Bounty Hunters Homage – Fan Art Giveaway!

Our very own Gbess has done it again! This one is for all you Star Wars Bounty Hunter fans out there and maybe you Amazing Spider-Man #129 cover art fans.

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By The Numbers: April Retailer Exclusives for Marvel Comics

This list has been provided to retailers by Diamond. Most who are going to “buy in” have already decided to do so (or maybe they are waiting on feedback). But for us speculators, its interesting to know whats out there and what could potentially be a factor in our flipping. Continue reading “By The Numbers: April Retailer Exclusives for Marvel Comics”

Poyo’s Trade and Hardcover Picks of the Week

We shouldn’t just collect or flip books, we should also read them. A good story can make your purchase well worth the money spent if you ask me. After all, we buy books to read for entertainment right? Even if you can’t flip them, reading is just as rewarding.

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Poyo’s Spec and Drek for May 1st, 2019

It’s a new month for new comics. We just witnessed Avengers Endgame making record breaking movie debut with a whole lot of excitement surrounding scenes they used from past comic books in the movie, causing some books to catch some heat.

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