Diamond Comics Advanced reorder List 8/9/13

One way to tell what is going to be hot is by looking at what retailers are going back to reorder before the books ship. This list is called the Diamond Comics Advanced reorder list. It is a good indication of what books are going to be hot, and could heat up on the secondary market. Without a doubt, this weeks advanced reorder list indicates that the hot book to pick up is Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced reorder List 8/9/13”

SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for August 14 2013 Release Week

Terry Hoknes is our numbers guy, he is a comic book and Planet of the Apes historian, he is also owner of www.hoknescomics.com and writes for Invest Comics. Each week he puts out a list of sold out comic books coming out. All material printed with permission of Terry Hoknes. Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for August 14 2013 Release Week”

Larry’s Comics Market Report for the week of 8/7/13

Larry Doherty from Larry’s Comics puts out one of the greatest newsletters each week that deals with comic sales and speculation. Lately, he has been taking time off because of summer. We will run them every time we get them. Orange titles are clickable. Here is this weeks:

Continue reading “Larry’s Comics Market Report for the week of 8/7/13”

Comicsheatingup.wordpress.com is now Comicsheatingup.net

Since I launched this new site back on March 28th we have grown significantly, and that’s thanks to the regular readers, tipsters, and people who have stumbled on to us. I have been very proud of the growth, going from 60 views the first month, to getting 10,000 views in three months, to getting 20,000 hits last month. Continue reading “Comicsheatingup.wordpress.com is now Comicsheatingup.net”

‘Kevin Keller’ #10 out today, sold out at distributor level

It’s funny some of the books that sell out and the reasons they do. Archie’s Friend Kevin Keller #10 is out today and sold out. The reason it is sold out is….

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Comics Picks of the Week shipping August 7, 2013


Each week tons of books are released, each week we pick the ones we see as having a shot of heating up on the secondary market. This week it is not hard to guess which one we are backing.
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Skyward #1 from Action Lab Comics heating up

Thanks to Terry Hoknes for the tip on this one, he is the owner of Hoknescomics.com, we run Terry’s articles here, and he writes for Invest Comics.

Skyward #1 from Action Lab Comics is sold out. It is sold out and is currently going for $20 plus on the secondary market.

Continue reading “Skyward #1 from Action Lab Comics heating up”

Burn the Orphanage #1 sold out at distributor level

We ran a “buy this book” post on Friday about Burn the Orphanage #1 because the book looks to be Wednesday’s big release. Now it looks that Image comics has another sell out on its hands. Continue reading “Burn the Orphanage #1 sold out at distributor level”

Think Tank #1 2nd print, print run. Way lower than you would think

Matt Hawkins, writer of Think Tank responded to a question on the Cgc boards about the print run of Think Tank number 1 2nd print and it’s low, very low. Continue reading “Think Tank #1 2nd print, print run. Way lower than you would think”

Burn the Orphanage #1 buy this book


This book is going to be awesome. Hyper kinetic story by Sina Grace and Daniel Freedman. Killer Art by Sina Grace. It comes out next Wednesday and will be my pick of the week. I just got in a small batch of store variants with cover art by Brandon Graham which look killer. US readers interested leave me a comment or hit me up on Facebook.com/comicsheatingup $14.99 shipped for blog readers. Limit 2 per buyer.

The regular and Rob Guillory variants are up and cheap on Amazon. I do not think many people see this one coming!
Burn the Orphanage Born to Lose #1 Regular

Burn the Orphanage #1 Guillory Variant

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list 8/1/13


The Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list shows what comic shops are upping their orders on before the books ship. These could be new #1′s, books that have got some heat behind them, 2nd prints of already sold out books, or stuff that buyers are coming in asking for. This week is a treasure trove of sold out books going back for 2nd prints. This means the first prints are long gone from the distributor and could be seeing an increase in price.

Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list 8/1/13”

Day Men getting Hollywood deal?

Bleeding Cool is reporting that rumors are swirling that Day Men is getting a glance from Hollywood for a possible deal. Day Men sold out quickly and is moving on to a second print.


Continue reading “Day Men getting Hollywood deal?”

Chew being developed as animated series

Hollywood reporter has reported that Chew, once being developed as a Showtime TV show is being developed into an Animated TV show. John Laymen is saying that an animated show does not mean that a live action TV show is out of the works. Prices have dipped back issues lately so any news on a tv show would help the prices out. for a guy like me who is still sitting on a full run  even after prices for #1hit $400 Continue reading “Chew being developed as animated series”

Comic Picks of the week for delivery 7/31/13

Summer has been kicking my rear with great books. With my work schedule, working on the site, buying comics for selling, and general summer travels, I am behind on my reading pile. This week is no exception. There are some really good books, with good speculation on them coming out this week.
Continue reading “Comic Picks of the week for delivery 7/31/13”

Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 7/28/13


The Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder list shows what comic shops are upping their orders on before the books ship. These could be new #1’s, books that have got some heat behind them, 2nd prints of already sold out books, or stuff that buyers are coming in asking for. This week is a treasure trove of sold out books going back for 2nd prints. This means the first prints are long gone from the distributor and could be seeing an increase in price.

Continue reading “Diamond Comics Advanced Reorder List for 7/28/13”

Cult Fiction Comics Comic shop review

One of the greatest things about traveling, for me at least, is to check out comic shops in the areas I go to. I plan on doing more reviews on shops, but have only done one so far and I gave it a horrible review. Today I hit several shops on my way to Philadelphia up 95 N and one really stood out above the rest.

Cult Fiction Comics located at 3103 Chichester Ave in Boothwyn, Pa is a fantastic shop. My iPhone’s Gps is set to pick up Comic shops along my route. It also drains the battery. These guys are located right off 95, maybe a three mile detour, and are worth stopping in for.

Continue reading “Cult Fiction Comics Comic shop review”

‘Watson and Holmes’ an interview with Brandon Perlow

I had the privilege to be contacted by New Paradigm studios president Brandon Perlow in reference to their new book ‘Watson and Holmes.’ He was a great guy to talk to via email and agreed to an interview about his company, the smash book, and what else they have coming down the pipeline.
(sorry this took me an extra day to get up I have been on the road)

Continue reading “‘Watson and Holmes’ an interview with Brandon Perlow”

Top 100 Hottest Comic Titles and Recent Back Issues During Early JULY 2013

Terry Hoknes, owner of Hoknescomics.com, and writes for www.investcomics.com. He is a numbers guy and we appreciate his research. His articles are run with permission from Terry.

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