McKelvie and Gillen announced a new Phonogram in the middle of Chip Zdarsky starting Zdarsky Con Continue reading “#imageexpo Jamie MCKelvie and Kieron Gillen return to Phonogram”
Category: Comic Books
#imageexpo Chip Zdarsky announces new books
Chip Zdarsky announces two new books. Continue reading “#imageexpo Chip Zdarsky announces new books”
#imageexpo Kieron Gillen announces new series
Kieron Gillen announces new series The Ludocrats. Continue reading “#imageexpo Kieron Gillen announces new series”
#imageexpo Run Love Kill announced
run Love Kill by Eric Canete and John Tsuei Continue reading “#imageexpo Run Love Kill announced”
#imageexpo Marjorie Lui new book
Novelist Marjorie Lui announces new book at Image Expo. Continue reading “#imageexpo Marjorie Lui new book”
#imageexpo Brian K Vaughn and Scott Scrooce new book
New book by Bkv and Scott Scrooce announced. Continue reading “#imageexpo Brian K Vaughn and Scott Scrooce new book”
#imageexpo Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox new book
Plutonia by Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox. Continue reading “#imageexpo Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox new book”
#imageexpo Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire new book
A.D. After Death by Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire. Continue reading “#imageexpo Scott Snyder and Jeff Lemire new book”
#imageexpo Emi Lenox releases travelogue graphic novel
Set in Japan, Tadaima, is Emi Lenox’s new book from Image. Continue reading “#imageexpo Emi Lenox releases travelogue graphic novel”
#imageexpo Pretty Deadly is back
Kelly Sue DeConnick and Emma Rios announced the return of Pretty Deadly. Continue reading “#imageexpo Pretty Deadly is back”
#imageexpo Starve by Brian Wood,
Another series announcement. Continue reading “#imageexpo Starve by Brian Wood,”
#imageexpo James Robinson announces Heaven new series
#imageexpo Todd McFarlane announces Savior #1
Fast and furious news as it happens. Continue reading “#imageexpo Todd McFarlane announces Savior #1”
#imageexpo Paul Jenkins is the new writer on Spawn
#image Expo Image announces Humble Bundle deal
Leading comics publisher kicks off year with major announcements and a Humble Comics Bundle. Continue reading “#image Expo Image announces Humble Bundle deal”
Doors open to Image Expo soon
Keep an eye out here for news as it gets reported. Continue reading “Doors open to Image Expo soon”
Enormous TPB for $7.99 preorder
If you haven’t read it and want to see what the buzz is all about. Especially before the forthcoming media announcement, here is your chance on the cheap. Continue reading “Enormous TPB for $7.99 preorder”
SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for January 7 2015
Article by comic book historian Terry Hoknes of –
This article is immensely useful in determining what retailers have under ordered and what is going to sell out fast.
This column is here to help promote every new comic book series debuting this week.
Pictured are the 3 new series that are selling out the fastest at Diamond !
Continue reading “SOLD OUT New #1 Comics for January 7 2015”
CHU Reader Poll Pick New Spawn Writer
Ok, here you go guys. Time to vote. Not for who you would love to see writing Spawn but who you think will be the most likely candidate. Continue reading “CHU Reader Poll Pick New Spawn Writer”
Eric Powell to end Goon?
Eisner award winning writer coming to Spawn
Originally, Brian Wood was supposed to take over with Spawn Resurrection bit that went by the wayside. Continue reading “Eisner award winning writer coming to Spawn”
Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 1/7/15
Each week Terry Hoknes of releases a video spotlighting the hot new comics for the week. Here is this weeks for delivery 1/7/15 Continue reading “Hoknes Comics Hot New Comics for 1/7/15”
Wednesday Open Forum
Ok, let’s hear it. Were your local stores hit by the delay we reported? Continue reading “Wednesday Open Forum”
First full look at Ant-Man
Actually impressed with this, a lot. Continue reading “First full look at Ant-Man”
Bee and Puppycat recall update.
Doing my due diligence on the recall of Bee and Puppycat 7 I emailed boom directly to find out what the error was. Here is what I got back. Continue reading “Bee and Puppycat recall update.”