We mentioned to you that Secret War #2 was getting hot. Well just get this trending alert from eBay: Continue reading “Secret War #2 Trending in eBay Search”
Author: Anthony
Top 10 CHU Stories of the week
In case you missed them, here are the Top 10 stories of the week based on traffic. Continue reading “Top 10 CHU Stories of the week”
Top 100 Hottest Comic Titles during EARLY DECEMBER 2014
Bi-weekly column and list compiled by comics historian Terry Hoknes of www.HoknesComics.com – hoknes@hotmail.com
This chart is styled like the old classic Wizard Magazine Top 10 Hottest Comic charts that were published every month in the 1990′s.
This list is updated every 2 weeks. This list is compiled from my non-stop research of the current market. I believe these were the most demand and growing in value books this month. This list focuses on all regular edition covers. (Variants are not listed otherwise they would likely dominate the entire list due to instant high prices and calculated small print runs). If you think I have missed any hot MODERN titles/issues please let me know. Here are my picks of what I believe are the hottest comics at this very moment from all sold out releases of MODERN comics online based on back issue sales ABOVE cover price. Continue reading “Top 100 Hottest Comic Titles during EARLY DECEMBER 2014”
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 12/22/14
The Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List is a great speculator tool. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more of, in advance of their release. They are actually putting their money up betting these books get big. These are the books people are talking about in shops, message boards, and websites. Here is the Diamond Comics Advance Reorder List for 12/22/14 Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 12/22/14”
Year end best new comic list
Usually I save these open forums for Wednesday, but looking for some input. What do you think the best new series of 2014 was?
Continue reading “Year end best new comic list”
Big things for Enormous in 2015
Thanks to Kelly H. for the tip off on this one.
Looks like big news could be on tap for 2015 for Enormous.
Adrian Askarieh Tweeted this little gem a little while ago: Continue reading “Big things for Enormous in 2015”
Tfaw hot 20 comics for 12/19/14
I usually run the list once a week just to show what is selling well on-line. Granted, this is just one retailer, but you can bet that other stores are experiencing the same thing.
Looking for the very best comics? Whether you’re new to collecting comic books or want a little inspiration to try something new, our list of Top 20 best-selling comic books is a great place to start.
What makes these our hottest comics? Besides being best sellers, these are also typically the ones our customers are talking about. Check them out see what all the buzz is about! Continue reading “Tfaw hot 20 comics for 12/19/14”
A look ahead to Wednesday 1/1/14
First Comics delivery in 2014 is heavy with spec books. (Check your retailer, I have seen mixed release dates of 12/31/13 and 1/1/14). Either way, here is a look at some of the books to keep an eye out for this week. Continue reading “A look ahead to Wednesday 1/1/14”
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 12/29/13
The Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List is a good look into what is going to be hot weeks in advance. These are the books that retailers are going out and reordering more of before the final order cut off, or even before the books arrive in stores. So, with out further ado, here is this weeks list,
Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List 12/29/13”
Spec That! Episode 3. Marvflix!
We recently teamed up with Lubber Clang, @lubberclang to run his great and funny comic book speculation videos. his has quickly become one of my favorite features. Here is the third episode, Marvflix. This episode deals with the deal made between Marvel and Netflix for original content. Continue reading “Spec That! Episode 3. Marvflix!”
SOLD OUT New #1 and #2 Comics for December 25 2013 Release Week
Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of www.HoknesComics.com – hoknes@hotmail.com
Support new comics !
This column is here to help promote brand new comic book series.
This weekly article shows how popular the titles are and how close they are to selling out at Diamond. Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 and #2 Comics for December 25 2013 Release Week”
Marvel Comics Every New Series Of 2013 Number Ones Sales Figures
Market report and year summary by comics historian Terry Hoknes of www.HoknesComics.com
Marvel Comics had another year full of blockbuster hits during 2013.
In total they had 70 new #1 issues released including ongoing series, mini-series, one-shots and re-numberings.
They also featured 8 annuals and 16 entries from 2nd printings.
This chart only covers Jan-Nov as the Dec sales figures are not yet released until the new year.
Here we list and rank all of them and show the diverse and successful year that Image had.
Continue reading “Marvel Comics Every New Series Of 2013 Number Ones Sales Figures”
DC Comics Every New Series Of 2013 Number Ones Sales Figures
Market report and year summary by comics historian Terry Hoknes of www.HoknesComics.com
DC Comics had an incredible year during 2013.
In total they had 65 new #1 issues released including ongoing series, mini-series, one-shots and re-numberings. Continue reading “DC Comics Every New Series Of 2013 Number Ones Sales Figures”
Happy Holidays from Comics Heating Up
Just wanted to take a quick second to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and a Merry Christmas. I missed out on wishing a Happy Hanukkah. Needless to say, I wish you many happy returns (in life and in your flipping.) You guys have made my dreams come true by reading this blog, all 257,000 reads so far this year (not bad considering it started in March.) We have been rated in the top 100 comic book blogs according to Technorati (in the top 60 at one point.)
So from the Comic Flipper family, happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and lastly, thank you for your support.
Black Science #2 A Comic Heating Up
Rick Remender already has a hit on his hands with Black Science. The first issue sold well with a print run of 40,800 copies. It was a thing earlier in the year and last year that new Image #1’s would be hot. With this one, it is #2. Continue reading “Black Science #2 A Comic Heating Up”
IMAGE Comics Every New Series Of 2013 Number Ones Sales Figures
Market report and year summary by comics historian Terry Hoknes of www.HoknesComics.com
Image Comics had an incredible year during 2013.
In total they had 54 new #1 issues released including ongoing series, mini-series, one-shots and re-numberings.
This chart only covers Jan-Nov as the Dec sales figures are not yet released until the new year.
Here we list and rank all of them and show the diverse and successful year that Image had.
This chart shows the sales figures for every issue released during 2013 of any new series started in 2013.
Sex was the most prolific new title with 8 issues released during the year.
Jupiters Legacy #1 comes out easily as the #1 best selling new Image comic of the year and the only new title with sales over 60,000 with a whopping 105,000 copies ordered due to 4 covers and a high profile writer and artist.
This chart not only shows what sold well and what didn’t but it also is very useful to see which books have kept their sales figures up and are likely to be the books that in the next year stay hot and could potentially rise in value. The main ingredient is constant and steady sales OR better yet increasing sales month to month. (The later is very rare in the comic business)
It is very common for #1 issues to be ordered higher than subsequent issues but after a few issues if the title is truly popular sales should level out. In the past this has happened to successful titles such as The Walking Dead and Saga.
But in 2013 there are no clear winners in that category. The strongest titles overall seem to include:
East Of West = sales of #4 were actually higher than #2 – very strong. Finally started dropping but still at about 65% of #1.
Sex continues to drop every single issue but the sales drop is fairly low and readership at #8 is still more than 50% of #1.
Five Ghosts = originally a mini-series but sales stayed very impressive and #3 sold as well as #1 which is almost unheard of. Once it was named as an ongoing series the sales have started to slowly drop but still higher than 60% of #1.
Todd The Ugliest Kid On Earth = originally a mini-series but sales stayed very impressive and #3 sold a 1,000 higher than #2. #1 was an instant sellout and shot up in value the same week of release. Once it was named as an ongoing series the sales have started to slowly drop but still higher than 60% of #1. However back issue sales have stayed strong also due to the fact that it was confirmed to be a future TV series.
A Voice In The Dark had the lowest sales of any new ongoing #1 this year. Either this means nobody liked it and sales are just going to keep dropping OR if it proves to be popular it has the greatest potential for price hikes as its literally the scarcest new series of the year.
Some big droppers in sales and not likely to show increases in the future include:
Ten Grand which has lost 40,000 in sales since #1.
Some of the ongoing series have dropped to as little as 25% print runs comparing to the #1 issue.
Some of these so far weaker dropping titles include: Sidekick and The Bounce.
Image Best Selling New Comics Of 2013
Thanks to John Jackson Miller at www.comichron.com for the initial Diamond sales figures data
You can see complete monthly Diamond sales chart data and more stats at his site !
I am always happy to hear your comments and thoughts/criticisms on any of my posts.
Terry Hoknes (author) of Hoknes Comics loves analyzing statistics and watching the growth and fall of comic titles over a period of time. He sells all of the latest hot back issue secondary market new comics and all new Diamond products at www.HoknesComics.com and also self-publishes a series of books called “Investing In Comic Books” that focus on the Golden, Silver and Bronze ages of comics. hoknes@hotmail.com Read more about these hot sold out comics at www.comicsheatingup.net
Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/24/13
Please remember, Comics are in stores Tuesday this week and no Wednesday due to the Christmas Holiday.
Wednesdays are usually like Christmas for me, and this week it actually is. Since Wednesday is a holiday, books are delivered to stores so they can be put out on Tuesday, 12/24/13. (They actually shipped out last week to retailers, but that is another story.)
So here are this weeks picks of the week: Continue reading “Comics Picks of the Week for Delivery 12/24/13”
Sold Out Comics: Wraith Welcome to Christmasland #1, plus print run
We had previously mentioned that the Joe Hill comic, Wraith Welcome to Christmasland #1 had sold out before appearing on comic shop shelves. Continue reading “Sold Out Comics: Wraith Welcome to Christmasland #1, plus print run”
Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 12/20/13
The Diamond comics Advanced Reorder List is a great tool for speculators. It shows what books retailers are going back to get more copies of before the final order cut off. These books could be new number ones, second issues of a book that sold well, 2nd prints of a sold out book, or something that customers are talking about in the shops. Whatever the reason, comic shops are ordering additional copies. Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 12/20/13”
Comics Heating Up Reader Ebay auctions updated
Hey Guys,
I have been running in the side bar a selection of site reader ebay auctions. The ones that show up are at random. The original requirement was to put CHU black Friday in the title. I have since updated it to where now you just have to put comicsheatingup.net in the body to get them to show up on the side bar. Continue reading “Comics Heating Up Reader Ebay auctions updated”
Top 150 Hottest Comic Titles and recent Back Issues during EARLY DECEMBER 2013
Bi-weekly column and list compiled by comics historian Terry Hoknes of www.HoknesComics.com – hoknes@hotmail.com
This chart is styled like the old classic Wizard Magazine Top 10 Hottest Comic charts that were published every month in the 1990′s.
This list is updated every 2 weeks. This list is compiled from my non-stop research of the current market. I believe these were the most demand and growing in value books this month. This list focuses on all regular edition covers. (Variants are not listed otherwise they would likely dominate the entire list due to instant high prices and calculated small print runs). If you think I have missed any hot titles/issues of the last decade please let me know. Here are my picks of what I believe are the hottest comics at this very moment from all sold releases of the last few years online based on back issue sales ABOVE cover price. Continue reading “Top 150 Hottest Comic Titles and recent Back Issues during EARLY DECEMBER 2013”
SOLD OUT New #1 and #2 Comics for December 18 2013 Release Week
Thanks to Terry Hoknes at www.hoknescomics.com for his weekly sold out comics article.
This weekly article shows how popular the titles are and how close they are to selling out at Diamond. This will give retailers and collectors a heads up with a reminder of books you want to make sure you get immediately!! Sometimes books don’t sell out immediately so its worth taking a look back at series that came out in the past few months ! Comics can sell out very quickly so some titles on this list will be more valuable instantly the day of release !
Keep in mind that with 1500 comic stores if even just 20% of stores re-ordered just 1 copy each that would be 300 more copies sold instantly!
Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 and #2 Comics for December 18 2013 Release Week”
Hoknescomics.com Hot new comics for 12/18/13
Each week Terry Hoknes at www.hoknescomics.com brings us his hot new releases videos spotlighting the weeks hot and new comics.
Sold Out Comics: Day Men #2
Boom-studios.com had up on their blog that “Day Men” #2 has sold out at the distributor level in about a weeks time. The first issue, which came out months ago, was optioned for a movie, so it is no surprise that the book would sell out. The book, just like the sold out number 1 will go to a second printing.
When comics sell out at the distributor level, this does not mean you will not be able to find them on your retailers shelves, it means that once those copies are gone, they can’t order additional copies.
With a movie deal in the works, it might not be a bad idea to hold onto a couple of copies of these.
Spec That! Episode 2. HE is HIM
We recently teamed up with Lubber Clang, @lubberclang to run his great and funny comic book speculation videos. Here is the second episode, HE is Him. This episode deals with Adam Warlock, formerly (a long long time ago) Him. Continue reading “Spec That! Episode 2. HE is HIM”