on it. Seems that Apple censors have banned the sale of it due to sexual content. Saga has been no stranger to sexual content in the past but this one apparently has graphic male on male sexual content.  You can still buy this one in stores tomorrow. Saga back issues always do well and the added press it’s getting could help fire up the prices on the secondary market.

Pick of the week: Walking Dead 109


Sure, this is an easy one. Walking Dead issues are a safe bet because of the tv show that has helped drum up interest in the book. But Walking Dead 109 is my pick of the week for several reasons.

1. There is a rumored death. The only thing more popular in Walking Dead than a new character is the death of one.

2. It features a blank sketch variant cover. Even the Walking Dead 50/50 split variant covers have done well on eBay.

3. It is already selling for up to $15 on eBay the day before the release.

So this one is a no brainier. Pick up the Walking Dead 109 tomorrow in your local comic shop. Try for both covers. Especially the blank sketch cover.

So there you go. Happy hunting.

Spoiler alert follows:

No death this issue. It’s Glen’s grave on the cover.

Batman and Robin #19 Carrie Kelley Robin?


Yeah, the same Carrie Kelley that appeared in Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns.

Not sure how the story will pan out, but Bleeding Cool reported that there was a print run of 18,000 available through Diamond that have sold out as of Sunday night. This book drops on Wednesday and would be worth picking up.

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder 4/7/13

One way to gauge how hot a comic is/will be is by the Advanced Reorder list from Diamond Comics. This is a list of books being most reordered by retailers before the publication date of the comic.

East of West dominates the list this week:

1. East of West #2- Second issues usually drop off in orders. Retailers are scrambling to get 1st prints of the second issue of this sold out book.

2. East of West #1 2nd Print- Even with a huge print run, even with an over print, even with retailers ordering the book in droves, this book sold out. Expect to see the prices rise on eBay as the initial print run dries out.

3. Guardians of the Galaxy #2 – Movie coming, hot series… need I say more.

4. Jupiters Legacy #1 Cvr A- This one is on the list several times as each cover is listed differently. Expect this one to be big!

5. Batman Incorporated #10 – Fall out from the death of Robin continues to boost interest in this book (But it is still being canceled. )

7. Injustice Gods Among Us #4 – Hype from the video game tie in is still high with early issues selling at multiples of cover price.

8,10,12. Jupiters Legacy #1 Cvr B,C,D – See #4

9. Helheim #2 – 1st issue sold out and doing ok on secondary market. Under ordered 1st issue has sent stores reordering the second.




Buying books other than #1

I read a lot of forum posts, and have seen a trend. People talk about going into stores looking for certain books (Saga, Peter Panzerfaust, Sixth Gun) and not finding the earliest issues. They often state that they had some of the later issues but passed them up. I am not talking about key issues in a run, but just other books in the series worth selling.



We all know Saga 1 and 2 are commanding big bucks, but, Saga 3 and up are pulling in multiples of cover price and worth flipping as well.

Here are some examples of non-#1’s going for good prices

Saga #3 $9-15

Saga #4 $10-15

Saga #5 $14-18

Saga #6 $6-12

Sixth Gun #10 $10-15

Sixth Gun #11 $7-11

Sixth Gun #12 $7-12

Sixth Gun #13 $7-14

Nowhere Men #3 $8-10

Nowhere Men #4 $5-8


Just an idea. Do not pass up the chance to buy earlier issues (if you come across them) to sell on eBay. A lot of my sales come from these “other” issues in the run.



Über #0 from Avatar pick of the week

So my pick of the week is Über #0 from Avatar Comics. It is an alternate history super hero book from Kieron Gillen that comes out tomorrow.

The other important thing to know is it is sold out on the Distributor level. This means shops cannot get additional copies and once they sell out they are out. Prices on the 1 in 4 variant are up to $25 already and the three regular cover sets are going for $20.

Spawn #9

Not sure on this one….


Some go unsold and some boom to $50 with bids.


Here is another going for $30+ with a bonus Angela 1


And all the completed auctions recently, showing some not selling at all.



Diamond Comics Advanced Reorders

One way to gauge how hot a comic is/will be is by the Advanced Reorder list from Diamond Comics. This is a list of books being most reordered by retailers before the publication date of the comic.

1. Age of Ultron #6 – This is Marvel’s current big event book. I cannot see too huge of a rise in some of the issues as so many copies have been printed. With Angela being introduced to the 616 it might be worth picking up.

2. Five Ghosts, Haunting of Fabian Gray #2 – Retailers missed out on ordering enough of the first issue but are upping their orders on the second. Did you get the first issue of this book? It’s good, really good. Showing movement on the secondary market already! Phantom Variant by Ben Templesmith to support it.


3. Batman #18 2nd Printing – Death of Robin fallout, worth picking up the first print if you can still find them.

4. Star Wars #1 4th Printing – The 1st printing saw brisk sales on eBay but has fallen off some with the subsequent reprints.

5. Five Ghosts, Haunting of Fabian Gray #1 2nd Printing – retailers did not order enough of the 1st print and now are covering for people who want this series. (When will retailers learn to up orders on talked about Image books?)

Other Notable entries:

7. Chin Music #1 – A new talked about #1 from Image (looks like they might be learning after all.) This is also another good speculation book as it has been talked about a lot and is being reordered in advance.

10. Miniature Jesus #1 – Another new Image #1 being reordered in advance. Also a speculator pick.

11. Peter Panzerfaust 10 2nd Printing – Hopefully the 1st prints will see an uptick in sales since it is sold out, has a small print run, and is in demand. This has been flat at cover price on eBay since it came out. (Partially due to the fact that “The Croc” was supposed to be introduced and wasn’t.

Well there you go folks. I hope this gives you something to think about and look for.

Walking Dead 108 King Ezekial (and his tiger)


So we all know Walking Dead back issues equal money. No surprise there. It usually takes a few issues before you start to see a spike in price on the newer issues. Well, Walking Dead 108 is breaking that trend with the introduction of Ezekial and his tiger. Not sure how this character is going to play out, but his first appearance is already spiking in the 2 weeks since the book came out. Currently, the book is selling on average for $6.99-$9.99, with a few exceptions of one that sold for $1.99 (???) and one that sold for $16.99. The price increase started happening over the last three days (March 25-28.) Before March 25th, the book was selling for +/- cover price.

With the introduction of a character who could be a key player (speculation is fun) and the fact the book has already picked up steam on the secondary market, it could be time to visit your LCS and pick up a few extra copies.

I am not saying its dead…..

I am not saying the Comic Price guide model is dead, I am saying it is on life support. Currently, there are no monthly comic book price guides (think Wizard Magazine) that accurately track prices. The big books come out every year, but they do not capture the prices of books that spike before or after the publication of the book. If a book starts spiking on eBay before the book is published, it will not be captured until the next edition. Basically, if you are looking for newer hot books, the price guide model is dead. If you are looking for older books, it still might not be helpful.

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