Ten Grand issue 1 print run

As we reported on May 9th, the J Michael Stracznski comic ‘Ten Grand’ sold out its first issue at the distributor level in one week. With 67,218 copies printed of the first issue first print this should place the book within the top 20 issues sold for May.

The second issue, as well as the second print of number one, came out this week.

The second book in the Joe’s Comics line, ‘Sidekick’ debuts at San Diego Comic Con with a con exclusive variant and then later that month with at comic shops.

10,000 Hits


I wanted to give a personal thank you to everyone who has stopped by and read my blog. In just three short months of existence, we have gotten 10,000 hits. I think that is pretty fantastic as I have not advertised the blog other than having it in my signature on a couple of message boards.

Most of the hits are coming from google, where people are looking for “comic speculation” “comic book speculation” “comics heating up” (that’s why I used that title for the blog) and “hot comics”.

Please remember to like us on Facebook. Www.facebook.com/comicsheatingup once we hit 100 likes I will be giving away a random Phantom Variant, Ghost Variant, or store exclusive variant from my ever growing pile of variants.

Also, check us out on eBay, we sell as well as speculate, it’s how we stay in the game. Mention comics heating up blog and I will give you a 10% discount on all completed auctions this month.
Our eBay page

So thanks again to everyone who has made this little blog such a success and a top listing on Google for comic book speculation.

Larry’s Comics Market report 6/5/13

Sorry for the lateness in posting this (still using the new baby excuse) next week I will be back to a more normal schedule. So without further ado, Larry’s Comics Market report for 6/3/13.


Hey guys,
here is my shops weekly report for this week.
It contains A LOT of recycled information because it’s weekly & the market doesn’t change that fast.
Enjoy it. Don’t take it too seriously.

Top ten
Regular issue new comics by sales:
Here is the top ten list of actual sales in my shop. These are just one shop out of 1,900 shops actual sales.

#1 – X-Men #1. “Alpha Dog” The all women team was a hit with fans.
#2 – New Avengers #6
#3 – JLA #4.
#4 – Earth 2 Annual #1 .
#5 -Indestructible Hulk #8
#6 -Wolverine & the X-Men #30. The “X” titles are all quite good right now & are amongst Marvel’s top sellers.
#7 -Captain America #7.
#8 – Dark Knight Annual #1.
#9 – Savage Wolverine #5 .
#10 -The Wake #1. Fans were excited to give Scott Snyders new series a try

Honerable mention: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #22 was our Indy “rock star” of the day.
We “hand sold” a ton of this issue.

Top “ten-ish.”
Regular issue new ( last year ) comics by aftermarket:
Modern comics that are seeing aftermarket activity. Ebay, Amazon, CGC boards, Bleeding Cool, Lyria comic Exchange, conventions & my Phantom retailer network of 25+ shops are the primary source of this information. Not the top selling books in comic stores, rather the currently published, modern books that are selling above cover price for a variety of reasons. Prices are so volatile, in some cases they are out of date upon publication. This is just a guide, you figure them out. It’s simple, search E-Bay under completed auctions:

DC’s Fables is under development by Hollywood.
Hoax Hunters. The latest recipient of Hollywood love.
Rachel Rising #1. Yeah, rising in price due to TV rumors.
Pilot Season Declassified #1 & The Test #1. TV development is stirring interest.
Uber #0. Nazi shock violence for the sale of shock violence
Polarity #1. This band tie in dual collectable.
East of West #1 Quality new mythology has this on everyone’s radar.
Nowhere Men Fabulous word of mouth. Under-ordered. Settling.
Peter Panzerfaust. Rumored stop motion animated show for BBC
Helheim #1 regular #1. Obscure indy publisher. Low print run. Killer material.
Injustice #1. This video game tie in hasn’t even begun.
Hawkeye. Eisners should light this on fire.
The Sixth Gun. NBC passing on the TV show.
Mind MGMT. The recent movie development news has fans scrambling. #1-$50
Saga. This is the title defines the recent Image revival. #1-$75
Five Ghosts #1. Positive word of mouth.

Top ten “ish” up & coming modern Key issues.
Modern comics that are just starting to see aftermarket movement. Books that were recently not in demand, and are finally experiencing aftermarket activity for a variety of reasons.

Captain Marvel #27. First appearance of Mistress Death.
DC 1st issue special #2. With ART BALTAZAR and FRANCO reinventing The Green,I’ll risk $3
Spawn #9 First appearance of Angela.
Dark Knight Returns #2. First full in costume Carrie Kelly.
Guardians of the Galaxy #1 vol 2. Fans are starting to focus on this affordable #1
Wolverine #166. 1st appearance Dog
Uncanny X-Men #282. First Bishop. The second print is tough to find.
Guardians of the Galaxy 24 & 25 (vol 2), return of Thanos.
X-Factor #5 & 6. First Apocalypse. Rumored villain in upcoming X-movie
Batman #7. First full appearance Harper Row. Rumored new Robin.
Captain America vol 5 #6. First full appearance of the Winter Soldier
New Mutants #16. First Warpath $10

Top ten modern Key issues at my shop.
Modern comics that sell off my wall constantly. My shop sales are primarily new material, & my back issue sales tend to be related. I have a waiting list for most of these books.

Bongo! Have had a huge run on #1’s lately
Kimota! All Miracleman issues have been flying amidst Marvel rumors. Ms Marvel #16 & 17 are on fire lately. Mystique is a top Marvel villain.
Walking Dead #1. The undisputed king of the modern era. Actually ANY WD pre 100.
Marvel Super Hero Presents #18. Guardians are really heating up. $50+
New Mutants #98. 1st Deadpool. $100 king of the modern X keys.
Uncanny X-Men #266. 1st Gambit is always a $40 instant sale.
Uncanny X-Men #141 &142. Days of future past movie source
Captain Marvel #33 – Origin of Thanos $50
Incredible Hulk #271. 1st comic book App Rocket Raccoon. $50
Nova #1. The new marvel series has fans scrambling for this relatively inexpensive bronze age key. $40+
Batman Harley Quinn. Iconic Alex Ross cover $50
Infinity Gauntlet, War, Crusade, Abyss. Thanos, Thanos Thanos.
The Killing Joke. It’s simply the best Joker wall book in the 25 year history of my shop. $25
Batman Animated #12. Every Bat fan wants the first appearance of Harley Quinn. $85

My Top ten “ish” under-valued modern comics.
These are books I’m speculating will soon see aftermarket activity, & are currently under-valued in my humble opinion, some may even be found in the bargain bins. I want to buy these books on the cheap. They’re long-shots. ( I’m not spending hooker or booze money on them. )

The SHIELD trailer looks killer!

Action Comics Vol 1 #845 January, 2007. First modern day General Zod.
Hank Henshaw appearances. The new 52 version is coming.
Eric O’ Grady key’s: Irredeemable Ant Man #1-12, Secret Avengers #23 & #32
Marvel Red Sonja #1. Gail Simone is taking over Dynamite series.
Rom #1. IDW just untangled the rights. If Nova & Ms Marvel can get hot, why the hell not Rom?
Marvel Spotlight Vol 2 #6 . first comic appearance of Star Lords father J’son of Spartax ( I like ALL Star Lord appearances )
Uncanny X-Men #172-3.Movie source material with Mariko Yashida
New X-Men #134. First Quentin Quire.
Star Brand #1. First New Universe & brand/tattoo: The Star Brand.
Thor #344. First appearance Malekith ( In upcoming Thor-2 movie )
Invaders vol 2 #1. First Dr. Nemesis
Uncanny X-men #317. First Blink. In upcoming X movie.
Marvel Point One. First Sam Alexander Nova
Battle Scars #1 & #6. First full Phil Coulson & Marcus Johnston.
The Invincible Iron Man #10. First Pepper Potts as Rescue.
Young Avengers #1. First Kate Bishop. My favorite Marvel female.
Ms Marvel #1. She’s rumored to be in Avengers 2 movie.
Ultimate Team Up #5. First African American Nick Fury in comics.
Captain America #157. first appearance of Viper
Deathshead appearances. Absolute quarter box fodder. I’m currently researching which to buy.

Top ten modern variant comics by aftermarket:
Variants are versions of the regular issue comic. They are NOT regular issue comics.
They are distributed / created for a variety of reasons.
Order incentive / retailer incentive, produced exclusively for shops/shows,events.

Walking Dead #1 Wizard World variants.
There is a Twelve Reasons to Die #1 “ticket” variant autographed by Ghostface Killa $75+
Peter Panzerfaust #10 C2e2 variant
Adventure Time Marvel parodies. Delightful. $35+
Star Wars #1 Alex Ross sketch. Promo, limit one per Diamond account.
East of West #1 Forbidden Planet $30, ComicsPro/Ghost $15
Batman #1. Dc’s flagship title. $50
Nowhere Men #1 Thought Bubble, ComicsPro, CBLDF.
Skottie Young marvel Babys. fans simply adore these.
Hellheim #1 NYCC $50, ECCC $100
Blank sketch covers. There seems to be an insatiable need for these by auto / sketch seekers.
Five Ghosts #1 ECCC. $50+
Phantom variants. You know you love them. Generally sold $3.99 in shop sell for $10 online.

My pick of the week. The comic shipping this week that will be worth your valuable speculator y consideration, and why.

(W/A/CA) Mike Kunkel


It’s Picture Day at Tyler’s school, and naturally he’s forgotten! But before Tyler can pick his good side, he has to sneak out of class with his best friend Herobear to stop an attack on the Simpleton Bridge from the mysterious Von Klon and his Sub-of-Doom! …and he better not lose his hall pass in the process. Don’t miss as creator Mike Kunkel relaunches his Eisner-award winning creation at KaBOOM! with a brand new original adventure!
A lot of people ask me why I like to speculate on modern comic books. Original Art, Gold, Silver & Bronze age comics are a much better investment. I’m a comic book fan, a voracious reader of new material. I love how new books set the pace for back issues. It is fast paced & never stagnant due to the constant release of new material. Right now modern comics are the petri dish of pop culture, comic shops the breeding ground.

I have been collecting comics since the 1970’s & been in the business of selling them since the 1980’s. I love a quality story & a great buy, equally.

I speculate on new comics every week. I always have & I always will. Purchasing modern comic books with the intent of making a profit is my hobby of choice. It’s impossible that every new comic week will generate a book of “Walking Dead class” potential, but it’s still fun to try to make savvy buys. You can sit back & wait for aces, or you can play the hand your dealt to the best of your ability.

Sometimes, I’m right. Sometimes I’m wrong, but I play every week.

If you enjoy this new micro-blog format of my weekly market report.
Please re-tweet it. Post it online.

Thanks to Ralph at Jetpack for help with this weeks market report.

If you notice a trend developing email me: larryscomicsinc@aol.com

Larry Doherty

Larry’s Comics
66 Lakeview Ave
Lowell, MA 01850

Wednesday 9a-8p
Thursday 10a-7p
Friday 11a-11p
Saturday 9am-7pm
Sunday 11a-4p
Monday 11a-7p
Closed Tuesday.

You can buy Regional Shop Variants produced for my store


Follow Us on Twitter! I’m a social media Rock Star. Kinda.
Become Our Fan on Facebook!

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List

1. X-MEN #2 – All female X-Men book did well with number one, retailers don’t want to miss out on sales for number two

2. WAKE #2 – Scott Snyder 10 issue mini series sold really well, retailers are scrambling to get more of the second issue.

3. AGE OF ULTRON #10 – Angela!

5. GUARDIANS OF GALAXY #4 – Angela joins the team soon, movie coming.

6. LAZARUS #1 – New Image title from Greg , retailers are betting on this being Image’s next smash hit

7.RED LANTERNS #21 – free ring with purchase, driving up GL family sales

8. BOUNCE #2 CVR B – issue 1 sold well retailers are scrambling to meet the demand for #2

9. LARFLEEZE #1- fan favorite orange later comes with a ring

10. SUPERMAN UNCHAINED #2 – Jim Lee on superman again

11. ALL NEW X-MEN #13

12. BATMAN #22 – DCs heavy weight book

13. INJUSTICE GODS AMONG US #6 – Video Game tie in still doing well on eBay.



17. BOUNCE #1 2ND PTG – going to second print means Bounce #1 sold out on distributor level

18. BATMAN SUPERMAN #1 – second time this book has been on the reorder list top 25

19. BATMAN SUPERMAN #2 m- See above

20. SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #14 Octo-Spidey is still hot

21. JUSTICE LEAGUE #22 – DC Comics Trinity tie in

22. GUARDIANS OF GALAXY #5 – Angela coming soon!

23. BATMAN COURT OF OWLS BOOK & MASK SET – similar to the V for Vendetta set. The Convention masks have sold for a good amount on eBay

25. SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #13 – Octo-Spidey still hot

‘Last of Us’ #1 heating up on ebay

Video game tie ins seem to be hot lately. With ‘Injustice Gods Among Us’ leading the charge as this summers heavy hitter for price increase.

Well looks like we have another. Dark Horse Comics released ‘Last of Us’ last month with a low print run and a commercial for the video game that ran on the ‘Walking Dead’ season finally. IGN gave this game a perfect 10. So the tie in comics could be hotter than they are now. First print #1’s are going for $15-20.

copies available on eBay

Available on Amazon for under $13

Picks of the week 6/5/13


Going into this week, I thought it was going to be a light week for speculation. When I got into the shipping list I saw that I was wrong. This week has a good crop of books coming out that are worth placing a bet on. So here is this weeks books of the week.

1. East of West #3 – this weeks big book. Hickman’s East of West has been hot and further along these early issues could be worth it and hard to find. Even with a generous over print of #1, it sold out and moved to a second print.

2. Polarity #3- yes it’s a great book. It has been a fantastic read and such an interesting story.

3. Kick Ass 3 #1 – Mark Millar’s epic “real life” superhero story continues and I ant wait to see who will be on the tail end of the violence, also the second movie should help sales of the book on the secondary market

4. Hero bear and the Kid Special – I loved Mike Kunkle’s original series and it was valuable on the secondary market because it was so good and had a small print run. The return of the series is appreciated and an help the older issues.

5. Thanos Rising #3 – Great read so far and with the Guardians movie coming out this mini could be shooting up.

Also out this week is Ten Grand #2 which I am looking forward to.

A book to buy just for the over:

Archer and Armstrong #10 8-bit variant. Man I love this cover

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list 5/30/13

One way to tell what is hot or gaining steam is the Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list. This list shows what retailers are ordering in advance of the books being published.

1. SAGA TP VOL 02 – Saga is on a two month break. Retailers are stocking the trades to bring in new readers and give them a chance to catch up.

2.GREEN LANTERN NEW GUARDIANS #21 – Promo rings are bringing the Green for retailers and they are stocking up

3.AVENGERS #14 INF – Infinity tie in book

4. SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #12 – Sales continue to rise on this Spidey title



7. HAWKEYE #11 $2.99 – Marvels best book currently

9. DREAM THIEF #2 (OF 5) – Hot mini series that fits in nicely with Dark Horses heroes line. Becoming an ongoing?


11. TRINITY OF SIN PANDORA #1 – DC’s next big event.



14. X-FILES SEASON 10 #1 lots of fun variants on this. Continues the hit tv series.

15. BATMAN SUPERMAN #1 – Out of continuity Bats and Supes

20. EDGAR ALLAN POES FALL O/T HOUSE OF USHER – Richard Corben doing Poe

Larry’s Comic Market Report 5/28/13

Sorry I am a little late getting this one out this week. New baby (our second son) has put me a day or so behind. Here is this weeks Larry’s comics Market report for this week.

Hey guys,
here is my shops weekly report for this week.
It contains A LOT of recycled information because it’s weekly & the market doesn’t change that fast.
Enjoy it. Don’t take it too seriously.
Continue reading “Larry’s Comic Market Report 5/28/13”

‘Justice League of America’ #4 major character death

One thing that gets comic fans and speculators interested in a book is a characters death. Especially, a fan favorite and major characters death brings in the buyers. Well ‘Justice League of America’ #4 has the death of a major character in spades. This book should be picked up before it sells out at your local comic shop.

This book leads into this summers DC comics event ‘Forever Evil’ and features the death of a Batman favorite character. At this point, if you do not want to know who it is, stop reading, and stay off the Internet.

Unsure how it will play out, if she will be brought back to life, if it was someone else under the costume, or if someone new will now be under the costume, but Selena Kyle takes a bullet to the head at the end of the issue. The page shows red blood and it wasn’t done in the shadows, so there is no doubt she took it to the temple.

Picks of the week 5/29/13

This weeks picks are chock full of horror and some horror legends. Sorry for the delay in posting my picks if the week. I added something special to my family this weekend with the birth of my second son. But Wednesday waits for no one so here is what I think will be hot this week.

1. The Wake #1 – Scott Snyder of Batman fame and Sean Murphy bring a Lovecraft-ian tale to Vertigo.

2. X-Men #1 – Brian Wood, who brought us the super hot Star Wars comic from Dark Horse, and artist supreme Olivier Coipel bring the all female cast to the new X-men book. I will have the phantom variants for sale up later today.

3. Teen Age Mutant Ninja Turtles #22 – creator Kevin Eastman returns to his original creation. I will have the phantom variants of this one up for sale later today.

4. Clive Barker’s Last Testament #1 – one of two new books by horror legends this week. Looks good got lots of press.

5. John Carpenter’s Asylum #1- horror legend that brought us ‘The Thing’ and ‘Halloween’ has a new book that looks fabulous. I sell horror books like crazy in October and I think this is one people will be looking for.

6. The Westwood Witches #1 – new horror title Amigo Press. Hot new publisher. I have a feeling this company is the new Zenescope.

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 5/23/13

One way to tell how hot a book is / will be is by the Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list. This list is the results of retailers upping their orders on books before they are released. Sometimes it’s because of heat for a new book, sometimes it’s a reaction to how well the first issue of a book sold. This weeks list is heavy with trades and hardcovers but there are some real speculative gold to be dug out of it too.

1. Age of Ultron 10 – Angela appears in the Marvel Universe. This will be big. People are excited for Neil Gaiman’s creation

2. Batman 21 – DCs sales juggernaut continues to sell well

3. True Lives of the Fabulous KillJoys #1 – Umbrella Academy writer and rockstar Gerard Way’s new book. Free Comic Day book brought heat to it.

4. Regular Show #3 – Sold out number 1 caught people by surprise. This was a pick of the week last week and we still have phantom variants and Third Eye Comics Variants for sale.

5. Green Lantern Corp #21- free rings brought this book up. People are more interested in the promo than the book.

6. Savage Wolverine #6 – Marvel’s most popular hero drawn by Frank Cho. Doesn’t hurt that he is drawing jungle minx Shanna the She Devil too

7. Guardians of the Galaxy #3 – hot book with upcoming movie.

8. Thanos Rising #1 2nd print – good story so far 1st issue finally sold out.

9. Regular Show #2 – see number 4.

10. Dream Merchant #2 – Another pick of the week. Strong sales on first issue.

12. Six Gun Gorilla #1 – one of two reimaging of this golden age public domain character. Buzz on this Si Spurior version

15. Savage Wolverine #6 50th anniversary variant

19. Thor God of Thunder #9

20. Batman Lil Gotham #3 – fun all ages book.

The missing numbers are all tpbs or hardcovers. Mostly Marvel.

‘DMC Devil May Cry The Chronicle of Vergil’ Sold out at distributor level


Looks like the video game tie-in ‘ DMC Devil May Cry The Chronicles of Vergil’ is sold out through Diamond and cannot be reordered. This is not something that appeared on the Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list and could have a small print run as it is coming from a small Press company Titan Comics.

Video Game Tie-ins have done well in the past, ‘Injustice Gods Among Us’ comes to mind, but others have not done so well.

Remember, when something sells out at the distributor level, it does not mean you cannot get it in the store, it means your store cannot reorder and once they sell out its over (or on to reprints.)

Larry’s Comics Market Report 5/22/13


Larry’s Comics Market Report
Every Tuesday Larry Doherty from Larryscomics.net in Lowell, MA puts out a market report of books that are selling well in his shop and books that are heating up the secondary market. He also speculates on new books. (We tend to think most of the same books are worth picking up.) We run his mini-blog post each week.  Here is this weeks:

Hey guys, here is my shops weekly report for this week.
It contains A LOT of recycled information because it’s weekly & the market doesn’t change that fast. Enjoy it. Don’t take it too seriously.

Top ten Regular issue new comics by sales:
Here is the top ten list of actual sales in my shop. These are just one shop out of 1,900 shops actual sales.

#1 – Age of Ultron #8. “Alpha Dog” Marvel’s latest crossover is a big hit with fans. (it is Age of Apocalypse-sque)
#2 – Nova #4. “Old School Marvel” flavor is appealing.
#3 – Iron Man #10. Secret origin of Tony Stark.
#4 – Wolverine & the X-Men #29.
#5 – Batgirl #20. Gail Simone is DC’s top seller this week. (A few months back they fired her.) Fans adore her.
#6 -Cable and X-Force #8 . Hopless has buzz as an X-scribe.
#7 -Thunderbolts #9.
#8 – Gambit #12. Gambit lovers gonna get Gambit.
#9 – Nightwing #20. DC has only two Bat-titles in my top ten speaks volumes of the companies staggering dip in quality.
#10 -Regular Show #1. Indy “rock star” of the day. Sold to the existing “Wednesday’s Warriors” & an entirely new crowd.

Honerable mention: Dark Horse’s Dream Thief #1. We “hand sold” a ton of this new creator owned property. Fans are more willing in this day & age to try something new.
Top “ten-ish.” Regular issue new ( last year ) comics by aftermarket:
Modern comics that are seeing aftermarket activity. Ebay, Amazon, CGC boards, Bleeding Cool,conventions & my Phantom retailer network of 25+ shops are the primary source of this information. Not the top selling books in comic stores, rather the currently published, modern books that are selling above cover price for a variety of reasons. Prices are so volatile, in some cases they are out of date upon publication. This is just a guide, you figure them out. It’s simple, search E-Bay under completed auctions:

Hoax Hunters. The latest recipient of Hollywood love.
Rachel Rising #1. Yeah, rising in price due to TV rumors. Up to $200
Pilot Season Declassified #1 & The Test #1. TV development is stirring interest.
Uber #0. Nazi shock violence for the sale of shock violence
Polarity #1. This band tie in dual collectable.
East of West #1
Quality new mythology has this on everyone’s radar.
Nowhere Men Fabulous word of mouth. Under-ordered. Settling.
Peter Panzerfaust. Rumored stop motion animated show for BBC Low Print run.
Helheim #1 regular #1. Obscure indy publisher. Low print run. Killer material.
Injustice #1. This video game tie in hasn’t even begun. Great word of mouth. $25
Hawkeye. Recent trade release should quiet down this back issue juggernaut.
The Sixth Gun. NBC passing on the TV show.
Mind MGMT. The recent movie development news has fans scrambling. #1-$50
Saga. This is the title defines the recent Image revival. #1-$75
Five Ghosts #1. Positive word of mouth.
Top ten “ish” up & coming modern Key issues:
Modern comics that are just starting to see aftermarket movement. Books that were recently not in demand, and are finally experiencing aftermarket activity for a variety of reasons.

DC 1st issue special #2. With ART BALTAZAR and FRANCO reinventing The Green Team this week, I’ll risk $3
Spawn #9. First appearance of Angela.
Dark Knight Returns #2. First full in costume Carrie Kelly.
Guardians of the Galaxy #1 vol 2. Fans are starting to focus on this affordable #1
Wolverine #166. 1st appearance Dog
Uncanny X-Men #282. First Bishop. The second print is tough to find.
Guardians of the Galaxy 24 & 25 (vol 2), return of Thanos.
X-Factor #5 & 6. First Apocalypse. Rumored villain in upcoming X-movie
Batman #7. First full appearance Harper Row. Rumored new Robin.
Captain America vol 5 #6. First full appearance of the Winter Soldier
New Mutants #16. First Warpath $10
Top ten modern Key issues at my shop:
Modern comics that sell off my wall constantly. My shop sales are primarily new material, & my back issue sales tend to be related. I have a waiting list for most of these books.

Bongo! Have had a huge run on #1’s lately
Kimota! All Miracleman issues have been flying amidst Marvel rumors.
Walking Dead #1. The undisputed king of the modern era. Actually ANY WD pre 100.
Marvel Super Hero Presents #18. Guardians are really heating up. $50+
New Mutants #98. 1st Deadpool. $100 king of the modern X keys.
Uncanny X-Men #266. 1st Gambit is always a $40 instant sale.
Uncanny X-Men #141 &142. Days of future past movie source
Captain Marvel #33 – Origin of Thanos $50
Incredible Hulk #271. 1st comic book App Rocket Raccoon. $50
Nova #1. The new marvel series has fans scrambling for this relatively inexpensive bronze age key. $40+
Batman Harley Quinn. Iconic Alex Ross cover $50
Infinity Gauntlet, War, Crusade, Abyss. Thanos, Thanos Thanos.
The Killing Joke. It’s simply the best Joker wall book in the 25 year history of my shop. $25
Batman Animated #12. Every Bat fan wants the first appearance of Harley Quinn. $85
My Top ten “ish” under-valued modern comics:
These are books I’m speculating will soon see aftermarket activity, & are currently under-valued in my humble opinion, some may even be found in the bargain bins. I want to buy these books on the cheap. They’re long-shots. ( I’m not spending hooker or booze money on them. )

The SHIELD trailer looks killer!

Action Comics Vol 1 #845 January, 2007. First modern day General Zod.
Hank Henshaw appearances. The new 52 version is coming.
Eric O’ Grady key’s: Irredeemable Ant Man #1-12, Secret Avengers #23 & #32
Marvel Red Sonja #1. Gail Simone is taking over Dynamite series.
Rom #1.
IDW just untangled the rights. If Nova & Ms Marvel can get hot, why the hell not Rom?
Starlord #1 the special edition 1982. first comic appearance of Star Lords father J’son of Spartax
Uncanny X-Men #172-3.Movie source material with Mariko Yashida
New X-Men #134. First Quentin Quire.
Star Brand #1. First New Universe & brand/tattoo: The Star Brand.
Thor #344. First appearance Malekith ( In upcoming Thor-2 movie )
Invaders vol 2 #1. First Dr. Nemesis
Uncanny X-men #317. First Blink. In upcoming X movie.
Marvel Point One. First Sam Alexander Nova
Battle Scars #1 & #6. First full Phil Coulson & Marcus Johnston.
The Invincible Iron Man #10. First Pepper Potts as Rescue.
Young Avengers #1. First Kate Bishop. My favorite Marvel female.
Ms Marvel #1. She’s rumored to be in Avengers 2 movie.
Ultimate Team Up #5. First African American Nick Fury in comics.
Captain America #157. first appearance of Viper
Batman Beyond Unlimited #3. First Luke Fox in comics. New Batwing. (The armor appears to be a Beyond armor prototype.) The first new 52 version of Luke Fox is Batwing #19
Deathshead appearances. Absolute quarter box fodder. I’m currently researching which to buy.
Top ten modern variant comics by aftermarket:
Variants are versions of the regular issue comic. They are NOT regular issue comics.
They are distributed / created for a variety of reasons.
Order incentive / retailer incentive, produced exclusively for shops/shows,events.

Walking Dead #1 Wizard World variants.
Twelve Reasons to Die #1 “ticket” variant autographed by Ghostface Killa $75+
Peter Panzerfaust #10 C2e2 variant
Adventure Time Marvel parodies. Delightful. $35+
Star Wars #1 Alex Ross sketch. Promo, limit one per Diamond account.
East of West #1 Forbidden Planet $30, ComicsPro/Ghost $15
Batman #1. Dc’s flagship title. $50
Nowhere Men #1 Thought Bubble, ComicsPro, CBLDF.
Skottie Young marvel Babys. fans simply adore these.
Hellheim #1 NYCC $50, ECCC $100
Blank sketch covers. There seems to be an insatiable need for these by auto / sketch seekers.
Five Ghosts #1 ECCC. $50+
Phantom variants. You know you love them. Generally sold $3.99 in shop sell for $10 online.
My pick of the week. The comic shipping this week that will be worth your valuable speculator y consideration, and why.


(W) Guillaume Dorison (A) Robin Recht, Patrick Pion (CA) Patrick Pion, Robin Recht
The first chapter of the prequel comic to the new video game DmC: Devil May Cry! The comic reveals the unmissable backstory of the all-new Dante and his twin brother Vergil; with never-before-seen revelations on the iconic characters of the game! Also featuring chilling and resplendent art that goes beyond the confines of the game and into stratospherically blockbuster.

Although released digitally first, it will still be sought out by the core fans of the game and comic collectors alike.
Classic dual-collectable.
Video game tie ins get me excited.
Video game tie ins from obscure publishers get me rock hard.

Already sold out at the distributor level.
A lot of people ask me why I like to speculate on modern comic books. Original Art, Gold, Silver & Bronze age comics are a much better investment. I’m a comic book fan, a voracious reader of new material. I love how new books set the pace for back issues. It is fast paced & never stagnant due to the constant release of new material. Right now modern comics are the petri dish of pop culture, comic shops the breeding ground.

I have been collecting comics since the 1970’s & been in the business of selling them since the 1980’s. I love a quality story & a great buy, equally.

I speculate on new comics every week. I always have & I always will. Purchasing modern comic books with the intent of making a profit is my hobby of choice. It’s impossible that every new comic week will generate a book of “Walking Dead class” potential, but it’s still fun to try to make savvy buys. You can sit back & wait for aces, or you can play the hand your dealt to the best of your ability.

Sometimes, I’m right. Sometimes I’m wrong, but I play every week.

If you enjoy this new micro-blog format of my weekly market report.
Please re-tweet it. Post it online.

Thanks to Ralph at Jetpack for help with this weeks market report.

If you notice a trend developing email me: larryscomicsinc@aol.com

Larry Doherty

Larry’s Comics
66 Lakeview Ave
Lowell, MA 01850
Wednesday 9a-8p
Thursday 10a-7p
Friday 11a-11p
Saturday 9am-7pm
Sunday 11a-4p
Monday 11a-7p
Closed Tuesday.

You can buy Regional Shop Variants produced for my store


Follow Us on Twitter! I’m a social media Rock Star. Kinda.
Become Our Fan on Facebook!

Picks of the Week for 5/22/13.

This week is another good week for comics. There are a lot of new books coming out and some tried and true favorites. Here is what I think will pop and what I am keeping my eye on:

1. Occupy Comics- The second book to be produced by Black Mask Studios. I do not get political and I know this is a political book, while I may or may not agree with the issues, the line-up on this book is amazing. Alan Moore and David Lloyd (the ‘V for Vendetta’ team working togerther again), Charlie Adlard (‘The Walking Dead’), Art Spiegelman (‘Maus’).

2. Bounce #1 – A new Image #1 written by ‘Sex’ writer Joe Casey. Sure ‘Sex’ has gotten mixed reviews, but this looks to be a more real world alternative to Spider-man.

3. Half Past Danger #1 – Pulp books have been hot (Black Beetle) and this combination of Ninjas, Dinosaurs, and chicks looks to be a fun read and good pick up. The fact it did not show up on the Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list gives me hoe it was under-ordered.

Other books to pick up this week:

A book to pick up for name alone: I love Mike Mignola books, so the new Lobster Johnson book is on my pull list anyway. But if I was to get a book based on name alone it would be ‘Lobster Johnson: Satan Smells a Rat’.

Revival #10 – Great series from Image continues to be hot and a good engaging read.

Sex #3 – Mixed reviews but waiting for the story to unfold.

Minature Jesus #2 – Book #1 was intriging can’t wait to see how this story continues

Five Ghosts Haunting of Fabian Gray #3 – Great book and great art. The 2nd print covers and Phantom covers have become my favorite covers.

Nowhere Men #5 – Prices have cooled off a bit, but this is just a top notch book. Kind of a ‘What If?’ story for the Fantastic Four for modern times.

Sixth Gun #31 – Prices dropped off after the announcement of the show being cancled, but people still want the book and it is stil a fun read.

‘Regular Show’ #1 sold out at distributor level

regular showregular show third eye

Well, looks like ‘Regular Show’ #1 has sold out and will be getting a second print. It sold through its 56,000 copies at Diamond Comics Distributors. Stores may still have copies but they cannot reorder through Diamond. This book appeared twice on the Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list in April (due to a delay in shipping.) ‘Regular Show’ sold out in two days and has been Boom Studios fastest selling and biggest selling single issue to date, beating previous champ ‘Adventure Time.’

Did NBC skipping on ‘Sixth Gun’ kill the current speculation boom?

For the past several months there has been a huge boom in books coming out each week, or books that were recently published, that would shoot up quickly in price. The comic book speculation market had been booming. New books like ‘Peter Pannzerfaust’ 7-9, ‘Star Wars’ #1 and many others could be picked up off the shelves and flipped. Older recent books like ‘The Test’, ‘Rachel Rising’, ‘The Strain’, and ‘Sixth Gun’ shot up due to movie or tv deals. But in the past two weeks, things have quieted down.

I know personally, my sales have been down 70% week to week since the announcement that NBC passed on ‘The Sixth Gun’ and it is not just on that title alone. The catalyst for this down turn seems to correlate with the announcement. Of course prices quickly dropped on ‘The Sixth Gun’ as a reaction, but to see overall new modern books go off the edge is disconcerting. The bigger message boards are chattering about the drop off of modern books. Books that would have popped in the past, seem to not be moving at all. If you are a small time guy like me who picks up stock as he goes along, it’s not to bad, but for the bigger eBay sellers, who preorder hundreds of copies in advance, it could be devastating.

So, has the market finally started producing ‘bag holders’? Has the new comic market taken a down turn, and if so is it really a result of NBC passing on ‘Sixth Gun’? Or are we simply seeing the sales lull of the summer?

Now, I am not being an alarmist and saying the sky is falling, there are still plenty of recent books that are commanding top dollar, even if they are off their market highs. But I have noticed message board talks of the market being off in all sectors, including golden and silver age.

Tell us what you think. Please feel free to comment here or on our facebook site.

Regular Show Third Eye Variant

regular show third eye

I posted the Phantom Variant earlier this week and wanted to show off the sweet Third Eye Comics Variant. It was supposed to be a Beavis and Butt-head riff but someone got spooked that lawyers might get involved.

check out my auctions for this variant and other store and phantom variants

Diamond Advanced Reorder List 5/16/13

One way to guage how hot a comic is/will be is by the Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list. This gives retailers a chance to up their orders for books that may have caught some heat before the release and before the final order cut offs. So without further ado, this weeks advanced reorder list (Dominated by DC Comics and Superman Unchained #1)

1. Superman Unchained #1 – Retailers are reordering this DC $4.99 book drawn by Jim Lee. It appears several times on the list like:

2. Superman Unchained #1 – 75th anniversary “Reborn” Variant

3. Green lantern #21 – Promo Rings are back causing an uptick in Green Lantern book orders.

4. Batman Superman #1 – Relaunch of the out-of-continuity series featuring DC’s heavy hitters

5. Walking Dead TPB Vol 18 – Sales Juggernaut for comic shops (and book stores alike, but that is not represented here)

6. East of West #1 4th Printing – Even with heavy orders on this Hickman book, people are still clamoring for it.

7. Superior Spider-man #11 – Following on the Peter is gone story we will see How Spider-ock handles life without responsibility with all that power

8. Thanos Rising #3 The story of Thanos’ disfunctional childhood continues, great story so far.

9. Earth 2 #13

10. Jupiters Legacy #1 2nd print – Even with a considerable overprint and huge print run, this hot book has gone back to a second print. We have been moving the Phantom Variants pretty easily.

11. All New X-men #14

12. Age of Ultron #9 – Orders are ramping up for the introduction of Neil Gaimen’s Angela to the Marvel U. in #10

13. Amazing Spiderman Omnibus

14. Ten Grand #2 – 1st issue sold well retailers saw better than expected sales (I would imagine due to speculation of Image books.) but it was a good first issue.

15. Ten Grand #1 2nd Print – see above.

16. Herobear and the Kid Special #1- The fantastic all ages book is back and now from Boom. The early issues of the self published series used to command good money, hopefully we will see the prices rise on them again.

17. Daredevil Dark Nights

18. Superman Unchained #1 75th anniversary Modern Age Variant – see 1 and 2.

19. Superman Unchained #1 75th anniversary Lex Luthor Variant – See 1 and 2.

20. Iron Man #11 – I have heard rumors on this run….. The Secret Origin story line started out nicely with a ton of variants on #9. Number #10 featured “Starks 7” an Oceans 11 riff. When will we find out that Tony Stark is part alien, I would imagine very soon (if the rumors are true)

21. Cable and X-Force #9

22. Dardevil End of Days HC

23. Adventure Time TPB Vol. 3

24. Kick Ass 3 #2 – Millar’s Teen “real life” super hero saga comes to an end with this series.

25. Venom Enemy Within TPB

Regular Show #1 Phantom Variant

regular show

I have several extra copies of the ‘Regular Show’ #1 Phantom Variant available if anyone is looking for one. US shipping only, sorry.


Also check out my other Phantom Variants and store variants, I combine shipping for up to 6 books at no extra cost:

Larry’s Comics Market Report 5/15/13


Hey guys, here is my shops weekly report for 5/15/13
It contains A LOT of recycled information because it’s weekly & the market doesn’t change that fast. Enjoy it. Don’t take it too seriously.

Top ten
Regular issue new comics by sales:
Here is the top ten list of actual sales in my shop. These are our just one shop out of 1,900’s actual sales.

#1 – Batman #20. “Alpha Dog” DC’s best selling title.
#2 – Uncanny Avengers #8. Core Marvel title.
#3 – Avengers #11.
#4 – Batman & Red Hood #20 . Batman is DC’s only top seller.
#5 – Justice League of America #3. David Finch rules! .
#6 – Walking Dead #110 . Indy “rock star” of the day. Great read.
#7 -Uncanny X-Force #8.
#8 – Thor God of Thunder. .
#9 – Deadpool #9. Funny.
#10 -Green Lantern Corps #20. Promo Rings are coming back!

Honerable mention: Avatar’s Uber sold really well.
Top “ten-ish.”Regular issue new ( last year ) comics by aftermarket:
Modern comics that are seeing aftermarket activity. Ebay, Amazon, CGC boards, Bleeding Cool, Lyria comic Exchange, conventions & my Phantom retailer network of 25+ shops are the primary source of this information. Not the top selling books in comic stores, rather the currently published, modern books that are selling above cover price for a variety of reasons. Prices are so volatile, in some cases they are out of date upon publication. This is just a guide, you figure them out. It’s simple, search E-Bay under completed auctions:

Hoax Hunters. The latest recipient of Hollywood love.
Rachel Rising #1. Yeah, rising in price due to TV rumors. Up to $200
Pilot Season Declassified #1 & The Test #1. TV development is stirring interest.
Uber #0. Nazi shock violence for the sale of shock violence
Polarity #1. This band tie in dual collectable.
East of West #1 Quality new mythology has this on everyone’s radar.
Nowhere Men Fabulous word of mouth. Under-ordered. Settling.
Peter Panzerfaust. Rumored stop motion animated show for BBC Low Print run.
Helheim #1 regular #1. Obscure indy publisher. Low print run. Killer material.
Injustice #1. This video game tie in hasn’t even begun. Great word of mouth. $25
Hawkeye. Recent trade release should quiet down this back issue juggernaut.
The Sixth Gun. NBC passing on the TV show.
Mind MGMT. The recent movie development news has fans scrambling. #1-$50
Saga. This is the title defines the recent Image revival. #1-$75
Five Ghosts #1. Positive word of mouth.

Top ten “ish” up & coming modern Key issues:
Modern comics that are just starting to see aftermarket movement. Books that were recently not in demand, and are finally experiencing aftermarket activity for a variety of reasons.

Spawn #9. First appearance of Angela.
Dark Knight Returns #2. First full in costume Carrie Kelly.
Guardians of the Galaxy #1 vol 2. Fans are starting to focus on this affordable #1
Wolverine #166. 1st appearance Dog
Uncanny X-Men #282. First Bishop. The second print is tough to find.
Guardians of the Galaxy 24 & 25 (vol 2), return of Thanos.
X-Factor #5 & 6. First Apocalypse. Rumored villain in upcoming X-movie
Batman #7. First full appearance Harper Row. Rumored new Robin.
Captain America vol 5 #6. First full appearance of the Winter Soldier
New Mutants #16. First Warpath $10
Top ten modern Key issues at my shop:
Modern comics that sell off my wall constantly. My shop sales are primarily new material, & my back issue sales tend to be related. I have a waiting list for most of these books.

Kimota! All Miracleman issues have been flying amidst Marvel rumors.
Walking Dead #1. The undisputed king of the modern era. Actually ANY WD pre 100.
Marvel Super Hero Presents #18. Guardians are really heating up. $50+
New Mutants #98. 1st Deadpool. $100 king of the modern X keys.
Uncanny X-Men #266. 1st Gambit is always a $40 instant sale.
Uncanny X-Men #141 &142. Days of future past movie source
Captain Marvel #33 – Origin of Thanos $50
Incredible Hulk #271. 1st comic book App Rocket Raccoon. $50
Nova #1. The new marvel series has fans scrambling for this relatively inexpensive bronze age key. $40+
Batman Harley Quinn. Iconic Alex Ross cover $50
Infinity Gauntlet, War, Crusade, Abyss. Thanos, Thanos Thanos.
The Killing Joke. It’s simply the best Joker wall book in the 25 year history of my shop. $25
Batman Animated #12. Every Bat fan wants the first appearance of Harley Quinn. $85
My Top ten “ish” under-valued modern comics.
These are books I’m speculating will soon see aftermarket activity, & are currently under-valued in my humble opinion, some may even be found in the bargain bins. I want to buy these books on the cheap. They’re long-shots.

The SHIELD trailer looks killer!

Action Comics Vol 1 #845 January, 2007. First modern day General Zod.
Hank Henshaw appearances. The new 52 version is coming.
Eric O’ Grady key’s: Irredeemable Ant Man #1-12, Secret Avengers #23 & #32
Marvel Red Sonja #1. Gail Simone is taking over Dynamite series.
Rom #1.
IDW just untangled the rights. If Nova & Ms Marvel can get hot, why the hell not Rom?
Starlord #1 the special edition 1982. first comic appearance of Star Lords father J’son of Spartax
Uncanny X-Men #172-3.Movie source material with Mariko Yashida
New X-Men #134. First Quentin Quire.
Star Brand #1. First New Universe & brand/tattoo: The Star Brand.
Thor #344. First appearance Malekith ( In upcoming Thor-2 movie )
Invaders vol 2 #1. First Dr. Nemesis
Uncanny X-men #317. First Blink. In upcoming X movie.
Marvel Point One. First Sam Alexander Nova
Battle Scars #1 & #6. First full Phil Coulson & Marcus Johnston.
The Invincible Iron Man #10. First Pepper Potts as Rescue.
Young Avengers #1. First Kate Bishop. My favorite Marvel female.
Ms Marvel #1. She’s rumored to be in Avengers 2 movie.
Ultimate Team Up #5. First African American Nick Fury in comics.
Captain America #157. first appearance of Viper
Batman Beyond Unlimited #3. First Luke Fox in comics. New Batwing. (The armor appears to be a Beyond armor prototype.) The first new 52 version of Luke Fox is Batwing #19
Deathshead appearances. Absolute quarter box fodder. I’m currently researching which to buy.
Top ten modern variant comics by aftermarket:
Variants are versions of the regular issue comic. They are NOT regular issue comics.
They are distributed / created for a variety of reasons.
Order incentive / retailer incentive, produced exclusively for shops/shows,events.

There is a Twelve Reasons to Die #1 “ticket” variant autographed by Ghostface Killa $75+
Peter Panzerfaust #10 C2e2 variant $100+
Adventure Time Marvel parodies. Delightful. $35+
Star Wars #1 Alex Ross Sketch Promo, limit one per Diamond account. $100+
Polarity #1. Strong debut. 1:10 $10, 1:25 $15
East of West #1 Forbidden Planet $30, ComicsPro/Ghost $15
Batman #1. Dc’s flagship title. $50
Nowhere Men #1 Thought Bubble, ComicsPro, CBLDF.
Skottie Young marvel Babys. fans simply adore these.
Hellheim #1 NYCC $50, ECCC $100
Blank sketch covers. There seems to be an insatiable need for these by auto / sketch seekers.
Five Ghosts #1 ECCC. $50+
Phantom variants. You know you love them. Generally sold $3.99 in shop sell for $10 online.
My pick of the week. The comic shipping this week that will be worth your valuable speculator y consideration, and why.


(W) K.C. Green (A) Allison Strejlau (CA) Nick Edwards & Various
REGULAR SHOW… IT’S ANYTHING BUT! Cartoon Network’s powerhouse series now has its own comic book series! Hot on the heels of the smash hit adaptation, ADVENTURE TIME, KaBOOM! unveils the next all-ages comic phenomenon! Join Mordecai the Bluejay and Rigby the Raccoon, a couple of best bros in their twenties just tryin’ to chill for a bit, man. But when you’re livin’ in as crazy a world as they are, no day can be called…regular! Ask your retailer about the pre-order variant by Chris Houghton (ADVENTURE TIME, REED GUNTHER) and the incentive variant by Dustin Nguyen (BATMAN, L’IL GOTHAM)!

There are a TON of variants on this book, but I adore speculating on books that have an existing fan base. I can’t resist. Pick a cover you like & go with it.

( Dark Horse has a great book this week: Dream Thief #1, if it wasn’t a mini, I would have bought a ton )

A lot of people ask me why I like to speculate on modern comic books. Original Art, Gold, Silver & Bronze age comics are a much better investment. I’m a comic book fan, a voracious reader of new material. I love how new books set the pace for back issues. It is fast paced & never stagnant due to the constant release of new material. Right now modern comics are the petri dish of pop culture, comic shops the breeding ground.

I have been collecting comics since the 1970’s & been in the business of selling them since the 1980’s. I love a quality story & a great buy, equally.

I speculate on new comics every week. I always have & I always will. Purchasing modern comic books with the intent of making a profit is my hobby of choice. It’s impossible that every new comic week will generate a book of “Walking Dead class” potential, but it’s still fun to try to make savvy buys. You can sit back & wait for aces, or you can play the hand your dealt to the best of your ability.

Sometimes, I’m right. Sometimes I’m wrong, but I play every week.

If you enjoy this new micro-blog format of my weekly market report.
Please re-tweet it. Post it online.

Thanks to Ralph at Jetpack for help with this weeks market report.

If you notice a trend developing email me: larryscomicsinc@aol.com

Larry Doherty

Larry’s Comics
66 Lakeview Ave
Lowell, MA 01850
Wednesday 9a-8p
Thursday 10a-7p
Friday 11a-11p
Saturday 9am-7pm
Sunday 11a-4p
Monday 11a-7p
Closed Tuesday.

You can buy Regional Shop Variants produced for my store


Follow Us on Twitter! I’m a social media Rock Star. Kinda.
Become Our Fan on Facebook!

Pick of the Week for 5/15/13

Picks of the Week 5/14/13

This is a good speculator week and I have a lot of picks. Each week I put out my list of books worth taking a look at and to consider for flipping purposes. I enjoy comic book speculation and have done well with my picks each week. Some take longer than others to heat up, some didn’t take off at all, but each week I still plug along.

This weeks picks has one that stands above the rest:
1. Regular Show #1 – It is a Boom Studio’s book. It is based off the hit Cartoon Network Show of the same name. The big reason I am speculating on this one is because of the success that “Adventure Time’ #1 had. I have a strong feeling the same people who went after ‘Adventure Time’ will be clammoring for this one. I will be picking up both the regular and Phantom Variant covers.

2. Dream Merchant #1 – Why is this one a pick? Well, it’s a new Image book. A new Image number 1. A new book written by Nathan Edmonson (writer of ‘The Activity’, ‘Who is Jake Ellis’). It is a double sized issue so more value for the money. The story follows Winslow who has been dreaming of an Old Traveler who has protected him from those who hunt him. Seems like the world has been made to forget about these strange hunters. Very psyhcadelic feel to it.

3. Helheim #3 – Issues 1 and 2 sold out. Strong story and fan buzz.

4. Batgirl #20 – New Ventriloquist. See the art, this is a ‘Joker’ scary looking character. written by Gail Simone.

5. Battlestar Galactica #1 – Classic Battlestar done by the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ team of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. They are known for their big cosmic books, and few touch the epic cosmic level that Battlestar did.

Other things to pick up this week:
‘Strange Attractions’ Hard Cover from Archaia Press. Created by ’27’ and ‘Swamp Thing’ writer Charles Soule. It is the story of a disgraced professor who spent his life researching the “Complex Theroy” which states you can use mathmatics to predict the outcome of anything. All the while, New york city is a living thing slowly destroying itself from the inside. I spoke to Charles Soule on free comic bok day and he said this is a must for fans of the movie ‘Inception.’ I have this and have been waiting to read it.

‘Fall of the House of Usher’ #1 – What’s not to like Edgar Allan Poe and Richard Corben. I have been a fan of Corben’s since he broke out on the scene doing art for Warren magazines like ‘Creepy’ and ‘Eerie’.

Also, please feel free to check out my auctions on eBay. Lots of Phantom Variants, lots of store variants, and other hot books like Peter Panzerfaust: http://www.ebay.com/sch/apopcomics424/m.html?item=161023096136&pt=US_Comic_Books&hash=item257db97548&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562

Like us on facebook! www.facebook.com/comicsheatingup we are running a contest from now until we hit 100 likes. Once we get 100 likes we will give away a free Phantom Variant, Store Variant, or Ghost Variant. We are at 24 so far and picking up more by the day.

Like us on Facebook

Just wanted to send out a quick thanks to everyone who stops by. In less than two months on the new blog we have went from getting a hundred hits a week to nearly 2,000. This is incredible considering we do no advertising on the site and most of you are finding me on google searches. When I stopped writing for the retailer I was working with, I did not tell any of my old subscribers, and was worried I wouldn’t get any hits, but man was I wrong. You guys are the best.

Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/comicsheatingup for each landmark we hit I will run a new contest. Once we hit 100 likes I will give a way a random Phantom Variant, Ghost Variant, or Store variant for one lucky subscriber. The contest will run from now until we hit 100 likes.

So, like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/comicsheatingup

Bidding down on ‘Sixth Gun’ since NBC passes on show

It was bound to happen, hype built up on “The Sixth Gun’ stemming from the announcement that NBC optioned it for a TV show. When the NBC passed on it, prices dropped. (Do not get me wrong though, this is a great book.) This ends up creating what stock traders call “bag holders,” as in being left holding the bag. The thing with it is, NBC could still make the show in one of it’s subsidiaries. And Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt are still shopping it around. This has happened with several hot books such as ‘The Test’ which burned white hot and then dropped off. Oddly, this did not happen to  ‘Chew’ #1 after Showtime passed on their option

There are currently a couple of copies of ‘Sixth Gun’ number 1 sitting on eBay that are real steals.

Here is the regular edition for $12.50 with a few hours left:


(Edit: 80 views and now up to $14.50)

(Edit 2: 177 views and closed at $92.78, Anyone else bid on this?)

And the Free Comic Book Day Edition for $5.50 with 2 days left:


(Edit: Now up to $7.00 I threw some bids on it)

(Edit 2: Still only at $7.50)

This book had peaked well into the $300 range.

We will have to see what happens with the options for ‘The Damned.’

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 5/9/13

Diamond Advanced Reorder List

One way to guage how hot a comic is/will be is by the Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list. This gives retailers a chance to up their orders for books that may have caught some heat before the release and before the final order cut offs. So without further ado, this weeks advanced reorder list (Dominated by X-Men #1):
1. X-Men #1 – Marvels mutant Juggernauts (no pun intended.) Lead the charge. Stores getting increased interest in this new X-Men book.
2. East of West #3 – Strong sales on the first two issues and increase in price on the secondary market keeps bringing in new readers.
3. Wake #1 – New DC book
4. Injustice Gods Among Us #5 – Popularity on the video game tie in series continues. Prices strong on 1 & 2.
5. X-Men #1 Skottie Young Variant – Boy people love these baby covers.
6. Adventures of Superman #1 – Dc’s New Superman Series, how many titles above 52 are we now?
8. Injustice Gods Among Us #4 2nd print – see above…
9. X-men #1 50th Ann. Variant Variant
10. X-men #1 Deadpool Variant- People love Deadpool.
12. Clive Barker’s Next Testament #1 – Boom Studios new Clive Barker book looks fantastic and would be worth speculating on.
14. X-men #1 Blank Variant – I personally love having these to get sketches on.
16. Superman Unchained #1 – Jim Lee returns to Superman. Worth picking up. Will be pretty heavily printed so should be easy to get.
20,21, &25. Morning Glories #27 variant covers B (Frison) ,C (Guillory), E (McKelvie) Second season of the hit Nick Spensor book begins. Great jumping on point for new readers. #26 was $1 so might draw in new readers. Early ‘Morning Glories’ are hard to find and you will pay to get them.

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