Joker’s Daughter 2d cover sold out at Diamond maybe

Yeah, we know this is the one everyone is waiting for. The 3d cover for Jokers Daughter. Well, you might want to pick up the standard cover as well.

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DC Comics Villains Month 3d Covers week 4 available for pre-order

Well week three are in the can. I have looked at some of the auctions for this weeks books and they are selling for around double cover. Not bad if you can double your money in a day. Week four is just seven short days away. Here are the week 4 3d covers I have found still available for pre-order at 20% off. These won’t last as the others have not.
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DC Villains Month Open Forum

Not really a story here. I wanted to see what everyone’s experience has been with buying the 3d DC covers. I have been getting mine from one store at cover and have gotten and subsequently sold the books. Have you seen price gouging? Don’t be afraid to name names. Have you seem sell outs. Have you been lucky and gotten them? Just curious what everyone’s experience has been.

DC Villains Month week three 3d covers still available

Here is a list of DC Comics Villain Month 3d variants still available. These are not lasting long and are selling for a premium Wednesday when they are released. They have been going up in price with each passing week. (Not saying they will stay up but these are excellent flipping material)
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Wednesday’s sold out comics for 9/18/13

Thanks to Terry Hoknes at for the list

Books to keep in mind while you are out shopping this Wednesday, they are sold out at the distributor level. This does not mean you will not be able to find them in stores, it means that once your local comic shop sells out, they will not be able to re-stock 1st prints Continue reading “Wednesday’s sold out comics for 9/18/13”

BOOM! Studios Series ‘Unthinkable’ in Development as Fox TV Series

BOOM! Studios Series ‘Unthinkable’ in Development as Fox TV Series

One to keep an eye one. This was released from comic book resources. Boom’s Unthinkable being developed for a 1 hour Fox TV show. 

Walking Dead #115 NY Comic Con Variant for $2.99

Man I love a good deal, especially when it comes to something I really think is going to shoot up in value.
Walking Dead #115 starts the ‘All Out War’ story line which will be huge. Continue reading “Walking Dead #115 NY Comic Con Variant for $2.99”

Black Bat #5 from Dynamite Entertainment sells out

Dynamite Entertainment is proud to announce another sell out comics. ‘Black Bat’ #5 has sold out it’s print run through Diamond Comics Distributors. Black Bat is one of the characters Batman was based on.
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Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 9/13/13

The Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list is one of those tools that Speculators can use to figure out what is going to be hot. The books are all ones that retailers have gone back to up their orders on. This could be for several different reasons; the previous issue sold better than expected, customer’s are coming in asking about the book, a new number 1, or message board and web site chatter. This weeks does not feature any villain month books! This is great because that is all that has been featured for the past 6 weeks.

Here is this week’s advanced reorder list:

1. Star Wars: The Lucas Draft #2- The first issue sold really well and fans are clamoring for Lucas’ original vision.

2. All New X-Men #17– Really the best X-Men book on the stands.

3. All New X-Men Special #1– See above

4. Catwoman #23 2nd print– No surprise as the appearance of Jokers Daughter has caused the book to sell out the say before it came out.

5. Hinterkind #1– New Vertigo Series. Vertigo has seen a rebirth over the past two months putting out Image quality books (used to be Image was putting out Vertigo quality.)

6. Walking Dead #1 10th Anniversary Edition– Buy Walking Dead #1 for $5.99 (in Color.)

7. Nova #9– Infinity Cross over. Great Marvel book that hasn’t taken off yet, and I do not know why.

8. Forever Evil #2– The story that started Villain’s month and the villains found out Nightwing’s identity.

9. Walking Dead #115 Midnight Release Party Variant– Special edition book for those stores doing an early release. This will be huge as will the actual #115 variants.

10. Marvel Knights Spiderman #1- Let the oversaturation of Spiderman books continue.

11. Captain America Living Legend #1– This is a re-solicit.

12. Witching Hour #1- Yeah Horror comics! nine new supernatural tales by a coven of the best writers and artists VERTIGO could cram into 70 pages.

13. Mighty Avengers #2– Infinity tie in

14. Fantomex Max #1– Mysterious X-Man in his own book. This could be hot.

15. Batman #24– Mega $6.99 book continues Year Zero

16. Mocking Dead #1 2nd Printing– New cover for the sold out book.

17. Superman Unchained #4

18. Thor Vs Thanos TPB- all things Thanos are hot.

19. Uncanny X-Men Premier Hardcover Vol. 2

20. Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble #1- All ages

21. Infinity Hunt #1– Infinity Tie in

22. Superman Wonder Woman #1

23. Batman Black & White #2

24. Infinity #5

25. Infinity #6

100 Likes on Facebook

As promised, has hit 100 likes! and we will be giving away a free phantom variant that will ship Wednesday. The book is something you will want to have. If you haven’s liked us on Facebook yet, please make sure you do so. The benefit is you will be able to enter for your chance to win the book, plus, you will never miss one of our tips or stories. 

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‘Suicide 5’ interview with Jason Pell

We have talked a lot about Kickstarter projects being the breeding ground for hot new comics. We have seen ‘The Outliers’, ‘Watson and Holmes’, ‘Wild Blue Yonder’, ‘Voice in the Dark’, and others take off and become darlings of the secondary market. Some of these have ended up getting major distribution, and the Kickstarter variants being the ones really sought after. One book that is on my radar, ‘Suicide 5’, is being funded now, and for $20 you get the hard cover version. This one is on my radar because it is delightfully twisted in the content of the book.  Continue reading “‘Suicide 5’ interview with Jason Pell”

DC Comics Villains month covered at

DC Comics Villains month covered at

I am occasionally asked to write on Pop-Culture events for my local newspaper. The articles also run at the Here is the latest one in reference to DC’s Villains month 3d covers.



DC Comics 3-D week 3 variants still available for pre-order

Looks like some on-line retailers are already selling out of next weeks books.
The Clayface, Flash Rogues, Scarecrow, Black Hand, Dial E, Eclipso, Shadow Thief, and Deathstroke covers are all gone.
But you can still pre-order the following covers to ensure you have them:
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DC 3d covers week 2 results

Well we all know these were going to sell. We just didn’t know how many or how much. I sold through my first weeks covers (held my breath a little) but ended up doubling my money on them (even after ebay fees.) At first it looked sketch but it worked out. 


Here is what this weeks 3d covers are going for. 

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