Are The Whisperers coming to the Walking Dead Tv show?

So I mentioned in the last post, the Sunday Walking Dead recap spec article that there is a crazy theory as to who the next Big Bad will be. Negan seems like the obvious answer, making an appearance on the last show of the season as some had hoped. But since the TV show does not follow the follow the timeline of the comic, anything is possible. Continue reading “Are The Whisperers coming to the Walking Dead Tv show?”

Walking Dead Recap: Aaron makes his appearance

What a great episode tonight. I actually binge watched them with my wife this week because she recorded some Orange Housewives of Whatever County show which knocked WD off the DVR. I know right, but I stayed married to her all the same. Anyway, what a great episode. We got a new character, which is much needed after last weeks death. Continue reading “Walking Dead Recap: Aaron makes his appearance”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 2/15/15

The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance reorder List for 2/16/15
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 2/15/15”

Comiconart Artist Spotlight: Alberto Alburquerque

Welcome to the latest edition of our Artist Spotlight, where you’ll have a chance to get to know our talented artists a little bit more in depth. Our artist spotlight is shining this month on the newest artist to join CCA… Alberto Alburquerque! Continue reading “Comiconart Artist Spotlight: Alberto Alburquerque”

Enormous Print runs (not so enormous) and updated

I put up the cover gallery of every cover for Enormous last night and started to work on the print runs. Here are the print runs for each issue of Enormous (excluding the Treasury Sized original).
Continue reading “Enormous Print runs (not so enormous) and updated”

Fuel on the Fire: Tim Daniel Enormous Interview Part 2

I have had the pleasure of talking to Tim for a couple of months now in reference to getting the variants done, and he was instrumental in the design and art direction on the cover. He is also a pretty awesome guy. Kelly H. interviewed him for CHU back in July 2014 which you can find here. As soon as the news broke of the Enormous TV show, I fired up the lap top and contacted Tim for an interview. Here is our back and forth.
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Enormous Cover Gallery

Here are the covers to every issue of Enormous including every variant published to date. There have been a total of 7 issues if you include the original Image published treasury size book.
Continue reading “Enormous Cover Gallery”

Nathan Edmondson's The Activity to be written by Black Hawk Down's Screen writer

Thanks to Kelly H. for this one.
According to , Nathan Edmondson’s book “The Activity” to be adapted by Black Hawk Down’s writer Ken Nolan.
IMG_0410 Continue reading “Nathan Edmondson's The Activity to be written by Black Hawk Down's Screen writer”

Outcast picked up for 10 episodes on Cinemax

Thanks to Mel the Movie Guy and Agent Poyo for keeping me on task.
Heyya, Robert Kirman’s Outcast has been picked up for a 10 episode initial run on Cinemax according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Outcast is the story of Kyle Barnes (who will be played by Patrick Fugit). Kyle is an exorcist who has been battling possessions most of his life.
Copies of Outcast #1 are moving nicely in the $10-$14 range on eBay. Copies of Outcast #1 Graded 9.8 by either CGC or CBCS are going for about $100.
The print run on this one is high, there were also known printer issues on it as well. Can’t wait to see how this turns out.

Spiderman Movie Spec

So the news came out that Marvel had gotten partial control of Spider-man and he would be back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That means he will be appearing in the Marvel Movies at some point. Here are some books to definitely keep an eye out for: Continue reading “Spiderman Movie Spec”

The Walking Dead, getting closer to Negan?

This post contains spoilers so read at your own peril.
Thanks to Mel the Movie guy for this one.
We know it is coming. It is inevitable. Negan is coming to the Walking Dead TV show. did a pretty good write up one some Easter Egg in this past weeks show. Again, don’t read past here if you haven’t watched the show. Continue reading “The Walking Dead, getting closer to Negan?”

Marvel and Scribd offering "Netflix" for comics

New York, NY – February 10th, 2015 — Marvel Comics today announced that it has partnered with leading subscription reading service Scribd to provide readers unlimited access to hundreds of Marvel’s collected editions starring Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, the Hulk, and more. This offering represents the first time Marvel Comics will be available via a subscription service alongside other content forms including eBooks and audiobooks. Continue reading “Marvel and Scribd offering "Netflix" for comics”

Xamot and Tomax to be in GI Joe #3, and a possible surprise addition

Thanks to Mel the Movie Guy for this one
Screen Rant and several other sources are reporting that the “evil twin brothers”, and leaders of the Crimson Guard, Xamot and Tomax are be looked at for the big bad(s) in the next installment of the GI Joe franchise. Continue reading “Xamot and Tomax to be in GI Joe #3, and a possible surprise addition”

Comics Picks of the Week for delivery 2/11/15

Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 2/11/15: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for delivery 2/11/15”

Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for Delivery 2/11/15

Not a huge spec week, at least nothing that really stands out.
Anything could happen though but here are the warrior chicken picks of
the week. I’m not claiming any spec’s this week, just picks.
Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for Delivery 2/11/15”

Spider-man back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Now this is a forceful announcement. Marvel has announced Spiderman is back in the Marvel cinematic universe and will appear in Marvel Movies. Sony and Marvel have struck a deal.

Continue reading “Spider-man back in the Marvel Cinematic Universe”

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