TFAW hot 20 for 1/4/15

What makes these the hottest comics? Besides being best sellers, these are also typically the ones our customers are talking about. Check them out to see what all the buzz is about!
I usually run the list once a week just to show what is selling well on-line. Granted, this is just one retailer, but you can bet that other stores are experiencing the same thing. Continue reading “TFAW hot 20 for 1/4/15”

Bleeding Cool Spec Corner: Swamp Thing 49, 50

Some of Bleeding Cools Spec can be out there. Some times they get it right. The Swamp Thing spec they ran tonight is spot on, but has been known since the announcement that Guillermo Del Toro submitted the Justice League Dark script. My friends at G+ CBSI have been all over this one. Still a good look out if you can find them in the wild.
Continue reading “Bleeding Cool Spec Corner: Swamp Thing 49, 50”

Todd McFarlane to announce new series at Image Expo

Thanks to Kelly H. for the heads up
From Todd McFarlane’s Facebook page, Todd will announce a new series at Image Expo. Expect this and other big stories coming out next week from Image Expo. Continue reading “Todd McFarlane to announce new series at Image Expo”


By comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
As a comic book historian I love keeping track of stats.
So I thought it would be interesting to keep a solid log of every single comic that goes up in value.
This calendar is a log of every comic that suddenly becomes hotter and jumps in value with an actual date.
This list should be continually updated and I hope others will add any comics that I may have missed.
Over a period of time we can look for trends and make interesting comparisons.
Continue reading “THE HOT COMIC CALENDAR”

Top 100 Hottest Comic Titles during LATE DECEMBER 2014

Bi-weekly column and list compiled by comics historian Terry Hoknes of –
unnamed (1)
This chart is styled like the old classic Wizard Magazine Top 10 Hottest Comic charts that were published every month in the 1990′s.
This list is updated every 2 weeks. This list is compiled from my non-stop research of the current market. I believe these were the most demand and growing in value books this month. This list focuses on all regular edition covers. (Variants are not listed otherwise they would likely dominate the entire list due to instant high prices and calculated small print runs). If you think I have missed any hot MODERN titles/issues please let me know. Here are my picks of what I believe are the hottest comics at this very moment from all sold out releases of MODERN comics online based on back issue sales ABOVE cover price.
Continue reading “Top 100 Hottest Comic Titles during LATE DECEMBER 2014”

The reddit Deathstroke in Suicide Squad leak

This is dubious as it came from Reddit. But it appears Deathstroke may be appearing in the Suicide Squad movie. The original Reddit post follows, followed by the Comicbookmovie follow up: Continue reading “The reddit Deathstroke in Suicide Squad leak”

Vin Diesel in Inhumans movie?

Sorry if you have already seen this, catching up from the holidays on RSS feeds.

Vin Diesel is pretty good at dropping hints at his upcoming projects. He has been very vocal that he wants to do more in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With that, he dropped the following image on his face book page: Continue reading “Vin Diesel in Inhumans movie?”

Comics Picks of the Week for delivery 12/31/14

End of the year means a small week, so normally we would say, hundreds of comics hit the shelves each week, but not this week. We still pick the ones we think have the best shot of heating up, and since there are not many it is not a tough shot to guess which one we see the most potential in. Here is our picks of the week for delivery on New Years Eve, 12/31/14: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for delivery 12/31/14”

SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for December 31 2014

Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
This article is immensely useful in determining what retailers have under ordered and what is going to sell out fast.
This column is here to help promote every new comic book series debuting this week.
Pictured are the 3 new series that are selling out the fastest at Diamond ! Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for December 31 2014”

TFAW Hot 20 Comics for 12/26/14

I usually run the list once a week just to show what is selling well on-line. Granted, this is just one retailer, but you can bet that other stores are experiencing the same thing.

Looking for the very best comics? Whether you’re new to collecting comic books or want a little inspiration to try something new, our list of Top 20 best-selling comic books is a great place to start.

What makes these our hottest comics? Besides being best sellers, these are also typically the ones customers are talking about. Check them out see what all the buzz is about! Continue reading “TFAW Hot 20 Comics for 12/26/14”

Every Dark Horse Star Wars Comic for $300

Dark Horse Comics is sending its Star Wars comics off with a very exclusive limited offer for its digital-comics readers . . . Continue reading “Every Dark Horse Star Wars Comic for $300”

SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for December 24 2014

Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
This article is immensely useful in determining what retailers have under ordered and what is going to sell out fast.
This column is here to help promote every new comic book series debuting this week.
Pictured are the 3 new series that are selling out the fastest at Diamond ! Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for December 24 2014”

Comics picks of the week for delivery 12/24/14

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, most with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones that we think have the best chance of heating up. Here are our picks of the week for 12/24/14: Continue reading “Comics picks of the week for delivery 12/24/14” featuring Enormous sketch comics

Comiconart recently joined us. The specialize in original comic art and represent many artists. One artist they are working with is Mehdi Cheggour, the incredible artist on Enormous. Continue reading “ featuring Enormous sketch comics”

TNT changes title of Titans to Outsider

Rick Dunn contributing to brings us this overlooked gem.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, TNT has officially changed the title of the Nightwing-centric “Titans” TV series to “Outsiders.” Continue reading “TNT changes title of Titans to Outsider”

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