The Wednesday open forum is one of the most fun things for me. It opens conversations up and gets people really interacting. Wanted to expand it to the weekends too. Here is the first weekend open forum. Continue reading “Weekend Open Forum”
Category: Comic Books
Robert Downey Jr. Tweets Iron Man news in 8 days
Time to start following @robertdowneyjr on Twitter. He is releasing big news on Iron Man in 8 days.
Continue reading “Robert Downey Jr. Tweets Iron Man news in 8 days”
Hoknes Comics Analysis of January 2015 sales
As always each month there are some surprises
Once in a while a comic is much bigger than we expected
Its more normal to find that retailers did not take enough of a chance on a new title
or didn’t see the surprise interest in a new character
Here are my picks for books that stand out for different reasons noted.
NEW #1’s fairly low print runs for what they are
249 Feathers 1 #1 Boom 5781
29 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl 1 #1 Marvel 41693
237 King the Phantom 1 #1 Dynamite 6267
282 Lady Death 26 #1 low print Avatar 4865
the hot new Marvel female character of 2015 had modest print run – lower than Silk and Spider-Girl.
25 Wolverines 2 Fantomelle Marvel 43573
27 Wolverines 3 Fantomelle Marvel 42051
32 Wolverines 4 Fantomelle Marvel 39790
376 Wwe Superstars Ongoing 11 Hulk Hogan NBM 2451
49 Spider-Man and X-Men 2 ignored Marvel 34329
281 Marvel Universe Ult Spider-Man Web Warriors 3 ignored Marvel 4873
295 Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two 3 ignored Marvel 4503
Note that Reyn had a crazy low print run for a new series.
53 Dying and the Dead 1 Image #1 Image 32612
127 Casanova Acedia 1 Image #1 Image 16780
214 Reyn #1 Image #1 super low Image 7797
205 IXth Generation 1 Witchblade Darkness Image 8145
Zero is now the smallest print run of any ongoing Image title at only 4,500 copies
77 Bitch Planet 2 Image #2 Image 26508
102 ODYC 2* Image #2 Image 21316
244 Humans 3 Image low print Image 5870
261 Intersect 3 Image low print Image 5407
294 Zero 14 Image low print Image 4567
169 Nailbiter 9 small print for the hype Image 11222
170 Spread 5 small print for the hype Image 11115
50 Shield 2 low for TV Marvel 33965
274 Strain Night Eternal 5 low for TV Dark Horse 5209
197 Millennium 1 low for TV tie-in IDW 8505
389 Charmed Season 10 4 low for TV tie-in Zenescope 2111
192 Zombies Vs Robots 1 new movie IDW 8725
76 Operation Sin 1 Marvel #1 Marvel 26732
131 Powers 1 Marvel #1 Marvel 16467
33 Wonder Woman 38 New story DC 39669
65 Fantastic Four 642 Secret Wars Marvel 30118
104 Mortal Kombat X 1 sold out quick DC 21062
134 Munchkin 1 sold out quick Boom 16234
199 Lady Killer 1 sold out quickly Dark Horse 8431
364 13 Coins 4 super low Titan 2692
397 Holy F*ck 1 super low for #1 Action Lab 1934
So far the big winners profit wise in the back issue market are
Lady Killer #1, Fantastic Four #642, Mortal Kombat X #1 and Wonder Woman #38 1:100 variant
If retailers had ordered more than would these be hot books ?
Third Eye Spotlight #23
Each week Steve from Third Eye Comics releases a video spotlighting the cool new comics of the week. Here is this weeks for delivery 2/25/15
Continue reading “Third Eye Spotlight #23”
Sex Criminals coming to TV
Thanks to Daniel for the heads up.
Deadline has reported that Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick signed a deal with Universal TV to turn some of their creator owned books into TV shows
Comic book power couple Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnick are venturing into television with a two-year overall deal at Universal TV. Under the pact, the married duo will adapt some of their comic books as well as original TV series & concepts. They also plan to use their Milkfed Criminal Masterminds production company as a TV launchpad for other comic creators’ IP.
Wednesday open forum
Hurrah for Wednesday, it is like Christmas in he middle of every week. New Comic book day!
Continue reading “Wednesday open forum”
Margot Robbie signs three picture deal to play Harley Quinn
Holy Cow, Margot Robbie has signed a three picture deal to play Harley Quinn.
Continue reading “Margot Robbie signs three picture deal to play Harley Quinn”
Viola Davis cast as Suicide Squad's Amanda Waller
Things are moving along nicely for the Suicide Squad movie. They have just cast their Amanda Waller Screenrant has announced.
Continue reading “Viola Davis cast as Suicide Squad's Amanda Waller”
Boom Studios Malignant Man Movie gets writer
The movie adaptation of Boom Studio’s comic book Malignant Man has gotten a writer. Malignant Man is a part of the first look deal that was signed with Boom Studios when Two Guns was signed. Continue reading “Boom Studios Malignant Man Movie gets writer”
Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant in Supergirl
Calista Flockhart is returning to tv as she has been cast as Cat Grant in Supergirl.
Continue reading “Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant in Supergirl”
Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for 2/25/15
The Giblet Gravy Spec of the Week:
Spider-Gwen #1 (Marvel) – Duh! Buy them, buy the variants. Sell them to all the Gwemaniacs!
The Bloody Wing Mid Section Noteworthy Pick:
Fantastic Four #643 (Marvel) – Yes, like Anthony stated, things are going to happen. Expect Sleepwalker doing his thing, whatever his thing is. Who knows, he might play a larger role in this Secret Wars so pay close attention. These were likely a higher print since #642 was a nice sleeper but yes, expect this to be overshadows by Gwen.
The Drumstick Drumroll Honorable Mentions of the Week:
Suiciders #1 – Vertigo – From Lee Bermejo, this is L.A. in a future brutal post apocalyptic age. Where killing is entertainment. Sounds sort of like the 80’s movie “The Running Man” where they kill prisoners in a public execution game show. Could have potential if the story and art hold up.
Comics Delayed in Austin Tx from Agent Poyo's doom and gloom report
I have been receiving word from Agent Poyo that Austin Tx are comic shops are going to get delayed orders and will not have comics on Wednesday.
Word is that the bad weather we have been getting here in the Maryland area has effected shipments going down. You might want to check with your local comic shops to see if there will be delays in your area.
Continue reading “Comics Delayed in Austin Tx from Agent Poyo's doom and gloom report”
Comics Picks of the Week for delivery 2/25/15
Welcome to the special Spider-Gwen Eve report.
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some of them live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best chance of heating up.
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for delivery 2/25/15”
Spider-Gwen #1 Yesteryear Variant
Spider-Gwen Eve continues:
Here is one to keep an eye out for. Copies of the Spider-Gwen #1 Yesteryear Comics Variant are flying off the shelf at $34 each, in fact 40 copies have sold at this price. Which means, people really want the book.
Continue reading “Spider-Gwen #1 Yesteryear Variant”
Triple Signed Spider-Gwen Heroes Aren't Hard to Find Variant
Welcome to Spider-Gwen Eve!
The regular cover sold out pretty quickly after being posted up yesterday. Now, Heroes Aren’t Hard to Find are offering up their variant cover Triple signed by the creative team.
The book is signed by Robbi Rodriguez (artist), Jason Latour (writer), and Rico Renzi (colorist). These are limited and starting to sell quickly. Continue reading “Triple Signed Spider-Gwen Heroes Aren't Hard to Find Variant”
Mortal Kombat X #1: Hunt, Find, Flip
Here is another quick hit for you. You should still be able to find them on the store shelves in some area and can make a few quick bucks. Mortal Kombat X #1.
Continue reading “Mortal Kombat X #1: Hunt, Find, Flip”
Dark Horse 'Lady Killer': Hunt, Find, Flip
Here is one to add to your list of books to search out on shop shelves and back issue bins. Dark Horse Comics Lady Lady Killer #1, by Joelle Jones and Jamie Rich.
Continue reading “Dark Horse 'Lady Killer': Hunt, Find, Flip”
Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 2/25/15
Each week Terry Hoknes of releases a video showing off the hot new comics of the week. Here is this weeks for delivery 2/25/15: Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 2/25/15”
Vertigo Comics Lucifer gets confirmed Pilot
Still trying to catch up on the RSS feed. Here is one you should look at.
Sandman spinoff, Lucifer now has a confirmed Pilot episode. Fox has given the go ahead order for the pilot according to Continue reading “Vertigo Comics Lucifer gets confirmed Pilot”
Spider-Gwen #1 Triple Signed by Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez, and Rico Renzi
Here is a great opportunity to get a Spider-Gwen #1 triple signed by Jason Latour, Robbie Rodriguez, and Rico Renzi.
But as always, act quick, these will go fast.
Continue reading “Spider-Gwen #1 Triple Signed by Jason Latour, Robbi Rodriguez, and Rico Renzi”
Next Spider-Man may not be Peter Parker
Catching up on RSS feeds, there never is enough time My inbox is full of stories I need to get to, this is one of them.
So, the next Spider-man might not be Peter Parker, or if he is Peter Parker, he may not be white.
Jeff Sneider from The Wrap just dropped a potential bomb regarding the next Spider-Man on the Meet the Movie Press podcast, which he co-hosts with Mark Reilly from Schmoes Know.
“This is not set in stone guys, but I’m telling you right now: Spider-Man is not going to be white,” Jeff Sneider revealed. When Reilly asked him if that was speculation, Jeff replied, “I am 95% sure.”
Now the key here is Miles Morales first appearance in Ultimate Fallout #4. Prices have already started going up. It is a good time to search the back issue bins and flip, or get and hold. This one is up in the air since it is not definite so I am pulling my copy to sell and digging for more.
X-Force #19 One to watch
Here is a “find it cheap in the back issues” and flip scenerio. Or you could hold it until the Deadpool movie. X-Force #19 has popped up in value recently due to the casting of Morena Baccarinas in the Deadpool Movie.
Continue reading “X-Force #19 One to watch”
Diamond Comics Advance Reorder list for 2/22/15
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance reorder List for 2/22/15.
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advance Reorder list for 2/22/15”
Big Hero 6 Wins Oscar for best animated film
Congrats to the cast and crew of Big Hero 6 for their Oscar win.
Continue reading “Big Hero 6 Wins Oscar for best animated film”
By comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
As a comic book historian I love keeping track of stats.
This calendar is a log of every comic that suddenly becomes hotter and jumps in value with an actual date.
This list should be continually updated and I hope others will add any comics that I may have missed.
Over a period of time we can look for trends and make interesting comparisons
Here is the Hot Comic Calendar 2015 Continue reading “THE HOT COMIC CALENDAR”