Poyo’s Spec & Picks for Oct 13th, 2021

Welcome to this weeks spec. This is where we pick the winners each week we (or shall I say myself) think will be spec worthy, a great read or just cool looking art on the cover.

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Poyo’s FOC Highlight Books for Last Call 10/11/2021 ?

FOC is the last chance to put in your orders with your comic shops and likely get at a discount for pre-ordering.

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Hulk #1 Mycomicshop NYCC eBay Exclusive $7.99 Shipped

The new Hulk series is coming out in November. The new series will be written by Donny Cates, you know how his stuff goes, with art by Ryan Ottley. Mycomicshop.com has a low priced NYCC Exclusive cover featuring art by Ryan Brown, best part, the low price includes shipping. Check out the details below. Continue reading “Hulk #1 Mycomicshop NYCC eBay Exclusive $7.99 Shipped”

CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for 10/8/21

As promised, the Covrprice.com runners-up list. The second half of the Top 20. Continue reading “CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for 10/8/21”

Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 10/8/21

Since Covrprice.com  came bagged on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
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Image Comics Greenlights Encore Pressing of What’s The Furthest Place From Here #1 Deluxe Edition Due

Looks like there’s some vinyl lovers among the comic collecting world with the exclusive 7″ vinyls coming out for What’s The Furthest Place From Here?. They said “allocations” so let the chaos begin…

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Netflix’s New Series KING OF SPIES Ascends to Power This December

Bestselling comic book titan Mark Millar (Jupiter’s Legacy, Kingsman: The Secret Service) has created a new series at Netflix in his Millarworld department, but he’s also adapting this into a comic book series too. Re-teaming with fan favorite artist Matteo Scalera (Black Science), the first appearance of this new character will now appear in King of Spies #1, a spectacular four issue miniseries launching from Image Comics in December.

Click continue to continue reading this Image Press Release..

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The Comic Mint NYCC Exclusives Reveal

New York Comic Con is quickly approaching this weekend. For the first time in years (well last year didn’t count as the show didn’t happen) I will not be attending. However, I am eyeing up variants and exclusives for the con. Steve and the folks at The Comic Mint have rolled out their full line of show exclusives with an impressive list of books and artists. These titles will be available at the show, if you are going, and available online starting this weekend if you are not. Check out the full reveal below: Continue reading “The Comic Mint NYCC Exclusives Reveal”

Spoilers: Star Wars High Republic Adventures #9 -Qort’s Origin

Star Wars High Republic Adventures #9 is in stores tomorrow. It is told in current time, and past, as it explores Qort’s origin. We get an origin, some first appearances, and the return of a character from the final trilogy. Read on below to see the spoilers:

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Spoilers: Amazing Spiderman #75 – When are they gonna bump off Peter?

Amazing Spider-Man #75 is in stores tomorrow. We all know Ben Reilly is coming back as Spider-Man, Marvel has made no secret of it. And the pictures of Peter Parker in the hospital on the cover hooked up to life support is out there as well. One of the questions a lot of people have been asking me is “When are they gonna make it happen?” Well, they answered your question. Read on for spoilers.

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Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/6/21

Every week, hundreds of new books hit the stands, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are the picks of the week for delivery this Wednesday Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 10/6/21”

CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for 10/1/21

As promised, the Covrprice.com runners-up list. The second half of the Top 20. Continue reading “CovrPrice.Com Runners-Up for 10/1/21”

Covrprice.com Top Ten for Week of 10/1/21

Since Covrprice.com  came bagged on the scene, they have become a go to spot for watching eBaytrends on comics. They scour thousands of eBay sales to cultivate data to spotlight the hottest selling comics. Here is this week’s Top Ten Comics: (Please note, potential spoilers do follow, and, these results are for auction that closed last week. )
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Gun Honey #1 Goes Back For 3rd Print With Metallic Ink Hughes Cover

The new Hard Case Crime book, from Titan Comics, Gun Honey #1 which was in stores this Wednesday, September 29, 2021 had already gone back for a second printing before the book was even released. Now, a 3rd printing has been announced with a special version of the Adam Hughes cover. Continue reading “Gun Honey #1 Goes Back For 3rd Print With Metallic Ink Hughes Cover”

Spoilers: Amazing Spider-Man #74

Amazing Spider-man #74 (#875 Legacy numbering) is in stores tomorrow. It is the finale of Nick Spencer’s run, and pays off the 3 plus years of story telling as well as ties into so many more storylines. Check out the spoilers below (sorry this is a big spoiler so lots of pages)

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