Weird Love #1 from IDW sells out, and print run

I have been a huge fan of IDW’s reprints of classic horror comics in ‘Haunted Horror.’ We wrote about this way back on September 26, 2013 here and here. IDW and Yoe! books latest series, Weird Love, has also sold out and has started to sell for above cover. Continue reading “Weird Love #1 from IDW sells out, and print run”

Walking Dead #127 sells out at distributor level

When doing the picks of the week, we always throw in a Walking Dead issue if it is being released that week. The reason is there is still a lot of tread left on Walking Dead books when it comes to speculation. The latest issue, The Walking Dead #127, is no exception. Continue reading “Walking Dead #127 sells out at distributor level”

Hoknes Comics hot new comics for delivery 5/28/14

Each week Terry Hoknes of releases a new video featuring the hot new comics of the week. Here is this weeks for delivery on 5/28/14. Continue reading “Hoknes Comics hot new comics for delivery 5/28/14”

X-Men Days of Future past post-credit scene speculation

Ok, the movie is out there. If you haven’t seen it, or do not want to ruin the post credit scene, do not read on. **This is your spoiler warning** If you have seen it, or want to go ahead and possibly be ahead of the game read on. Continue reading “X-Men Days of Future past post-credit scene speculation”

Speculating the Marvel Cosmic Universe movies

Sometimes you have to look at the end game to be a little ahead. One thing is clear, Marvel is branching off into more cosmic movies being Spearheaded by the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Continue reading “Speculating the Marvel Cosmic Universe movies”

Kingsman: Secret Service Trailer

I do have a love hate relationship with Mark Millar’s work. He puts out some great stuff (still have to read MPH) but it can take a while and there is always the over priced last issue. I digress. The trailer for Mark Millar’s Secret Service, came out a few days back. Continue reading “Kingsman: Secret Service Trailer”

V-Wars heading to TV confirmed

So, normally I write a lot of the posts the night before and and schedule them to hit around prime time. Yesterday, I ran a piece that there was some kind of media deal being rumbled about by retailers that attended Diamond Comics Retailers Summit. I guessed movie deal but was not too far off the mark. Bleeding Cool confirmed it tonight. Continue reading “V-Wars heading to TV confirmed”


From our friend Dakoit at Dakoit’s Comic Book Speculation Blogspot
Hey Everyone,
Happy Victoria Day long weekend from Canada! This weekend was a great one to be a comic fan and go to the movies. With Captain America, Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Godzilla all going strong in the box office, I finally had the chance to get caught up on all three. Godzilla and Captain America rocked, and ASM #2 fell a little flat. Hey, that’s quite ok, because even if it wasn’t great, there has never been a better time when we’re lucky enough to see our ‘Spidey’ gracing the silver screen every few years. Continue reading “THE DAKOIT SPECULATION HIT LIST: MAY 21ST 2014!!!”

Livewire Debuts in the New 52 in Justice League #30

Thanks to Wiley S. and Van D. (From the g+ comic book speculation and investment page) for the heads up on this one. Mega Popular Livewire looks to be making her debut in Justice League #30 out tomorrow.
Continue reading “Livewire Debuts in the New 52 in Justice League #30”

Larry's Comics Pick of the week 5.21.14

Larry Doherty of has been at the speculation game for a while. He was what brought me in to writing about comic speculation. He used to do a weekly speculation news letter that was awesome, which also led to the hash tag #comicsmarket. He is like the old “E.F. Hutton” commercials, when he talks people listen. Here is Larry’s pick of the week for delivery 5/21/14
Continue reading “Larry's Comics Pick of the week 5.21.14”

Comics Picks of the week for Delivery 5/21/14

Each week hundreds of new books hit the stands. Each with potential, some live up to that potential. Each week we pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are our picks for release 5/21/14: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the week for Delivery 5/21/14”

Swamp Thing #67 Hellblazer Preview

This one is thanks to Shaun L at the google+ comic book speculation community.
While people are searching out Key Hellblazer books before the start of the Constanine Tv show they are missing out on one. Continue reading “Swamp Thing #67 Hellblazer Preview”

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 5/18/14

The Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list is a great tool for seeing what is going to be hot. These are the books that retailers are going back to get more copies of before the book is released. The could be grabbing more copies due to a recent hot first issue, new story line, variant cover, talk on message boards and blogs, or chatter in the stores. But for what ever reason, these are the comics they need to get more copies of. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 5/18/14”

Top 200 Hottest Comic Titles and recent Back Issues during EARLY MAY 2014

Bi-weekly column and list compiled by comics historian Terry Hoknes of –
This chart is styled like the old classic Wizard Magazine Top 10 Hottest Comic charts that were published every month in the 1990′s.
This list is updated every 2 weeks. This list is compiled from my non-stop research of the current market. I believe these were the most demand and growing in value books this month. This list focuses on all regular edition covers. (Variants are not listed otherwise they would likely dominate the entire list due to instant high prices and calculated small print runs). If you think I have missed any hot MODERN titles/issues please let me know. Here are my picks of what I believe are the hottest comics at this very moment from all sold out releases of MODERN comics online based on back issue sales ABOVE cover price. Continue reading “Top 200 Hottest Comic Titles and recent Back Issues during EARLY MAY 2014”

SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for May 21 2014

Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
This column is here to help promote every new comic book series debuting this week.
Pictured are the 3 new series that are selling out the fastest at Diamond ! Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for May 21 2014”

Five Ghosts Movie? Five Ghosts Tv show?

I love Five Ghosts. I have met and talked to Frank Barbiere. When I saw him on May 3rd, he was hinting at things picking up for he and Chris Mooneyham coming around or before October. I thought he was talking about the book. But then he dropped an elusive bombshell over at the CGC boards. Continue reading “Five Ghosts Movie? Five Ghosts Tv show?”

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