Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week for 12/9/15

What’s up CHU, Mel V back with another great week of comics and variants. Variants do carry risk, some go up, some go down, but as long as you are buying art that you like, you can’t go wrong. Continue reading “Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week for 12/9/15”

Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week for 12/2/15

What’s up CHU, Mel V back with another great week of comics and variants. Variants do carry risk, some go up, some go down, but as long as you are buying art that you like, you can’t go wrong. Continue reading “Mel’s Variant Picks of the Week for 12/2/15”

Mel V’s Variant Picks of the Week

What’s up CHU, Mel V back with another great week of comics and variants. Variants do carry risk, some go up, some go down, but as long as you are buying art that you like, you can’t go wrong. Continue reading “Mel V’s Variant Picks of the Week”

Agent Poyo’s Picks of the week for delivery 11/24/15

This week, Poyo can relax since everyone wants to eat turkey instead of chickens. All those poor turkey’s.. this weeks picks are in honor of their sacrifice of filling our bellies.

Also, Poyo would like to remind everyone that Thanksgiving isn’t about those damn Pilgrims coming to America, learning how to grow food and get along with the natives, it’s about having the damn day off, which everyone should enjoy. So if you can, do not give into the hype of having to go shop at Wally World on Thanksgiving evening, let those greedy corporations know that their employees should have the day off just as much as anyone else. So be kind and instead wake up at 3am on Friday morning to go stand out in front of a store to save a few bucks you crazy crazy people.. I’ll be sleeping in on Friday since I already got most of my shopping done weeks ago.
Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the week for delivery 11/24/15”

Mel V’s Variant picks of the week for delivery 11/18/15

What’s up CHU? Mel V back with hopefully not another wallet breaking week of variant covers. I have some good ones for you this week so let’s jump right into it. Remember, some variants go up, some go down, but as long as you are buying the art you like you can’t go wrong. So here is what I am feeling this week. Continue reading “Mel V’s Variant picks of the week for delivery 11/18/15”

Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for delivery 11/18/15

Let’s start off with a shout out to all the real heroes in Paris and Beirut, the police and emergency responders for taking care of the wounded and hopefully preventing more chaos in the recent senseless attacks.

Now on with to our imaginary heroes, our comic book heroes who have taken part of our lives even though they do not exist in real life but keep us entertained. Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for delivery 11/18/15”

Mel’s Variant picks of the week for 11/11/15

Mel V. here with another great week of comics, and variant covers. Variant covers can be fun, and profitable, but don’t let them break the bank each week. I have some choice variants here this week, some very affordable, that should add some fun to your weeks comics pick ups. Remember, some variants can go up, some can go down, but as long as you are collecting art you like, you cannot go wrong. Here are my variant picks of the week for 11/11/15: Continue reading “Mel’s Variant picks of the week for 11/11/15”

Agent Poyo’s picks of the week for November 11th, 2015

Welcome to another Tuesday evening edition of Poyo’s picks of the week for November 11th, 2015. This Wednesday we can expect our Enormous #2 Cover B to finally arrive. Thanks Diamond.. it’s probably not your fault for the month long delay but we’ll blame you anyways. So be sure to pick up your copy so your Enormous set is fully complete.
Now, on with the picks. Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s picks of the week for November 11th, 2015”

Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for delivery 7/29/15

This new comic book week is not for the kiddos, because it’s all about the sex, Sex Criminals that is. So let’s get to it why don’t we. Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for delivery 7/29/15”

Mel’s Variant Pick of the Week

What’s up Comicsheatingup. Thanks again for the warm welcome from everyone and the discussions on my picks. I am bringing you the coolest variants with the best chances of getting hot. Continue reading “Mel’s Variant Pick of the Week”

Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for Delivery 7/8/15

America got older this past week.. I did what every ‘Merican should do on the 4th, drink some beer and get out the kiddie pool for the kids, while hosing them down while they jump on the trampoline! But now it’s back to business this week, a really big week for us comic nerds with lots of new #1’s as well… so let’s get to it shall we?
Continue reading “Agent Poyo’s Picks of the Week for Delivery 7/8/15”

Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 5/27/15

Each week hundreds of new books hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the books we think have the best shot of heating up. Here is our picks of the week for delivery 5/27/15:
Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 5/27/15”

Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 4/29/15

Last week in April, boy has it flown by.
Each week hundreds of new books hit the stands, each with potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot at heating up. Here are out picks of the week for delivery 4/29/15.
Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 4/29/15”

Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 2/18/15

Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, all with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best chance of heating up. Here are our picks of the week: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 2/18/15”

Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/28/15

Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we feel have the best shot of heating up. Here are our Picks of the week for delivery 1/28/15.
Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/28/15”

Amazing Spiderman #12 One to watch for tomorrow

So normally I do the picks of the week and put all the books in there. But sometimes there are stand outs that need to be looked at, this is one of them. Spoilers ahead Continue reading “Amazing Spiderman #12 One to watch for tomorrow”

Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/7/15

First Wednesday of the new year promises to be bigger than the last Wednesday of 2014.
Each week hundreds of new comics hit the stands, most with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones that we think have the best chance of heating up. Here are our picks of the week for 1/7/15. Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/7/15”

Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/31/14

End of the year means a small week, so normally we would say, hundreds of comics hit the shelves each week, but not this week. We still pick the ones we think have the best shot of heating up, and since there are not many it is not a tough shot to guess which one we see the most potential in. Here is our picks of the week for delivery on New Years Eve, 12/31/14: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/31/14”

Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/3/14

Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the shelves, each with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best chance of heating up. Here are out picks of the week:
Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/3/14”

Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/19/14

Each week, hundreds of new comics hit the stands, each one with potential. Some live up to that potential. We pick the ones we think have the best shot of heating up. Here are our picks of the weeks for 11/19/14:
Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 11/19/14”

Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 7/2/14

Summer always means crazy release schedules. This summer has had a couple of big weeks back to back. This week is another one. Each week hundreds of new books are released, we pick the ones we think have the best shot of heating up. Here is this weeks: Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 7/2/14”

Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/22/14

Yeah! Wednesday! Each week hundreds of new comics come out and each week we pick the ones we think stand out from the crowd and have the best shot of rising in value. Here are this weeks, for delivery for 1/22/14. Continue reading “Comic Picks of the Week for Delivery 1/22/14”

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