Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 3/5/14

The Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list can be a great tool for comic book speculators. It shows what comic shops are upping their orders on before the final order cut off. They could be bumping up their orders due to a first issue selling better than expected, a new series getting heat on message boards and blogs, in store chatter, or what ever, they need more copies. This weeks is really telling (last weeks was kinda boring with all the All New Marvel now). Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 3/5/14”

Last of Us Video game to get movie

We covered Last of Us American Dream a lot last year as the comic prequel, based on the game, was heating up (that is an understatement as it sky rocketed.) And then it cooled off some. If you were lucky enough to get stuck with copies, it may be time to think about selling them again as Deadline Hollywood broke the news a couple of hours ago that Sony will be making a movie. There are some big names linked to it too. Continue reading “Last of Us Video game to get movie”

Harley Quinn on Arrow?

Season 2 Episode 16 is going to be the one episode of Arrow to watch even if you do not watch arrow. The Suicide Squad will be in full force, and looks like Slade gets his Deathstroke mask. And looks like Joker’s girl Harley is featured as well. Continue reading “Harley Quinn on Arrow?”

Alexander Luthor Speculation updated.

Got an e-mail from Larry from Larry’s comics this morning in reference to this. Forever Evil #6 came out today and there were some pretty big reveals in it. With the big reveals comes some additional speculation.
Continue reading “Alexander Luthor Speculation updated.”

Afterlife with Archie, the movie?

Thanks to Shima for this one!
If you haven’t gotten into Afterlife with Archie yet, you may want to reconsider. Issue four just came out this week, and along with it, news of a possible Afterlife with Archie movie. Continue reading “Afterlife with Archie, the movie?”

New Small Press #1's for late April and May

Small press releases are where it is at when it comes to speculation on new books. They do not have the print runs of the Big Two and if they heat up, they are much harder to find. Here are some of the release for late April/May to keep an eye out on. Continue reading “New Small Press #1's for late April and May”

Nova Corps in Guardians of the Galaxy trailer

If the Nova Corps is in the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer, that can only mean they are in the movie. If they are in the movie, that can only meant the first appearance will heat up. Continue reading “Nova Corps in Guardians of the Galaxy trailer”

Afterlife with Archie #7 Pepoy Variant

Afterlife with Archie continues to be a big hit for Archie. The Pepoy variants keep knocking it out of the park with their more racy costumes (lingerie) for the old Archie gal pals. Afterlife with Archie #7 is no different. Continue reading “Afterlife with Archie #7 Pepoy Variant”

Comics Picks of the week for 3/5/14

Each week hundreds of new comics are released. Each week we pick the ones we think stand the best chance of heating up.
I love Wednesdays! All the new books on the shelves. Untapped potential, new stories. This really is a good Wednesday too.
Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for 3/5/14”

Forever Evil #6 Speculation and Spoiler

So there it is, will Nightwing die at the end of Forever Evil #6?
That is the question. DC sure does love dead Robins. If you haven’t done so, please take the poll..
[polldaddy poll=7851110]
If you do not want to know do not click this story. Serious spoilers ahead…..
Continue reading “Forever Evil #6 Speculation and Spoiler”

Motley Fool's Investor guide to 2014 Comic book movies

I love when non-comic book sites take notice of comic books. Motley Fool, the investment site, ran an article in the final days of 2013 that I stumbled across and found interesting. It is on the subject of investing and comic movies, well, that is what we do hear, just in a different way than I think they were talking about. Take a look at the comic movies that made the list.
Continue reading “Motley Fool's Investor guide to 2014 Comic book movies”

Walking Dead 127 Poll

The Walking Dead 127 cover was released a few weeks back. This is the first book post All Out War. One thing is sure from looking at the cover, no familiar characters, no Rick, No Carl, No Negan.
So just for fun (and yes it is not an original idea) take the poll below and let us know what you think will happen. Feel free to comment below as well.
[polldaddy poll=7845060]

Comicsheatingup.net signing schedule

Hey guys, thanks for everyone who has purchased the signed comics. I do not get paid to do the site, so those books help pay for costs of the website and such. People have asked me about the upcoming signings I will be attending. The schedule follows after the bump.  Continue reading “Comicsheatingup.net signing schedule”

Rocket Raccoon series announced from Marvel

Sorry for the slow week, February has been an awesome month for spec news, but also has been a busy month for my regular job. In the process of catching up on my RSS feed and passing along the news.
MTV got the exclusive on the upcoming Skottie Young Rocket Raccoon. Seems about the right time as everything Guardians and Rocket Raccoon are blowing up.
Continue reading “Rocket Raccoon series announced from Marvel”

Annihilators #3 a book to keep an eye on

Here is a bit of advice I really liked this week. It comes to us from our friends at Google+ Comic Book Speculation and Investment Community. Continue reading “Annihilators #3 a book to keep an eye on”

Comics picks of the week for delivery 2/16/14

I love Wednesday. I love going into work and waiting for the local shops to open up at 11. I love taking an early lunch and going to the shops. I love picking up the best copies of the new books. Really, it is the whole comic buying experience. Needless to say there are a ton of new books coming out this week worth looking at. So here is this weeks picks of the week for delivery on 2/26/14.
The one you have to pick up:
Black Science #4- Rick Remender’s new book continues to be on fire.
The other Remender book:
Deadly Class #2- First issue was pretty impressive. If Remender’s streak of hit books continues, the second issue is where it is at.
The “we are glad this book is back as it was pretty hot before” one:
Wake #6- The Wake has been a great book. It went on Hiatus while they were prepping the second arc. Plus, it is Scott Snyder and Sean Murphey. Snyder is hot right now.
The Walking Dead issue of the week:
The Walking Dead #122- The Walking Dead is a cultural phenomenon. Robert Kirkman has said that Negan is coming to the AMC show. So this pretty much sums up the fact that ALL OUT WAR will be a storyline on the show. Every new character that comes from the comic has jumped in price. (See the Abraham issue #53 price jump.)
THe Ultra Violent 1:
Revenge #1- formerly Revenger #1 bring the sex and violence to Image with this new series. I read the preview in Elephantmen and it rocks. If this heats up, do not pass up getting the first appearance in the preview in the back of Elephantmen 52
The outside chance:
One Hit Wonder #1- New series drawn by superstar artist ARIEL OLIVETTI. Looking forward to checking this out.
Finally, the really outside chance:
Vandroid #1- Part man Part machine and a van. When Palm Springs Entertainment studios burned to the ground in 1984, the most definitive motion picture of a generation was lost before its time. Thirty years later, the extraordinary talents of Tommy Lee Edwards, Noah Smith, and Dan McDaid unite to resurrect this lost epic. * Complete the Vandroid experience with the remastered soundtrack from Ed Banger Records and the unearthed 1984 movie….
Let us know what you are specking on this week.

Manifest Destiny #4 sold out

Catching up on my RSS feed, I have so many stories that I haven’t read yet.
Manifest Destiny Is a bonafide hit. The first issue is selling at a premium, and sold out. The second and third issues sold out as well. Now, Image is reporting the fourth issue has sold out on the distributor level and is going back for a second printing. Continue reading “Manifest Destiny #4 sold out”

Did James Gunn indirectly confirm Adam Warlock and Captain Marvel in Guardians?

<Our friend Lubber Clang had already pointed out the "Him", aka Adam Warlock, cocoon in one of the stills which came out last year in his "Spec That" video. But in an interview with Pointless Pod cast, James Gunn may have indirectly let loose Captain Marvel and Adam Warlock will be in the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Continue reading “Did James Gunn indirectly confirm Adam Warlock and Captain Marvel in Guardians?”

Hints at new Fantastic Four movie villian

So everyone has been focusing on the cast of the new Fantastic Four movie. The casting choices have been polarizing. Some like the choice, some dislike it, and some are insulting to those who do not agree with it. Regardless of your stance on the actor selection, we know we will be getting a Marvel Villain appearance. If recent history is any indication, prices on the character’s first appearance will heat up. Continue reading “Hints at new Fantastic Four movie villian”

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