The new Image series Skyward is heading back for a second printing.
Continue reading “SKYWARD Heads Back for a Second Printing”
Tag: Variant cover
Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week for 10/21/15
What’s up Chu? Still recovering these old knees from the walk at NYCC. Some great variants this week. Things to really look forward too. Remember, variants go up, variants go down, but as long as you are buying art you like you can never go wrong. Continue reading “Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week for 10/21/15”
Phantom Variant Mock Up for Archie #1
I got an email from Larry, head honcho of Larry’s Comics and the Phantom Variant group. He was referencing the Archie #1 ASM 300 Homage cover we ran the other night. Continue reading “Phantom Variant Mock Up for Archie #1”
Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/15/14 part 2.
So I was sick this week, after my son was sick and it sidelined me from the site, and pretty much everything else. I did do a picks of the week column but only mentioned these next two books in it and wanted to spotlight them a little further because of the coolness factor. Both books are sold out. Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/15/14 part 2.”
Daymen #1 SDCC Variant flip idea
I had previously ran a post on The Walking Dead #115 NYCC Variant from TFAW as a flip idea. They were selling them for $2.99 and they were going on eBay for $20 plus at the time. Well here is another one (or just one to hold on to until the movie comes out.)
Continue reading “Daymen #1 SDCC Variant flip idea”
Pick of the Week for 5/15/13
Picks of the Week 5/14/13
This is a good speculator week and I have a lot of picks. Each week I put out my list of books worth taking a look at and to consider for flipping purposes. I enjoy comic book speculation and have done well with my picks each week. Some take longer than others to heat up, some didn’t take off at all, but each week I still plug along.
This weeks picks has one that stands above the rest:
1. Regular Show #1 – It is a Boom Studio’s book. It is based off the hit Cartoon Network Show of the same name. The big reason I am speculating on this one is because of the success that “Adventure Time’ #1 had. I have a strong feeling the same people who went after ‘Adventure Time’ will be clammoring for this one. I will be picking up both the regular and Phantom Variant covers.
2. Dream Merchant #1 – Why is this one a pick? Well, it’s a new Image book. A new Image number 1. A new book written by Nathan Edmonson (writer of ‘The Activity’, ‘Who is Jake Ellis’). It is a double sized issue so more value for the money. The story follows Winslow who has been dreaming of an Old Traveler who has protected him from those who hunt him. Seems like the world has been made to forget about these strange hunters. Very psyhcadelic feel to it.
3. Helheim #3 – Issues 1 and 2 sold out. Strong story and fan buzz.
4. Batgirl #20 – New Ventriloquist. See the art, this is a ‘Joker’ scary looking character. written by Gail Simone.
5. Battlestar Galactica #1 – Classic Battlestar done by the ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ team of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning. They are known for their big cosmic books, and few touch the epic cosmic level that Battlestar did.
Other things to pick up this week:
‘Strange Attractions’ Hard Cover from Archaia Press. Created by ’27’ and ‘Swamp Thing’ writer Charles Soule. It is the story of a disgraced professor who spent his life researching the “Complex Theroy” which states you can use mathmatics to predict the outcome of anything. All the while, New york city is a living thing slowly destroying itself from the inside. I spoke to Charles Soule on free comic bok day and he said this is a must for fans of the movie ‘Inception.’ I have this and have been waiting to read it.
‘Fall of the House of Usher’ #1 – What’s not to like Edgar Allan Poe and Richard Corben. I have been a fan of Corben’s since he broke out on the scene doing art for Warren magazines like ‘Creepy’ and ‘Eerie’.
Also, please feel free to check out my auctions on eBay. Lots of Phantom Variants, lots of store variants, and other hot books like Peter Panzerfaust:
Like us on facebook! we are running a contest from now until we hit 100 likes. Once we get 100 likes we will give away a free Phantom Variant, Store Variant, or Ghost Variant. We are at 24 so far and picking up more by the day.
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 5/9/13
Diamond Advanced Reorder List
One way to guage how hot a comic is/will be is by the Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list. This gives retailers a chance to up their orders for books that may have caught some heat before the release and before the final order cut offs. So without further ado, this weeks advanced reorder list (Dominated by X-Men #1):
1. X-Men #1 – Marvels mutant Juggernauts (no pun intended.) Lead the charge. Stores getting increased interest in this new X-Men book.
2. East of West #3 – Strong sales on the first two issues and increase in price on the secondary market keeps bringing in new readers.
3. Wake #1 – New DC book
4. Injustice Gods Among Us #5 – Popularity on the video game tie in series continues. Prices strong on 1 & 2.
5. X-Men #1 Skottie Young Variant – Boy people love these baby covers.
6. Adventures of Superman #1 – Dc’s New Superman Series, how many titles above 52 are we now?
8. Injustice Gods Among Us #4 2nd print – see above…
9. X-men #1 50th Ann. Variant Variant
10. X-men #1 Deadpool Variant- People love Deadpool.
12. Clive Barker’s Next Testament #1 – Boom Studios new Clive Barker book looks fantastic and would be worth speculating on.
14. X-men #1 Blank Variant – I personally love having these to get sketches on.
16. Superman Unchained #1 – Jim Lee returns to Superman. Worth picking up. Will be pretty heavily printed so should be easy to get.
20,21, &25. Morning Glories #27 variant covers B (Frison) ,C (Guillory), E (McKelvie) Second season of the hit Nick Spensor book begins. Great jumping on point for new readers. #26 was $1 so might draw in new readers. Early ‘Morning Glories’ are hard to find and you will pay to get them.
Related articles
- Diamond Comics Advanced reorder and reorder list 4/26/13 (
Picks of the week April 24th
There are a good crop of books coming out this week and I always put out my picks of the week the day before the books come out. So here are my speculator picks of the week for Wednesday April 24th 2013.
1. Jupiter’s Legacy #1- I know I ranted about how the regular cover will be so over printed that there is very little chance for the book to shoot up in value. But I still see the potential for a good story, great art, and variant covers that can be flipped in the first week if you get them cheap enough.
2. Helheim #2 – First issue of this Cullen Bunn book did well on the secondary market. Second books usually are printed less than the first so there is a good chance this one could do as well.
3. East of West #2- Again, first issue sales, did well on the secondary market. Book has heat.
Pick of the week: Walking Dead 109
Sure, this is an easy one. Walking Dead issues are a safe bet because of the tv show that has helped drum up interest in the book. But Walking Dead 109 is my pick of the week for several reasons.
1. There is a rumored death. The only thing more popular in Walking Dead than a new character is the death of one.
2. It features a blank sketch variant cover. Even the Walking Dead 50/50 split variant covers have done well on eBay.
3. It is already selling for up to $15 on eBay the day before the release.
So this one is a no brainier. Pick up the Walking Dead 109 tomorrow in your local comic shop. Try for both covers. Especially the blank sketch cover.
So there you go. Happy hunting.
Spoiler alert follows:
No death this issue. It’s Glen’s grave on the cover.