Variant Envy: Carnage #1 Phantom Variant


Larry from Larry’s Comics has been putting out the Phantom Variants for a while now, they can be picked up in around 30 stores nation wide. He had released a series of Amazing Spiderman #300 homage variants that did well. He took a break from them but is still doing them on a limited basis, for only certain books. One that makes sense is Carnage #1. Continue reading “Variant Envy: Carnage #1 Phantom Variant”

Wednesday Open Forum



Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 57th edition of the open forum!

Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Mel’s Variant picks of the week for 11/11/15

Mel V. here with another great week of comics, and variant covers. Variant covers can be fun, and profitable, but don’t let them break the bank each week. I have some choice variants here this week, some very affordable, that should add some fun to your weeks comics pick ups. Remember, some variants can go up, some can go down, but as long as you are collecting art you like, you cannot go wrong. Here are my variant picks of the week for 11/11/15: Continue reading “Mel’s Variant picks of the week for 11/11/15”

Agent Poyo’s picks of the week for November 11th, 2015

Welcome to another Tuesday evening edition of Poyo’s picks of the week for November 11th, 2015. This Wednesday we can expect our Enormous #2 Cover B to finally arrive. Thanks Diamond.. it’s probably not your fault for the month long delay but we’ll blame you anyways. So be sure to pick up your copy so your Enormous set is fully complete.
Now, on with the picks. Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s picks of the week for November 11th, 2015”

Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/11/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 11/11/15: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/11/15”

Breaking News. Negan Cast on The Walking Dead

Here we go. Need to see how this effects the prices on The Walking Dead #100. Negan has been cast. Jeffery Dean Morgan will be your foul mouthed, baseball bat wielding, head cracking Negan. 

Continue reading “Breaking News. Negan Cast on The Walking Dead”

Roman Ritual TPB up for pre-order

I wrote about Roman Ritual a while back and about how good of a book it was. I know that Halloween is over but if you are looking for a good horror book make sure to check out Roman Ritual, especially if you picked up and enjoyed Straightjacket. Continue reading “Roman Ritual TPB up for pre-order”

Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 11/7/15


The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance for 11/7/15: Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 11/7/15”

AMC picking up George Romero’s Empire of the Dead?

Move over Walking Dead (not likely) there is a new batch of zombies potentially heading to AMC, and these ones are from the master of zombies himself, George Romero. We had mentioned a while back that Empire of the Dead was being made into a tv show. Now it looks like it could be going to AMC along with The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead. Continue reading “AMC picking up George Romero’s Empire of the Dead?”

Michael Stuhlbarg cast as Dr. Nicodemus West in Dr. Strange

Playing Saturday Night catch up on the stories that came out this week I didn’t get a chance to cover. Some of these may not be new to you but others may. Just clearing out my rss feed.

Another key character has been cast in the Dr. Strange movie. Michael Stuhlbarg has been cast to play Dr. Nicodemus West.

Continue reading “Michael Stuhlbarg cast as Dr. Nicodemus West in Dr. Strange”

Livewire to appear in Supergirl episode 5

It has been announced previously that popular Superman villain “Livewire” will be appearing on Supergirl. Photos of the character have been posted online. Continue reading “Livewire to appear in Supergirl episode 5”

Next Batman could be Under the Red Hood

I am a few days late to the game with this one, and I do apologize if you have already seen it. But rumors are going around that the next solo Batman movie could be an adaptation of Under the Red Hood. Continue reading “Next Batman could be Under the Red Hood”

Wednesday Open Forum



Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (well, one where you buy your own presents.)

We open things up to hear from you. A free for all.

The 56th edition of the open forum!

Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”

Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week for 11/4/15

What’s up CHU? Mel V here again for another week of variant covers. This week is a big one and I will be broke come 9 AM tomorrow! No Joke. Remember, some variants go up in value, some go down, but as long as you are buying art you like you cannot go wrong. Continue reading “Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week for 11/4/15”

Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/4/15

The greatest day of the week, every week is WEDNESDAY!

An update on the charity auctions I ran to raise money for Larime Taylor’s wife Sylv came to around $90. So huge thanks to the bidders and buyers. Stay tuned, we’re hoping to have some awesome blank variant sketches done by Larime to raise more money, so we can save his wife.

So let’s get on with the picks of the week shall we.
Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/4/15”

Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/4/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best chances of heating up. Here are our picks of the week for delivery 11/4/15: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/4/15”

First Exclusive announced for Smugglers Bounty

Smugglers Bounty is the new subscription box from Funko that will have a Star Wars theme. The first theme is The Force Awakens. Funko has released the first exclusive that will be in the box to garner interest. Check it out below:
Continue reading “First Exclusive announced for Smugglers Bounty”

A look ahead to January, New Comics

Mel does a great job at pointing out the cool new upcoming small press books. There are also some great looking mid to larger publisher books to check out as well. Here are some of the books we are looking forward to in January. Continue reading “A look ahead to January, New Comics”

Preacher Trailer airs on Walking Dead

Leave it to AMC to air one of the most anticipated comic related TV show trailers on one of the most anticipated comic related TV shows, brilliant.

After last week’s Walking Dead, people were sure to tune in to The Walking Dead to see what happened to a fan favorite character. So airing the Preacher trailer ensured maximum exposure. Continue reading “Preacher Trailer airs on Walking Dead”

ComicXposure running “Deals of the Day”

Our friends over at ComicXposure have set up something new. They are doing “deals of the day”. These are exclusive covers for blow out prices. Their first one is Dynamic Forces connecting Star Wars Cover. Continue reading “ComicXposure running “Deals of the Day””

Variant Envy: DC Comics Day of the Dead Calaverita Variants

Thanks to Gabriel C. for sending this over.

Halloween is upon us, my favorite time of year, and with it comes all sorts of spooky things, as well as tricks and treats. DC Comics released some treats recently, which could be trick-y for us here in the States. DC released these Dia de Los Muertos Calaverita covers to Mexican newsstands. CHeck them out: Continue reading “Variant Envy: DC Comics Day of the Dead Calaverita Variants”

Niobe #1 Hoknes Variant

We have talked about how we thought Niobe was going to be big. With less than a week out, the book is already sold out a Diamond. More spec sites are pointing to it since we mentioned it. This is going to be a Wednesday Winner, trust me on that. Pre-order copies are being listed for $10-15, the 1:5 variant is being listed at $10-29, and of course Untamed 1, Niobe’s first appearance, is just going for crazy money. So, what do you think a Niobe limited to 100 copies is going to do. Continue reading “Niobe #1 Hoknes Variant”

Big Gems from the Small Press for Late October

What Up CHU?? Mel V here with you latest edition of Big Gems from the Small Press. Thank you to all the readers for making Big Gems from the Small Press one of the most read new segments on Don’t forget to check the diamond order numbers to each of the selected books so it will make things a bit easier for you guys when you order stuff from your local LCS.

Ok, here are some of the books to be on the lookout for in the month of January, the cutoff date to order via Diamond is 11/22 so be sure to order from your LCS so you won’t be left out in the dark when these books get released. So let’s get started: Continue reading “Big Gems from the Small Press for Late October”

What’cha Reading: Talking With The Real “Henchgirl”, Kristen Gudsnuk.

Thanks to Steven Biscotti at What’cha Reading” for the interview with Kristen Gudsnuk

Today sees the long awaited release of one of our most anticipated of comic books – “Henchgirl.” The writer and artist, Kristen Gudsnuk, is someone we’ve known for a while and long supported. We saw her at New York Comic Con earlier this month and with the release of “Henchgirl” at local comic shops today (10/28/15) we thought now would be the perfect time to talk with the young, up and coming talent. Always generous with her time, Gudsnuk spoke with us over the weekend and here is our conversation with one of the brightest and friendliest of people in the business! Continue reading “What’cha Reading: Talking With The Real “Henchgirl”, Kristen Gudsnuk.”

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