Thanks to my friend Patrick Hood, aka phood, for doing this for us. It is a little different than what we have done in the past but I love the way it turned out. Full list of books follows:
Continue reading “Batman Endgame spec”
Tag: comicsheatingup
Marvel Collector Corps April Unboxing video *fixed*
Sorry, the video has been corrected.
Tyson, the toy guy, was kind enough to shoot over a Marvel Collector Corps unboxing video as we have yet to get ours. So here is the inaugural Marvel Collector Corps unboxing video:
Continue reading “Marvel Collector Corps April Unboxing video *fixed*”
LootCrate April Unboxing Video *fixed*
Sorry, videos have been fixed.
I have been a big fan of LootCrate for a while now. Mystery box surprises coming once a month (more than that as I have subscriptions to several different mystery box services.) Here is April’s LootCrate mystery-box unboxing video:
Continue reading “LootCrate April Unboxing Video *fixed*”
Think Outside the Toy Box: Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends Exclusives
Tyson writes about toys for
Hasbro is launching a second line of Guardians of the Galaxy to the Marvel Legends line up. This set was announced at SDCC last year and is based on the comic book versions of our cosmic heroes. There is no build a figure. There is no hunting them down at various big box stores. They all are sold together in a pretty display box and they can only be picked up here (or be at the mercy of eBay and/or Amazon). They went up today and are available now for pre-order. Enterainment Earth plans to get these to you by August. Get in on the first wave because with an exclusive like this, it could be one and done. If you are a fan of Guardians of the Galaxy or the Marvel Legends line, don’t wait. Continue reading “Think Outside the Toy Box: Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Legends Exclusives”
The Death of Snake Eyes, an Issue early and the New Snake Eyes
So the story has been building up to it. Starting with Issue #212, the first issue of the “Death of Snake-Eyes storyline, we knew he was on his way out. However, Snake-Eyes dies in this weeks GI Joe #213
. Continue reading “The Death of Snake Eyes, an Issue early and the New Snake Eyes”
Variant Envy: C2E2 Deadpool and Secret Wars Variants for less than cover price
Conventions always mean convention variants. I am a sucker for convention variants. C2E2 will have its share of variants. If you are unable to make it to Chicago this weekend, you can still pick up a couple of variants for less than the regular cover price. Continue reading “Variant Envy: C2E2 Deadpool and Secret Wars Variants for less than cover price”
Think Outside the Toy Box: NEW Batman The Animated Series Figures, Diamond Select Gotham & Ghostbuster and more…
Tyson B. writes about toys for
There are always a crazy amount of new toys coming out. Not all appeal the the sensibility of comic and pop culture fans. Here are some new toys coming out that are worth checking out.
Continue reading “Think Outside the Toy Box: NEW Batman The Animated Series Figures, Diamond Select Gotham & Ghostbuster and more…”
Variant Envy: Kaptara #1 Third Eye Variant
I was away at a conference yesterday so I was not able to hit my local comic shop until today. When I got there, I was surprised to find a Third Eye Variant that I hadn’t seen or heard about (and I really do have them all.) Kaptara #1 Third Eye Variant is shown after the bump: Continue reading “Variant Envy: Kaptara #1 Third Eye Variant”
Dallas Comic Con Exclusive Pop: Angry Groot
Dallas Comic Con shared one of their exclusives for their upcoming convention.
Angry Groot will be one of the show exclusives. Continue reading “Dallas Comic Con Exclusive Pop: Angry Groot”
Jared Leto channels Dark Knight for his Joker
Paparazzi photos of Jared Leto give the first look of his Joker. Definately looks like he is channeling the Joker from Dark Knight Returns. Continue reading “Jared Leto channels Dark Knight for his Joker”
Petition to save the X-Men
Marvel is essentially doing away with their most popular character, The X-Men. As Scarlet Witch said “no more mutants”, seems Marvel is finally moving in that direction and not just for a cross over event.
Continue reading “Petition to save the X-Men”
Variant Envy Secret Wars #2 ComicXposure variant
Face it tiger you hit the jackpot. Such an iconic image with Mary Jane leaning in Peter Parkers door way. Gabriele Dell’Otto channeled that iconic image in this variant.
Continue reading “Variant Envy Secret Wars #2 ComicXposure variant”
Wednesday open forum
Wednesday, the best day of the week, new comic book day. It is like your birthday in the middle of each week (oddly enough it is my birthday this year). Each week we ask to hear your pick ups.
Continue reading “Wednesday open forum”
Think Outside the Toy Box: New Star Wars Movie Realizations
Star Wars Celebration just happened and this years was an extra big deal with the new movie dropping this Christmas. Tamashii Nation took advantage and revealed a few new upcoming Star Wars Movie Realization items. Continue reading “Think Outside the Toy Box: New Star Wars Movie Realizations”
Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for Delivery 4/22/15
Each Week Terry Hoknes of releases a video showcasing the hot new comics of the week. Here is this weeks, for delivery 4/22/15. Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for Delivery 4/22/15”
Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for delivery 4/22/15
Sadly the Poyo family experienced a loss in the family this week. This weeks picks are dedicated to my 6 year old daughters beloved Dwarf Hamster named Charmie (short for Charmander of Pokemon fame) who decided to return to the stars this week.. may he rest in peace.
On with the picks.. Continue reading “Agent Poyo's Picks of the week for delivery 4/22/15”
Bloodshot movie confirmed as part of five picture deal.
Seem like it was just yesterday that we mentioned that news of a Bloodshot movie would be forthcoming, in fact it was. Anyway, Valiant signed with Sony to bring their catalog of comics to the big screen. Bloodshot and Harbinger each will have two movies each. Continue reading “Bloodshot movie confirmed as part of five picture deal. “
Comics Picks of the week for delivery 4/22/15
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shop at heating up. Here are our picks for delivery this Wednesday 4/22/15. Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for delivery 4/22/15”
Will Dick Grayson be in Batman Vs. Superman Dawn of Justice
Bleeding Cool ran a post yesterday that showed a few pictures of the set of Batman vs. Superman Dawn of Justice. One picture in particular showed a tomb stone of interest. Continue reading “Will Dick Grayson be in Batman Vs. Superman Dawn of Justice”
Batman Vs Superman Costumes released a story that featured a closer look at the costumes of Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice. Continue reading “Batman Vs Superman Costumes”
Ms. Marvel Tv Mini-series to come?
There is a lot of talk from a lot of places that a Ms. Marvel TV mini-series is in the works at ABC. Kamala Khan could make it to the screen before Carol Danvers potentially.
Continue reading “Ms. Marvel Tv Mini-series to come?”
Spread #6 C2E2 variant
if you are going to be at C2E2 this weekend make sure to this weekend make sure to stop by and see Kyle Strahm at table G14. He is going to be selling copies of the exclusive Spread #6 C2E2 variant.
Bloodshot announcement coming?
Is there a Bloodshot Movie announcement coming sooner rather than later?
Seems so. As early as tomorrow it sounds like. Continue reading “Bloodshot announcement coming?”
Age of Ultron after credit scene
Quick, see it before it is taken down Continue reading “Age of Ultron after credit scene”
That Manara pose: Swords of Sorrow #1
Milo Manara got heat for his Spider-Woman variant. Frank Cho got heat for his one of sketch cover poking fun at it. Wonder if it will do the same for J. Scott Campbell’s Swords of Sorrow #1? Continue reading “That Manara pose: Swords of Sorrow #1”